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jwxr7 12-03-2008 04:31 AM

I lost my paper gaslog
I haven't had to fill my metro since oct 10th. I've been driving the truck alote hauling stuff and doing exhaust work on the metro. I finally filled the metro this morning and couldn't find my 3"x5" gaslog card that is usually in my visor pocket. I don't have a trip odometer so I write out the full odometer mileage on that card to keep track tank to tank. I have no way of computing the mpg for the last tank unless the card turns up somewhere :( .

From now on I plan to put my odometer readings somewhere on my on-line gaslogs so this doesn't happen again.

Jay2TheRescue 12-03-2008 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 125206)

From now on I plan to put my odometer readings somewhere on my on-line gaslogs so this doesn't happen again.

That's what I do with The Big White Hooptie and Rusty as they don't have trip odometers. I know I'll lose a piece of paper.


theholycow 12-03-2008 05:08 AM

Do you have any other records of odometer readings? For example, an oil change? If so, you could start there and add the distances recorded in your gaslog.

jwxr7 12-03-2008 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 125210)
Do you have any other records of odometer readings? For example, an oil change? If so, you could start there and add the distances recorded in your gaslog.

I thought about that too.
The closest service was my exhaust work, but it happened during the last tank so that won't help. Then there was an oil change almost 2000 miles ago so that won't help either.

kamesama980 12-03-2008 05:00 PM

thats why I just write the odometer reading on the gas receipt and stick it in my wallet till I put it into my computer.

zero_gravity 12-04-2008 03:42 AM

i do the same too, its nice having pay at the pump now. it even prints the volume of fuel on it too.

theholycow 12-04-2008 04:30 AM

I have been paying cash lately but I still request a receipt. The receipt has volume, so I only need to write mileage. I actually write odometer reading, trip meter reading (then reset that), and MPG using my phone as a calculator...then instead of filing the receipt away nicely, I just shove it into a pile of them.

jwxr7 12-05-2008 04:09 AM

Good news; I was looking at my receipts from the last couple fills and found one with an odo reading. I calculated up thru the current fill using that data to find my last fill mpg :thumbup: . Then I found my 3x5 card with gaslog folded up in some papers in my breifcase :rolleyes: . I checked my numbers from the data I calculated earlier and everything agrees.

The bad news is; my mpg fell from mid 70s to 67.91mpg :thumbdown: . That's a michigan winter for ya. Next tank will be even worse.

Ford Man 12-05-2008 12:19 PM

www.mymilemarker.com computes all of it's mileage from the odometer reading. It also figures your estimated cost of fuel for a year based on the prices you have previously paid during that year and gives you your projected mileage at at the end of a year from the initial date you started posting. Has everyone else noticed that the discussions have dropped dramatically since gas prices have come down. I think we must have some www.gassavers.org drop outs.

GasSavers_BEEF 12-05-2008 12:41 PM

I wish my mileage was only 67.91 mpg. that would tickle me pink.

my first car was a 93 metro with the 3 cyl and 5 spd. I got almost 50 mpg in that thing when I was 16 and thought it was a race car. man that was an awesome car. (people have laughed at me for that statement).

glad you found your gaslog. I wouldn't know what to do without my trip odo. I simply write down two numbers and divide.

Jay2TheRescue 12-05-2008 01:37 PM

LOL, what to do without a trip odometer... When I was a kid I used to keep a piece of paper tucked into a corner of the dashboard that I used. When I got my Buick I bought a hardbacked accounting ledger book and kept that in the glove box. I wrote everything in it. Fuel, reapirs, maintenance, etc.

bowtieguy 12-05-2008 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ford Man (Post 125319)
Has everyone else noticed that the discussions have dropped dramatically since gas prices have come down.

i have. i'm still interested tho, at least until gas is given away! :p

theholycow 12-05-2008 02:49 PM

I have to admit, if it got down below $1, I'd probably take the opportunity to enjoy accelerating harder and not bother to EOC/P&G...

Jay2TheRescue 12-05-2008 04:35 PM

Well, one thing is a given, it WILL go back up. Now's the time to go out there and buy your Geo Metro, Civic VX, or whatever FE vehicle you're looking at now before they're $5,000 again.


GasSavers_BEEF 12-10-2008 08:47 AM

the way I look at it, saving gas is one thing that I can do that doesn't affect my quality of life and I can still save money. not only that, it keeps me from potentially getting speeding tickets which further saves me money.

I could sell my house and purchase a smaller one but there goes quality of life. my car is the same car and now I am getting better mileage and I am monitoring it's functions more closely so in theory, it should last longer because I will catch problems faster and take care of them before they get out of hand.

my wife is trying to save gas also, it bugs the crap out of her that I can get 26mpg in her element and she can only get 24. I was hauling wood with it at that.

I think working towards the best fuel economy will be something I carry with me throughout my life regardless of fuel prices. my first car was a geo metro so it is kind of instilled in me already. why not save some money in gas and take a fun ship cruise or something.

jwxr7 12-10-2008 03:49 PM

I'll have to admit that I haven't been hypermiling as hard as I used to when it was $4/ gal. This tank has very little heavy hypermiling mostly due to time constraints and bad weather.

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