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jackvz 07-15-2014 05:34 PM

Agree that it should not calculate for the entry of the partial fill but the next complete fill it should add those 200 miles and that gallon of fuel in the calculation.

ember1205 07-15-2014 05:41 PM

Come on, Fuelly!!! The masses have spoken! :)

If nothing else, maybe we could at least have an OPTION to choose whether the system will do cumulative MPG calculation using partial fills in between complete fills.

HanleyK1 07-17-2014 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by ember1205 (Post 177739)
If that calculation also takes into account partial fill ups, it should appear in a different color or have some other sort of "asterisk" to it.

I just said this in another thread. This is a major shortcoming for Fuelly. It doesn't render the app useless, but it would do so for someone that didn't fill up all the way often. Each time you do a complete fill up, your MPG from your last fill up to the current should be calculated and added to the table.

Are you listening Fuelly? You just did "a major behind-the-scenes renovation", so why is this simple math problem still here? It's not like this is calculus. It barely qualifies as algebra. It's fourth grade math.

freddie 07-17-2014 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by HanleyK1 (Post 177788)
Are you listening Fuelly? You just did "a major behind-the-scenes renovation", so why is this simple math problem still here? It's not like this is calculus. It barely qualifies as algebra. It's fourth grade math.

The "renovation" entailed converting the website from ColdFusion source code into PHP source code. With this process, our goal was to exactly duplicate the existing functionality. Only after doing this and having everything settle out, are we moving on to expanding the website's functionality.

As to the partials fuelup debate, we are discussing how it can be changed and who would rejoice the change and who would not rejoice at the change.

Jay2TheRescue 07-17-2014 08:16 AM

I've seen a lot of complaints about the way partials are handled. This is what I think most folks would like to see. Instead of the partial and the next tanks not calculating, it would be nice if this happens:

No calculation for the partial tank. The next time the tank is filled, the system will add up the partial tank's fuel and mileage to the full tank to give a MPG calculation at the very next full tank.

ember1205 07-17-2014 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by freddie (Post 177792)
The "renovation" entailed converting the website from ColdFusion source code into PHP source code. With this process, our goal was to exactly duplicate the existing functionality. Only after doing this and having everything settle out, are we moving on to expanding the website's functionality.

As to the partials fuelup debate, we are discussing how it can be changed and who would rejoice the change and who would not rejoice at the change.

Provide a "switch" to either use the new calc method or not and ALL will rejoice (or at least not complain). Seems a pretty simple option.

Plus - users LOVE choices. Give them multiple ways to track and calculate MPG and they will ALL smile bigger because you've given all of them more control.

jackvz 07-17-2014 11:17 AM

I cant see how anybody would 'not be rejoiced' about using partial fills in the calculation?

The whole point of Fuelly is to get a good record of the fuel consumption and MPG's. Surely anybody that is interested in that would want to see partials included. I cant think of a single reason why it would be beneficial to not include the partial fill information, of course when the user fills up completely/full.

Am I missing something? Gas Cubby, which I run in parallel does include partials.


Originally Posted by freddie (Post 177792)
The "renovation" entailed converting the website from ColdFusion source code into PHP source code. With this process, our goal was to exactly duplicate the existing functionality. Only after doing this and having everything settle out, are we moving on to expanding the website's functionality.

As to the partials fuelup debate, we are discussing how it can be changed and who would rejoice the change and who would not rejoice at the change.

Jay2TheRescue 07-17-2014 01:05 PM

The partial fill information is used right now in the lifetime average for the vehicle. No calculation is done immediately because what happens when you drive 400 miles and only put in 5 gallons? That will really throw off the numbers for most cars.

ember1205 07-17-2014 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 177802)
The partial fill information is used right now in the lifetime average for the vehicle. No calculation is done immediately because what happens when you drive 400 miles and only put in 5 gallons? That will really throw off the numbers for most cars.


I think that you'll see from this thread that we all agree that you can't calculate MPG based on a partial fill. That isn't what we're asking for, though.

Full tank
+ partial fill
+ partial fill
+ Full tank
= IMMEDIATE MPG calc going back to the last full tank. It's possible, it's reasonable, and it's desirable. We don't want that info "only" associated to the lifetime info.

Jay2TheRescue 07-17-2014 01:52 PM

I have brought up that suggestion to the programmers. Their focus right now is to just fix issues related to the transition to a new platform, once that is taken care of they plan on working on refinements and new features.

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