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GasSavers_Ryland 04-08-2006 12:15 PM

I'm wondering why krousdb
I'm wondering why krousdb desided to go with the 14" HX rims insted of the 13" VX rims.
SVOboy, why are you going with yokohoma tires? when I looked at them they seemed pricy, and had a low tread wear life, is there something that I'm missing?
I like the look of your new rims, is the paint a dark grey? it's hard to see clearly.

SVOboy 04-08-2006 12:18 PM

Quote:I'm wondering why

I'm wondering why krousdb desided to go with the 14" HX rims insted of the 13" VX rims.
The LRR lightweight tires he wanted weren't available for 13s.


SVOboy, why are you going with yokohoma tires?
Got them when I first got the car, *shrug* They were only 40 bucks a pop and free shipping. I think their tread wear life is pretty good, but I dunno. They also won on the tire rack in most categories, and definately for the satisfaction category.


I like the look of your new rims, is the paint a dark grey? it's hard to see clearly.
Gunmetal. I'll try to get a picture in full sun, but it's still raining. Looks very good with the clear coat on, thanks!

SVOboy 04-09-2006 11:18 AM

My center caps were drying
My center caps were drying from pimer and blew over, so now I must redo them, :(

Then I went to get paint and couldn't cuz I won't be 18 for another month, :(

krousdb 04-09-2006 11:49 AM

Re: Quote:I'm wondering why

Originally Posted by SVOboy

I'm wondering why krousdb desided to go with the 14" HX rims insted of the 13" VX rims.
The LRR lightweight tires he wanted weren't available for 13s.

Well the Potenza RE92's are available in 13", but they weigh 17 lbs! The 14's I got are OEM on the Insight and only weigh 12.7 Lbs. Anyway I got the tires mounted and balanced. My digital scale says 24.4 lbs each. They are now mounted on the car and it sits another inch lower. All 4 pumped up to 62 psi.... Im goin for a drive now... :)

SVOboy 04-09-2006 11:51 AM

You're a pimp. When I get
You're a pimp. When I get gas tomorrow (restarting due to fixing my car finally) I will pump up a little past 50 (the highest my gauge goes).

MetroMPG 04-09-2006 04:44 PM

Re: Quote:I'm wondering why

Originally Posted by krousdb
They are now mounted on the car and it sits another inch lower.

pics please!

svo, your rims look fantastic. i have vx rim envy again.

stupid suzukiclone bolt pattern. i was really disappointed my vx rims wouldn't fit.

i knocked on a door yesterday where there was a rusty 323 sedan with 14 in alloys sitting in the bushes that would have fit my car. unfortunately, he said he was going to replace the blown motor and start driving it again.

SVOboy 04-09-2006 04:52 PM

Quote:svo, your rims look

svo, your rims look fantastic. i have vx rim envy again.
Thank you very much, they look even better clear coated but I can't get a good picture.

molecule 04-09-2006 06:03 PM

big fan of the vx
big fan of the vx rims...
they dont fit over the integra larger brakes unfortuneatly
i had to go with the hx...and i still have to shave the caliper brackets down
if anyone has any tips for working with cast i'm all ears

more info on the insight 14" rubber please...
i ASSumed they were narrower rims and wouldn't work on the hx

SVOboy 04-09-2006 06:05 PM

This site is going to be the
This site is going to be the Fort Knox (back when there was a gold standard) of VX and HX rimzzz.

molecule 04-09-2006 06:11 PM

there's still a gold
there's still a gold standard...
maybe you didn't hear they moved billions in gold out of trade tower 1 basemaent one day before it fell

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