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shatto 05-26-2011 12:02 AM

FORD 7700 Propane Truck
Doing their part (on our dime) the state of California buys the latest technology
The Ford 7700 Propane powered truck.
Bet we can't buy it.

theholycow 05-26-2011 04:54 AM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
In RI it's very common for government vehicles to run on CNG, and has been that way for as long as I can remember.

Jay2TheRescue 05-26-2011 06:42 AM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
I remember when I worked on a military base. Almost every truck on base had those propane stickers on them, but strangely enough, I never saw one fueling at the propane pumps. I frequently saw them at the gasoline pumps though.

shatto 05-26-2011 11:34 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
Caltrans, FedEx, USPS, UPS, transit buses and other organizations have fleets of CNG vehicles within their fleet.
What caught my eye was the rare Propane sticker. And the F-150 7700.

josh_adams 06-12-2011 04:14 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
What is the benefit of running on propane? Is there a significant cost difference vs. gasoline or is there less of an environmental impact?


shatto 06-12-2011 04:26 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
CNG cost around a buck fifty.

trollbait 06-13-2011 12:48 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
It's also cleaner.
Specially when compared to diesel.

kamesama980 06-25-2011 07:10 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
massive write-off for a clean/alternative fuel vehicle.

Dr. Jerryrigger 06-25-2011 07:23 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
It's really not a hard DIY conversion, if you can track down proper sized injectors... or modify them. Alternatively you could run liquid propane/NG to your fuel rail and just have to do some minor re-mapping. This would requite a unusual tank valve (easy to find online, not so much in the home depot bbq department).
CNG is a little harder, as you need a home compressor/fill up station, but after that, it's basically the same, though it has less energy per gal, so mapping would be more necessary than with propane.

shatto 08-28-2011 01:50 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
The problem, in California, is the DMV.
Costs a bunch to pass the tests and make it legal.

bowtieguy 09-03-2011 02:22 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
the state of florida requested a local shop here to install a jasper replacement motor in a USDA vehicle. the vehicle is a 2003 chevy blazer w/ 200k+ miles. way to go governor Scott!

trollbait 09-04-2011 02:09 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
I'm a little confused. How does Florida get a say in what happens to a federal vehicle?

bowtieguy 09-04-2011 02:43 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
good catch...it was an FDA(florida dept of agriculture) vehicle.

trollbait 09-05-2011 09:56 AM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
While CNG/propane makes sense for a fleet vehicles, does it make sense to convert a vehicle with 200k+ miles? Does it even make sense for them to even hold onto the such a vehicle? At that mileage, upkeep can become more of a burden. Which may still work out in an individual's financial favor, but for a fleet, the salary of the technician is a factor.

Great for Florida to clean up, and reduce cost of their fleet, but why not a newer vehicle? It, presumably, will have a longer service life to defray the conversion costs.

bowtieguy 09-05-2011 12:23 PM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
the governor here, like many around the nation, realizes that politics as usual(and the subsequent ill advised waste and spending) MUST come to an end.

he's also the first governor to mandate, much to the she grin of the ACLU, drug testing for welfare recipients. others are beginning that legislative process as we speak i understand. in addition(again like other governors), he's trumping the teacher's union to focus on budget and education...as in the students' best interest. imagine that!

yup, he's got a shady past. but, what better way to make us forget than to put the state in TRUE financial order. as a gassavers.org member and a responsible consumer/tax payer, i like it...tho it will cause some growing pains!

as for the "repaired vehicle," not sure the specs, but i imagine a new one would cost at least 6 times that of replacing the motor. besides remember the rule of 3...body, drivetrain, and interior. this is EXACTLY what i've been preaching...all levels of govt should budget like individuals!

trollbait 09-07-2011 06:45 AM

Re: FORD 7700 Propane Truck
If it needed a new engine and they decided to fix it anyway, then fine, but it is a vehicle seeing 25,000+ miles a year. With the miles already racked up, how much longer before it needs another major repair?

Yes, new will cost more right now(and Chevy even has factory CNG/propane engines in some vehicles), but what of the fuel and maintenance savings from using the CNG over the vehicle's first 200,000+ miles?

One, old vehicle converted sounds more like political posturing.

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