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2TonJellyBean 08-26-2007 06:17 PM

Skale7, the lane you are talk about is typically the middle lane on many freeways and that is often the truckers lane for passing smaller traffic which we often seem to be. You may be forcing them to pass you on the right, which is also where other people are merging.

phantomcow2 08-26-2007 06:17 PM

Well the speed limit on the highway I take to work is 55. I can't bear to drive that slowly, so I do 60. I'm pretty lucky because everybody in the right lane is driving 60, since they're all going to the same exit;
exit 9.
So I just follow this train. It makes me think of a cycling peleton.
I try to stick to back roads/secondary highway, where I can travel 45-50 without people harassing me. Also, I can coast.

GasSavers_BIBI 08-26-2007 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by slurp812 (Post 61967)
Really? Thats wired. Here in Ohio, if too many trucks are passing, the highway patrol will probably pull them over. On the open highway here, away from the cites, its 65 for cars, and 55 for trucks. and I do 60.

55 for trucks !!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS. No way it must be a taping mistake. Here in Quebec, Canada, if I'm doing 55 I'm getting pushed and passed by trucks again and again, and they to at least 65, if loaded, if not, damn they do like 70, I cant believe that, it pissed me off. When I was young (10 years ago) all the trucks had a badge in the back saying 55 mph MAX. Today, NO ONES got one and they all pushed their trucks like it was a F1. Its so stupid, and cops, cops dont do ****, its bisness as usual for them. This really got to change, we should take example on our neighboor of the south on this one.

And about the hole thread, I do 55 (sometime 60) and I really don't give a damn about other people, and everybody in here should do the same. WORD

1993CivicVX 08-26-2007 06:41 PM

I find that it feels really good to drive fast after eeking along like a geek for days on end. I find I don't have to go very fast for very long before I'm ready to go back to feather footin' at forty.

popimp 08-26-2007 06:42 PM

If you go over the speed limit then you're breaking the law. The speed limit is the max you can go not the minimum. People don't realize this. Maybe some tickets will help them.

skale7 08-26-2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by 2TonJellyBean (Post 69764)
Skale7, the lane you are talk about is typically the middle lane on many freeways and that is often the truckers lane for passing smaller traffic which we often seem to be. You may be forcing them to pass you on the right, which is also where other people are merging.

Nah, it's seven lanes. I see trucks on the first four lanes. No truck has passed me on the right yet.

Good point though, thanks. So it's 4+ and not 3+. I don't really know.

jcp123 08-27-2007 12:11 PM

I just sit back and enjoy the scenery. If other people want to pass me, that's their perogative. They aren't paying to fill my tank.

brucepick 08-27-2007 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by ma4t (Post 61163)
Let's say a car is behind you and it's getting too close. Pretend you're going to change lanes. They will speed up and drive past you. It's a psychological game.

It's the same as when I want to change lanes. I turn on my blinker. The person in the other lane will almost inevitably speed up. That's when I slow down and enjoy a wide-open lane to change into.

Spot the drivers who have less than average manners or intelligence (usually the same drivers). They are the easisest to control because they have tunnel vision and everything is a race to them. The best thing is, they even think they are winning. But I'm still getting them off my tail or getting them to clear a space so I can change lanes.

I just laugh and tell my wife, "It's like I have a remote control or something."


Brilliant. I love it. Quoted from the first page of this thread.

rh77 08-27-2007 01:21 PM

Handling the On-Rampers
The challenge of the right highway lane is, of course, the "On-Rampers". On the 3 lane highway, I'm in the middle in light-to-moderate traffic, and right lane in heavy traffic. In the right lane, slow "mergers" can break decent momentum and that confusion or lack of merging skills 90% of people have.

You've seen it before: one car attempts a merge. The vehicle on the highway slows down as does the merger. In the meantime, both vehicle slam on the brakes (I've seen it to the point of almost stopping).

I've tried something new in the past 2 weeks (flashing high-beams only works for trucks, it seems)...

If someone needs to merge, I slow slightly to let them in as usual (if I can't safely or politely merge to the center lane). If they appear skiddish, then I drift slightly to the right, into their on-ramp. So far, each one immediately merges without slowing, then I track back to the lane as they come over. It's something to do with the Psychology of not being forced off of the road or getting hit on a merge. Also works better than the frantic wave of "@$%&, come over already!!!".


jcp123 08-27-2007 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by rh77 (Post 69838)
The challenge of the right highway lane is, of course, the "On-Rampers". On the 3 lane highway, I'm in the middle in light-to-moderate traffic, and right lane in heavy traffic. In the right lane, slow "mergers" can break decent momentum and that confusion or lack of merging skills 90% of people have.

You've seen it before: one car attempts a merge. The vehicle on the highway slows down as does the merger. In the meantime, both vehicle slam on the brakes (I've seen it to the point of almost stopping).

I've tried something new in the past 2 weeks (flashing high-beams only works for trucks, it seems)...

If someone needs to merge, I slow slightly to let them in as usual (if I can't safely or politely merge to the center lane). If they appear skiddish, then I drift slightly to the right, into their on-ramp. So far, each one immediately merges without slowing, then I track back to the lane as they come over. It's something to do with the Psychology of not being forced off of the road or getting hit on a merge. Also works better than the frantic wave of "@$%&, come over already!!!".


Hmm, interesting tactic. I usually just moved over a lane or two especially when coming up to an interchange, let the sheeple over on the right do their thing, then scoot back into the right lane when the confusion cleared itself up.

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