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DRW 12-24-2008 01:16 PM

"RWD can be fun in the snow!"
AWD IS fun in the snow!
It's like having your own amusement park ride.
AWD donuts make me dizzy :puke:

kamesama980 12-24-2008 03:17 PM

RWD and AWD are fun in the snow if you know what you're doing. My truck has just the right amount of weight in it now... 3 60# sandbags, spare, tupperware of tools/spare fluids :-p. My mom suggested taking either of the family buicks (both newer fwd with abs, tcs, etc....automatic understeer wonders) over my truck cause it's cold (90 hp and no insulation). I sort of laughed and reached for my keys...

IMO subdivisions are far more fun that parking lots.

almightybmw 12-24-2008 10:19 PM

I love subdivisions. The thrill of avoiding all those parked cars while you take every 90* corner sideways. (actually a bad idea, do not do if driving in non-sunny weather makes you even slightly nervous)

Once I got the truck I stopped driving the car. While left foot ebraking is fun (go Grand Prix pedal setup!) using the throttle to control the sideways motion is far more fun. There's an empty stretch of road on the way to my work that is fun. And I mean empty. Curbed, 1 fire hydrant, 4 signs, 4 little trees. I've been practicing swinging my backend from side to side down this stretch, and have really gotten a feel for how the truck handles adverse situations. Yes, I have swung around backwards and bounced up the curb (very little since the snow banks grew) but no one and nothing was damaged (maybe my pride if someone was watching). Doing things like this have made me a better driver, I only wish others felt the same or had the same opportunity or drive to be better.

Yesterday I saw a 4 car wreck, SUV rearends smaller car, who didn't give enough space, plowed the car infront of them, which went sideways into another car. Wish people would think and give adequent stopping space while moving and while stopped.

Snax 12-25-2008 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by almightybmw (Post 126375)
. . Doing things like this have made me a better driver, I only wish others felt the same or had the same opportunity or drive to be better. .

Agreed. Unfortunately too many Negative Nellys out there would sooner accuse you of reckless endangerment when nobody else is even remotely around instead of recognizing snow and ice covered parking lots and deserted roads as some of the best emergency driving training available. It's a free opportunity to learn skills that otherwise people can only pickup to a minor extent with skid-car training, and over the longer term to a far greater extent with autocross.

I've never been in a skid-car, but I have over a decade of autocross experience and plenty of slide exeperience on the snow, but I have never hit anybody or run into anything despite my frequent antics that might appear extreme to other drivers. It seems contrary to public opinion to suggest that I have better control by intentionally sliding around a corner and regulating my turn rate with the throttle than what most drivers do, which is to hope they don't plow or loop it into the ditch only to have that panic lever called a brake pedal to save or maybe slow them down a bit. In a slide, I already KNOW EXACTLY how much grip I have to work with and steer/throttle accordingly.

Obviously the threshold for what's possible is dramatically different depending on drivetrain, and it is the reason we keep Tercel. Even with virtually bald snow tires, it spanks any 2wd.

almightybmw 12-25-2008 09:51 PM

So I had a decision to make this evening coming to work: Drive the truck with 4WD and ground clearance but just all seasons, OR drive the Grand Prix with very aggressive snow tires.

I took the GP. On the less traveled streets I was a snow plow. You know how the West Coast got feet of wet snow? Well we got almost a foot of dry fluff that packs. And it's still snowing with no end in sight. It's awesome. I'm just sad that I have to drive to Seattle Friday morning, as that's going to be a white knuckle drive.

For the wife! :D

Have I said how much I love snow?

bowtieguy 12-26-2008 12:07 PM

i really hate winter so far...

had to run the a/c last night 'cause it was 89*F in the house. :mad:

theholycow 12-26-2008 12:17 PM

Come on down...even with the recent thaw we've still got a decent quantity of snow and ice here on our frozen ground. Take as much as you need to cool your house. Maybe you can bring some of your extra heat?

bowtieguy 12-26-2008 12:22 PM


40 degrees! that's what we can settle on. i'll give you 40 degrees, that way i'll need no heat or air! :D

theholycow 12-26-2008 01:08 PM

It's perfect, I'll take it!

GasSavers_GasUser 12-27-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 126419)
i really hate winter so far...

had to run the a/c last night 'cause it was 89*F in the house. :mad:

It was 89 in my house last night too and I had to shut down the wood stove and open the door for a while.

But if you want some ice/snow to cool yourself off, I got 6 foot snowbanks and you can have as much as you want. Bring a big truck and I'll snoblow it full for you.....haha

bowtieguy 12-28-2008 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by GasUser (Post 126473)
But if you want some ice/snow to cool yourself off, I got 6 foot snowbanks and you can have as much as you want. Bring a big truck and I'll snoblow it full for you.....haha

i'll bring some(several) coolers! :)

slurp812 12-29-2008 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 126419)
i really hate winter so far...

had to run the a/c last night 'cause it was 89*F in the house. :mad:

Go ahead, rub it in!

Ford Man 01-05-2009 12:30 PM

The winter weather was really pretty mild here in the southeast during my last tank of gas and I was able to pull 43.1 MPG. I'm just hoping it will stay mild, but I think it's supposed to cool down tomorrow night.

bowtieguy 01-28-2009 05:44 PM

bet this guy really hates winter...


theholycow 01-29-2009 05:40 AM

I parked the VW after the first big snow, and even though I don't drive it I keep brushing the snow off of it and shoveling around the sides and back. It's way too much work to shovel around the front and there's no need. The pile is up to the hood and when I brush more off, I have to keep going past the end of the car.

If I back the car out, it will leave a perfect negative mold of the whole front end of the car. :D

Jay2TheRescue 01-29-2009 06:36 AM

My current tank of fuel on THe Beast will probably be one of my worst ever. I've been using 4wd a lot this past week.


Dalez0r 01-29-2009 07:05 AM

Yay, winter! Us food delivery drivers make a killing when people dont think they can drive themselves to McDonald's on icy roads. :D

theholycow 02-01-2009 03:54 PM

I decided that the VW needs some exercise. It hasn't been driven in over a month. I thought I could drive it out of its spot, but the tires were frozen to the ground. So, I had to jerk it out of its spot with my truck and a chain.

When I got home, I was surprised that it readily ascended the steep unplowed driveway back into its spot.

Jay2TheRescue 02-01-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 127896)
I decided that the VW needs some exercise. It hasn't been driven in over a month. I thought I could drive it out of its spot, but the tires were frozen to the ground. So, I had to jerk it out of its spot with my truck and a chain.
When I got home, I was surprised that it readily ascended the steep unplowed driveway back into its spot.

Sounds like you had fun...


R.I.D.E. 02-01-2009 06:20 PM

Two tanks of fuel in January 17.4 gallons 1018 miles. Its been cold but warmed up nicely today, drove almost 64 miles at 65.3 MPG. About 50% grille block.


Snax 02-01-2009 06:39 PM

I was happy to get 30mpg in the Mazda this afternoon (with an already warmed up car) driving the 4 miles to the library and back.

It really illustrates the hit that temperature and traffic has on economy since my wife struggles to get better than 22mpg in the morning taking the kids to school.

GasSavers_Shrek 03-29-2009 05:14 AM

It takes me 5/more miles for my Taurus to get warmed up in the winter, but only 3 miles in the summer:eek:

bowtieguy 03-29-2009 06:20 AM

this is my fave garage pic, mostly because the snow is still falling...


GasSavers_GasUser 03-29-2009 07:46 AM

Winter is almost over. I had to make a trip to Boston with the GF and her car. Didn't need either the heat or the a/c. The gas mileage is improving. Her 07 Impala with the 3.5L V6 VVT motor got 34mpg on the straightaway's consistantly at 65mph but then city traffic trashed the mpg down to 30mpg average for the entire trip. I guess that's the best it's geared for. At least it was a comphy ride.

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