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tomauto 11-06-2006 07:32 PM

So this morning I decided to go coroplast. (2:00 am) About 6 miles from my home, the biggest one was just sitting on the fence waiting for me. I got my tin snips and prepared for any form of attachment to the fence. Also I had prepared the transport of the coroplast to put it on my roof of my civic and transport it with some electrical cord looped through my car and held down by the windows. The moon was out, but there was some cloud cover, so I could see, but not as well as a full moon would have been.

I pull up to the site take my keys out of the ignition, grab the snips and run out to the sign, earlier in the week I had noticed that the sign almost came completely off, it was just flapping on the breeze as it wasn?t attached well at the bottom. It was only held on by six zip ties! I got them off in less than 30 seconds and went to the car with the sign. There was a storm that came through a couple hours ago (which would explain the leaves on my car) and it was actually quite breezy for this size of a sign. The top of the civic wasn?t quite wide enough so the coroplast had a slight arch which let breeze below it. So I have it all ready to go something bad happened!

Where are my keys?! Where are the damn keys, holy hell! The keys aren?t in my pocket! They aren?t in the seat, they aren?t on the floor of my car, and they aren?t in the car door! (This is when I thought of the mag light I should have brought along with me but didn?t think I would need it) They must be on the ground, this can?t be happening! So I grab my puny cell phone and start scanning the ground for the key to my car. Then, I hear something, holy crap, there is a car coming!! I quickly ran back to the car, stripped the sign off and put it to the right side of my car, and hopped back into the car waiting to pass. I made sure no lights were on in the car and leaned the seat back to hide from the car.

When the car passed, I quickly got out of the civic and hunted for the keys again very frantically. My cell phone is barely bright enough to see anything. -- This moment seemed like forever, I traced my steps I took from the moment I got out of the car. I say to myself (it serves me right if I get caught if I can?t leave the keys in the damn ignition, I start cursing, generally freaking out. Its 2:20 now and I should have already been on my way home...There they are!! Halfway down the hill the keys are laying on the ground, how they somehow left my pocket I don?t know, but in the excitement I guess I didn?t put them all the way in. I?m actually surprised I didn?t lock my car too because it?s a horrible good habit of mine to lock my car EVERY time I get out of it.

More to come when I get some time, it gets worse..

onegammyleg 11-06-2006 10:33 PM

Latest election results are just in --- and the winners are .....


MakDiesel 11-07-2006 08:57 AM

Does anyone know the legality of this (swiping signs)? What about after election day? I'm not trying to curb this practice by any means, I have my eye on a "side pan" sized one myself, I was just wondering the possible punishment as I try to be inconspicuous rolling down the road at 55mph in a CRX (1st gen mind you) w/ a sign larger than the car is long. Funny story coming I can feel it...Mak

GasSavers_DaX 11-07-2006 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by tomauto
More to come when I get some time, it gets worse..

HAHAHA! *waits with anticipation*

LxMike 11-07-2006 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by onegammyleg
Latest election results are just in --- and the winners are .....


HAHAHA! at least when they screw up it makes you smile! :)

UfoTofU 11-07-2006 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by tomauto
So this morning I decided to go coroplast.

"Coroplast" as a verb, awesome! We should add this to the glossary of FE terms. :thumbup:

LxMike 11-07-2006 03:59 PM

Been rainy here so i'm gonna keep an eyes out going to work tommorrow morn. start at 5:30 so might leave a lil sooner to do a lil "coroplasting" :p

kickflipjr 11-07-2006 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by MakDiesel
Does anyone know the legality of this (swapping signs)? What about after election day? I'm not trying to curb this practice by any means, I have my eye on a "side pan" sized one myself, I was just wondering the possible punishment as I try to be inconspicuous rolling down the road at 55mph in a CRX (1st gen mind you) w/ a sign larger than the car is long. Funny story coming I can feel it...Mak

Just don't take them when they are in people's yard.

I got 9 small sized ones so far. I think I will be picking up the big one tomorrow:thumbup:

red91sit 11-07-2006 07:57 PM

Please remember to take the metal base they use to attach them to the ground with, they'd wreak havoc on large lawnmowers!

jpciii 11-07-2006 09:42 PM

I couldn't stop at just one. :D :D :D BTW, Ellsworth is a Dem who won a seat in the U.S. House from the 8th district in Indiana.



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