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Compaq888 05-05-2006 07:53 AM

#97 you don't wash your car
#97 you don't wash your car because you know if you want to move it that will require starting the car and loosing gas.( I haven't washed my car since last year. I wait for the rain to wash it.)

Compaq888 05-05-2006 08:03 AM

#98 you use google maps to
#98 you use google maps to find the shortest route possible and at the same time waste less gas.

philmcneal 05-05-2006 10:39 AM

99 when fuel efficency
99 when fuel efficency begins to affect your grades... :(

95metro 05-05-2006 12:02 PM

100. You purposely looked for and bought a Metro.

kickflipjr 05-05-2006 08:42 PM

I have always liked metros.
I have always liked metros. When I was in 5th grade I remember telling my mom she should by a metro. I have always liked small underpowered cars (until I felt the need for speed, age 17-20).

101. You look at cars in the parking lot and determine where areodynamics could be improved.

102. You look at cars in the parking lot and to determine what car has the lowest drag coefficient.

103. You have recived a ticket for rolling through a stop sign.

Compaq888 05-05-2006 10:20 PM

103 is kinda of
103 is kinda of general.

#104 You get pulled over for gliding 30mph in a 40mph zone and the cop thinks you're high.

Silveredwings 05-06-2006 04:35 AM

Re: 103 is kinda of

Originally Posted by Compaq888
103 is kinda of general.

#104 You get pulled over for gliding 30mph in a 40mph zone and the cop thinks you're high.

OK, that's maybe an extension of #39 (You drive like you're stoned).

This soulds like a job for a "get-out-of-jail-free-card" ... A GasSavers.org membership ID card! ;)

rh77 05-06-2006 02:58 PM

Re: 103 is kinda of

Originally Posted by Silveredwings

Originally Posted by Compaq888
103 is kinda of general.

#104 You get pulled over for gliding 30mph in a 40mph zone and the cop thinks you're high.

OK, that's maybe an extension of #39 (You drive like you're stoned).

This soulds like a job for a "get-out-of-jail-free-card" ... A GasSavers.org membership ID card! ;)

Yeah, an officer parks in the neighborhood every morning during school hours and I coast past at around 17mph and get up to 25 (limit) down the hill. He's never around when I'm coasting down the other direction (over limit) ;)

...and #92 was for fun -- my friend wanted to try it out and we wanted to see who could drive more efficiently -- so there :P

Compaq888 05-06-2006 03:22 PM

Re: 103 is kinda of

Originally Posted by rh77

Originally Posted by Silveredwings

Originally Posted by Compaq888
103 is kinda of general.

#104 You get pulled over for gliding 30mph in a 40mph zone and the cop thinks you're high.

OK, that's maybe an extension of #39 (You drive like you're stoned).

This soulds like a job for a "get-out-of-jail-free-card" ... A GasSavers.org membership ID card! ;)

Yeah, an officer parks in the neighborhood every morning during school hours and I coast past at around 17mph and get up to 25 (limit) down the hill. He's never around when I'm coasting down the other direction (over limit) ;)

...and #92 was for fun -- my friend wanted to try it out and we wanted to see who could drive more efficiently -- so there :P

I solved my 4th gear problem, it cost $24, PM me for details. It made my 4th come on sooner on the freeway and on the streets, also my idle is lower by 75-100rpm.

philmcneal 05-07-2006 01:03 AM

Re: I have always liked metros.

Originally Posted by kickflipjr
I have always liked metros. When I was in 5th grade I remember telling my mom she should by a metro. I have always liked small underpowered cars (until I felt the need for speed, age 17-20).

101. You look at cars in the parking lot and determine where areodynamics could be improved.

102. You look at cars in the parking lot and to determine what car has the lowest drag coefficient.

103. You have recived a ticket for rolling through a stop sign.

101 yep, 102 yep 103 not yet but my days could be counting...

105 you check other tires and examine their pressure and the max pressure that tire can support. Then you dream about "I wonder what kind of mielage I can get in that."

GeoMetry 05-12-2006 05:25 PM

#106 You get so accustomed
#106 You get so accustomed to driving slow that it makes you nervous to go 60 mph.

#107 When there is lots of traffic and everyone else is bumper to bumper you leave 10 car lengths between you and the car in front of you.

#108 When there is no traffic you are riding the bumper of the only other car on the road.

JanGeo 05-12-2006 06:50 PM

Quote:85 instead of waiting

85 instead of waiting at a red light with the foot on the brake, you pull your ebrake up either because a) you don't want to drain your battery because your engine is off or b) your trying to reserve the alternator to charge more of the battery for your next FAS
ME TOO! ME TOO! comes from having the alternator pulley so slippery that the belt slips if the brake light are on with the Geo - now I just do it in the xB to save the gas as the smart pants engine revs faster to keep the alternator putting out enough voltage.

JanGeo 05-12-2006 06:55 PM

Alt fuel source

16. your passenger accidently farts and you don't open the windows because you'll lose mpg on the freeway.
109. You have a vacuum line built into the bottom of the seats to absorb farts and feed it to the engine as a renewable fuel source.

Silveredwings 05-13-2006 05:51 AM

Re: Alt fuel source

Originally Posted by JanGeo

16. your passenger accidently farts and you don't open the windows because you'll lose mpg on the freeway.
109. You have a vacuum line built into the bottom of the seats to absorb farts and feed it to the engine as a renewable fuel source.

My brother and I thought of that too back in the '70s ;) He'd be so proud if the idea caught on... }:)

philmcneal 05-13-2006 06:02 PM

110. when you put the
110. when you put the shifter into N, release the hand brake and then open your left door. With your strong left shifter foot you move the car out of the parking stall in reverse and then set up the car properly before I key on so that all I have to do is in 1st and just go!

With high tire pressure (more than 55 psi), a 2400 pound car is easy to push with your left leg I find forwards or backwards. No more reverse for me unless I have to push agaist a hill which for sure I"ll lose and the car will roll into the opposite direction! If you can push agaist the hill your truly a FE god...

The Toecutter 05-13-2006 09:04 PM

You should go by the one
You should go by the one finger rule.

If you cannot push your car with one finger, there is a lot of room for improvement on your tire rolling resistance, wheel bearings, alignment, and/or transmission in regards to efficiency.

Silveredwings 05-14-2006 05:40 AM

Re: You should go by the one

Originally Posted by The Toecutter
You should go by the one finger rule.

If you cannot push your car with one finger, there is a lot of room for improvement on your tire rolling resistance, wheel bearings, alignment, and/or transmission in regards to efficiency.

Oh, I thought you meant the <em>other</em> one finger rule.

tomauto 05-14-2006 10:41 AM

111. You consider taking out your $1,200 sound system so the alternator runs less.
112. Plan on spending $500 for a head swap to Vtec-E.
113. Get a ticket for speeding after spring break, and vow to never speed again.
114. Tell mom that you can't follow the speed limit and go 10 under when she is late for a dinner date with a college friend.
115. Show up to a dinner reservation 10 minutes late and find mom's friend finished eating...and responded, I had to keep my FE.
116. Explained bump-starting to company at the dinner table.
117. Surrounded in a town where everybody drives trucks...pull up to a gas pump and notice a $120 dollar fill up, and look at your tank fill to $21 dollars. Then smugly continue on your way.

JanGeo 05-14-2006 11:44 AM

118. While turning around on a three point turn you drive up bumps and curbs and lawns to roll back down without having to shift into reverse.

tomauto 05-14-2006 04:01 PM

Re: Quote:83 you tried to bump

Originally Posted by philmcneal

Originally Posted by kickflipjr

83 you tried to bump start in reverse but failed miserably
I hope you didn't try that. If you did, you are a fuel economy freak.

lol i got the look when i did, it was very embarrasing!

every quote i put there and many others that has mentioned iam all guilty of! I'm a bad *** when it comes to fuel economy even if I have to do the most outrageous things for it.

That's what happened when your dad not to agreed to get you a hybrid in the first place, this is my way of fighting back albiet a lot more work boo ;(

oh and since my driveway is some messed up hill turning left... i've managed to somehow try to reverse into my driveway without not trying to burn too much clutch although when climbing the hill you can feel the RUMBLE of the engine really wanting to stall but it still climbs! at least in the morning i can roll down and pop it into gear and bump start away! without keying on since a cold bump start is so much smoother than a cold key start.

Just got to master that bump starting some more, reviving the engine without too much revs is the hardest part. Oh and wheel covers are not a reality yet with too much rain around here.

119. You look at #83 to be a challenge. Then you go to your inclined carport, and put it in reverse with clutch in, wait for a little momentum, and then let the clutch out, and scream in joy when the car starts up with no jerkiness. - then in pure joy, you come back to the website and type as quickly as you can to tell everybody that it is possible to bump start in reverse!

Silveredwings 05-14-2006 05:44 PM

120. You get in your car and
120. You roll your car backwards down your driveway into the street, then turn, stop, and let it roll forwards down the hill w/o any gas. You finally pop-start it just before you get to the stop sign 1/4 mile from from your house.

Compaq888 05-18-2006 01:13 AM

121. You drill holes in the trunk to reduce the car's weight.

MakDiesel 05-31-2006 08:17 PM

122. You regard such things as "carpet", "passenger side mirror", "interior", and anything else that possesses "extra weight" as an infectious disease that came with the car and must be "cured".

123. You check your MPG every fillup, the old fashioned way (miles traveled/gallons from full tank to full tank) <--- sorry I have obd0 and am spiteful

124. You become physically ill at the site of a Hummer (H1, H2, or H3, doesn't matter) doing anything, anywhere, at any speed, even if parked, period

Compaq888 05-31-2006 08:42 PM

125. You can tell by your gas gauge how much fuel you got to 0.3 gallon accuracy.

tomauto 05-31-2006 10:30 PM

126. You are up at 1:30 AM when you have work in the morning and you need to leave in 6 hours. Yet you still keep reading through the old threads only to post a snide comment like this one to one-up everyone else!

Silveredwings 06-01-2006 05:07 PM

127. You can't leave this thread alone. You just have to add just one more tweak.

philmcneal 06-21-2006 03:06 PM

128. i successfully bump started in reverse whoo! Now my 12 volt can live longer. I just had to be a bit more careful to the clutch and listen to the engine (apparently when holding the clutch in while rolling in reverse i hear the car making the reverse sound but the engine isn't on!) making sure my key is in IGIII and then clutch to friction point.... feel it! grip it! and it comes alive!!!!it was smooth too! BOO YAH!

95metro 06-21-2006 03:12 PM

Phil, you are a true freak to have done that! :D :p

129. A Chevy Sprint, 3-cylinder, automatic, driven by a 60+ year-old man actually out-accelerates you...:eek: (it happened today - however I did catch him since he only hit 60 km/h in the 70 km/h zone :p ).

diamondlarry 06-21-2006 03:27 PM

130. You agree to spend $497 on a set of LRR Bridgestone 381's and the wheels to put them on when your all-seasons are still in perfectly good shape. I'll keep the all-season's for winter.

Matt Timion 06-21-2006 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by diamondlarry
130. You agree to spend $497 on a set of LRR Bridgestone 381's and the wheels to put them on when your all-seasons are still in perfectly good shape. I'll keep the all-season's for winter.

OMG! This is so me.

diamondlarry 06-21-2006 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion
OMG! This is so me.

Hmm, interesting.:) I pick them up Monday morning at 9:00am; this is of course the earliest i can go since I'm an FE freak!:D

philmcneal 06-25-2006 11:32 AM

131: You don't use the car's starter anymore, you need all that extra juice for the EOC! Even if it means getting out of your car in a public parking lot, pushing your car for 1 or 2 mph and then quickly bump starting in reverse whoo!!!

If i can get away without using my starter I will, now I can make my 12 volt last even longer! Take that nay sayers!

Gary Palmer 06-26-2006 09:22 AM

132: When you have your dashboard all torn up and you cannot seem to get it back together because your constantly fiddeling with trying to change the wiring or something, so you can "try" some idea out!!!

MetroMPG 08-07-2006 08:15 AM

133) Someone asks you how fast you were driving, and you answer, "oh, about 75 US mpg."

budomove 08-07-2006 09:15 AM

134) You search for ways to introduce fuel effeciency into the conversation with non mpg concerned friends who are talking about something totally unrelated.

Gary Palmer 08-07-2006 11:49 AM

When your driving your car around thinking oh, I'm getting pretty good mileage and then you come to the web site and you all of these vehicles getting great mileage and so you keep trying to figure out what to fiddle with, next.

Compaq888 08-07-2006 06:22 PM

Gary please use numbering system.

Since Gary's was 135, I'll be 136.

136)You sell a 4 door automatic to almost double your mpg with a 2 door manual.

P.S. I'm working on doubling it so the 7mpg difference is only for a short time.

SVOboy 08-07-2006 06:26 PM

136 sounds more like something someone with common sense would do, dunno if it qualifies.

Gary Palmer 08-08-2006 08:37 AM

I will try to remember to number them, in the future.

On 136, I think Compaq's point is that he had a nice comfortable car that got good mileage, but once he got involved in gas saver's, he decided that his car just wasn't good enough and so he went through the hassle to unload it and find something more acceptable. I don't think he'd have probably done that if it weren't for gassaver's.

SVOboy 08-08-2006 08:40 AM

I guess that's true, I guessssss.

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