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rh77 03-26-2006 05:59 PM

Warning: I-70 Boredom
I used to live in Ohio and drive to KC to visit friends. It generally took 10-11 hours from the Akron area (hit a snowstorm once and it took 14). After Indianapolis, it's basically I-70 the whole way. Then it gets flat and boring. The worst part is the last leg: St. Louis to KC. About 3.5 hours of lumpy lanes and about 2500 billboards, then you've made it! My best mileage actually was on I-70. The speed limit was 70, but I decided to experiment with 61 on the speedo (which is actually 57 according to the GPS). All kinds of people passed, gave rude gestures, cut me off, and a truck hit the horn and about woke me up. Apparently, riding the wind generated by all of the passing vehicles resulted in a near 48 mpg run (my average is 30). I've yet to duplicate it. If you have the patience, 55-60 will yield so much better mileage if you can sacrifice some time.

...and by the way, I don't know about getting the conference hall (in the picture) for the meet, it looks expensive. ;-) They do have the auto show there, though :-)

Any other takers? I'm sure it would be a long drive for just about anybody.

In reality, it would be cool if we could all have regional meets at some point. Wrenching or Brainstorming in a group, in person, has the potential to generate more ideas or experience. Or even BS and have fun with like-minds. I'm sure we all get the same response from time to time when you explain FE mods to the average person: you know that yawn that people tend to stifle - you know their bored, yawning and disinterested, but they insist on keeping their mouth closed and they're about ready to bust a vein in their forehead? Yeah that. Most people don't care unless gas hits like $3 a gallon -- then OMG stop the presses.


n0rt0npr0 03-27-2006 05:42 AM

I-70 is that boring!? I love I-80, I drove that from ohio to wyoming! I loved it! And would assume that I-70 just under it would be sweet too but you say otherwise. Hrm, kinda changes my mind about KC then :p

meh! not worried about getting the conference hall. :p seeing it firsthand would be cool tho.

Agreed that wrenching in a group will yield better ways to do mods and more ideas for them.

I'm sure we all get the same response from time to time when you explain FE mods to the average person: you know that yawn that people tend to stifle...
ROFL!! yup, get it all the time...

GasSavers_DaX 04-05-2006 04:49 AM

Shit, both are probably a 14
****, both are probably a 14 hour drive from Atlanta. I guess I'd have a chance to try to stretch out my highway mileage. Better make that a 16 hour trip (55 mph).

krousdb 04-05-2006 06:54 AM

Usually it only takes 10 1/2
Usually it only takes 10 1/2 hours from Myrtle Beach (where I will be next week, woo hoo). But that is with only one stop for gas and driving 70MPH. It would be great if you could make it.

krousdb 04-16-2006 08:58 AM

OK so I have two weekends
OK so I have two weekends that are good for me. June 3-4 and July 8-9. If those arent good we can look for other weekends in July and August.

My wishlist would be to have some help with a tranny swap and possibly a head/IM/TB swap, all from DX (D15B7) to CX (D15B8). Just need to have the stuff there by then. Ive got SVOboy working on that. It also would be cool to have some sort of FE competition.

There is a second bay in the garage for other activities and a third under the deck. I can get coroplast in advance if anyone needs some for the underbelly trays, although its $20 a sheet. Might be better to bring your own.

I have one spare bedroom, and a sunroom, living room, family room, all with couches for sleeping and futon in the basement. Everyone is invited. Let me know which weekend is preferred.

SVOboy 04-16-2006 09:14 AM

I'm going to shoot for july
I'm going to shoot for july the 8th because the june weekend is my last before graduation and I imagine I will have **** happening for school and family.

Guy still hasn't called back about the damn tranny.

molecule 04-16-2006 06:41 PM

if i'm still in ohio i will
if i'm still in ohio i will go...
but i think i'm planning on moving back to the northeast...

SVOboy 04-16-2006 06:42 PM

Hanover 4 lyfe? I need a
Hanover 4 lyfe?

I need a honda buddy up at dartmouth, :p, I'm afraid I'll be stuck with a bunch of drunks and drug addicts and sex fiends.

GasSavers_DaX 04-17-2006 08:07 AM

Welp, I can't do it until
Welp, I can't do it until after the wedding...looks like I'll have to make it out next year fellas.

Matt Timion 04-17-2006 08:53 AM

Re: Welp, I can't do it until

Originally Posted by DaX
Welp, I can't do it until after the wedding...looks like I'll have to make it out next year fellas.

Start planning the Vegas Gassavers meet now :)

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