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bowtieguy 04-17-2010 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 150388)
Who goes to work to make $30/day?

and in an inefficient way ONLY govt can achieve, many called do not even serve!

theholycow 04-17-2010 02:52 PM

Jury duty is NOT efficient. It's a requirement to serve your country, and you're expected to sacrifice to do it. It's an obligation as a citizen, like taxes.

I don't think I'd want to be tried in front of a jury of professional jurors...then again, the status quo is the people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty so that's not too great either...

Jay2TheRescue 04-17-2010 04:16 PM

I obviously wasn't smart enough. On the Jury Duty summons I sent it back stating that I would be unable to serve because being out of work for 3 days would cause a financial hardship to me & my family. Obviously not good enough. I got a court schedule in the mail 2 weeks later.

R.I.D.E. 04-17-2010 05:03 PM

Pop was sent to a military base in Florida to investigate the problems with an accounting and finance division at an Air Force base.

He was the highest civilian member of the accounting and finance division of Tactical Air Command at the time.

The employees of the base had a 400% higher incidence of sickness and medical problems, all stress related.

No one knew Pop's position when he arrived.

Within 24 hours, the Colonel who was in charge had Pop in his office and he was verbally assaulting my father in every way, a vicious profanity riddled degrading attack.

After about 5 minutes Pop stood up and told him to shut the #$%^ up or he would be carried out in irons as soon as the MPs could get there. The Colonel was ordered by this civilian to call a number direct to the Pentagon.

The 2 star General who answered the phone told the Colonel to submit his retirement papers within 24 hours or he would be court marshaled immediately.

This omnipotent bureaucrat imbecile was putting good people in the hospital.

I fear the actions of untouchable government bureaucrats an infinite amount more than I fear the actions of legitimate profit driven corporations, who have to answer to their shareholders and justify expense decisions.

You don't hate corporations. You hate the people who have shares in those corporations, little people who rely on effective management to provide them with income and retirement security., while you live on a stipend that is provided on the backs of you children and grandchildren through deficit spending.

Twice in 6 months the local news media has jumped all over the story of a customer at a Cracker Barrel finding a dead mouse in their soup.

Both times it was a customer trying to create a media sensation though outright fraud.

As they say absolute power corrupts absolutely

If there is no financial liability to those who file vrivolous lawsuits, then we are condemmed to government by the attorneys, of the attorneys, and for the attorneys.

I see the day when the phrase of an old popular song becomes fact.

"They decide and the shotgun sings it's song"

Ah, just delete this post like the others, probably had a couple drinks too many tonight.


theholycow 04-17-2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. (Post 150395)
If there is no financial liability to those who file vrivolous lawsuits, then we are condemmed to government by the attorneys, of the attorneys, and for the attorneys.
Ah, just delete this post like the others, probably had a couple drinks too many tonight.

Indeed, your state of mind must be altered - we have had government by the attorneys, of the attorneys, for the attorneys for a long time now. It's not an "if" at all. :(

Jay2TheRescue 04-17-2010 06:00 PM

I have a motorcycle helmet that I have wrapped with an entire roll of aluminum foil to wear to prevent my mind being altered by the gov't while I sleep.


FrugalFloyd 04-17-2010 07:28 PM

BTG, the court system overhead is there regardless of whether it's tied up with frivolous lawsuits or the routine millions of divorces and business disagreements that come through the courts annually. That's the real world. People can't settle their disagreements, so they need the courts to settle the lawsuits. A mere handful of frivolous suits go through the system, so it's not only ridiculous that you blow them out of proportion, but even more ridiculous that you accept made-up ones to "prove" your point.

FrugalFloyd 04-17-2010 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. (Post 150395)
I fear the actions of untouchable government bureaucrats an infinite amount more than I fear the actions of legitimate profit driven corporations, who have to answer to their shareholders and justify expense decisions.

??? Your own example proves government bureaucrats are accountable, too. Corporate bureaucracies are just as unwieldy as government ones. The larger the corporation, the worse the bureaucracy.

bowtieguy 04-18-2010 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 150401)
A mere handful of frivolous suits go through the system, so it's not only ridiculous that you blow them out of proportion, but even more ridiculous that you accept made-up ones to "prove" your point.

like the McDonald's coffee(spilling) law suit? i suppose it's just a fairy tail right?

bowtieguy 04-18-2010 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 150402)
??? Your own example proves government bureaucrats are accountable, too. Corporate bureaucracies are just as unwieldy as government ones. The larger the corporation, the worse the bureaucracy.

um yep, but corps aren't neglecting tax revenue.

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