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1993CivicVX 10-22-2007 05:36 PM

Nice, I'll remember that the next time going down a hill!

GasSavers_Minger 10-22-2007 07:40 PM

Just remember if theres one hill, there's probably one righ tafter it...or at least my commute. I still don't know if the trade off is worth it, but whatever - got 2mpg higher on my 3 mile drive to school today in gear, but it was also about 15-20 degrees higher maybe.

1993CivicVX 10-23-2007 03:11 AM

well, I was thinking when going down steep hills where you have to brake because of turns or whatever. instead of hitting the brakes, I'll put it in gear!

GasSavers_Minger 10-23-2007 10:29 AM

Ah, yes, that.

When I was in california, coming back from Vegas - my family drove the first 2 hours (boring, straight) back, and when I got behind the wheel...I had the biggest hill ever to go downhill, maybe 2 miles of straight downhill.

Oh, how I wanted to go into neutral so badly...=[

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