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Matt Timion 11-08-2005 04:20 PM

And the winner is: DiamondLarry!
I wondered how long it would be until I was dethroned.

All Hail the King!

SVOboy 11-08-2005 04:24 PM

Haha, I guess we'll have
Haha, I guess we'll have this going everytime someone gets the best tank or hits number 1. I still hold the best tank title, and I'm hoping to push that up a bit higher soon too.

diamondlarry 11-08-2005 04:39 PM

Sounds like I may have to go
Sounds like I may have to go on another one of my all out mileage runs this weekend. :-) I wish I would have been using the gaslog more. My last tank was around 40.5. I forgot to write it down. With some friendly competition it may get all of us to be more focused on increasing mpg.

kickflipjr 11-09-2005 08:26 AM

I live in a hilly area. I
I live in a hilly area.

I think I would gain about 5mpg (more for city driving) if i lived in a relativly flat area. Stop and go on hills isn't good. But i still would n't make the top of the list.

kickflipjr 12-18-2005 06:34 PM

looks like someone with a
looks like someone with a metro is the new king.

Matt Timion 12-18-2005 09:01 PM

Re: looks like someone with a

Originally Posted by kickflipjr
looks like someone with a metro is the new king.

Holy crap. Does Ontario have winter blend gasoline? winter blend and the colder air are killing me. I need to get this warm air intake set up very soon.

Maybe I'll just go get a metro now and forget the vtec-e engine :P

GasSavers_DaX 12-19-2005 04:15 AM

Re: looks like someone with a

Originally Posted by Matt Timion

Originally Posted by kickflipjr
looks like someone with a metro is the new king.

Holy crap. Does Ontario have winter blend gasoline? winter blend and the colder air are killing me. I need to get this warm air intake set up very soon.

Maybe I'll just go get a metro now and forget the vtec-e engine :P

You may want to find out if he's using metric units...I was wondering about that earlier, what happens if someone doesn't know how many miles they've traveled or gallons they've used [as opposed to kilometers and liters].

You may think about putting a little conversion calculator on the Gaslog or something of the likes, Matt.

MetroMPG 12-19-2005 05:26 AM

Quote:You may want to find

You may want to find out if he's using metric units...
nope - those are miles/US gallon.

i've got a javascript conversion tool on my site, matt - feel free to pilfer it if you want.

winter blend - we've got that here too. i haven't done much winter driving yet. so my average is going to start to slide too.

that said... if i had the choice between a metro or a civic vx 5-spd both in the same (i.e. good) condition, i would choose the vx. it'll beat the pants off a metro any day.

fyi: 8 reasons why your winter fuel economy bites

Matt Timion 12-19-2005 07:30 AM

Re: looks like someone with a

Originally Posted by DaX
You may think about putting a little conversion calculator on the Gaslog or something of the likes, Matt.

I was actually thinking of making the gaslog have both english and metric units. I just can't decide yet if I want it to display both units or have a user setting which will distinguish between the two.

GasSavers_DaX 12-19-2005 10:02 AM

Re: Quote:You may want to find

Originally Posted by MetroMPG
nope - those are miles/US gallon.

Cool, wasn't trying to accuse / offend. You've got some nice numbers!

Matt Timion 12-19-2005 10:16 AM

Re: Quote:You may want to find

Originally Posted by DaX
Cool, wasn't trying to accuse / offend. You've got some nice numbers!

I'm interested in knowing how MetroMPG does with his Civic VX. Every day that goes by now I sort of regret getting this sedan and wish I would have just waited for a civic VX. Even though when I'm done it will essentially be a Civic VX Sedan, having a VX from the beginning would have been nice.

diamondlarry 12-19-2005 10:36 AM

Quote:looks like someone

looks like someone with a metro is the new king.
The nice thing is that we all win.:-)

MetroMPG 12-19-2005 12:11 PM

Re: Quote:You may want to find

Originally Posted by DaX
Cool, wasn't trying to accuse / offend.

no offense taken! don't worry about it.

my average is going down: i had to do a 210 km/130mi hwy round trip today -4C/25F, in gusty conditions, and according to the scangauge i only got 45 mpg(us) at 55 mph avg speed. in the summer i'd be seeing low to mid 50's mpg(us). winter bites! plus i had a few hundred miles of mostly city driving to add in from the previous tank - it'll be much worse than 45mpg US. i'll update my new average later on.

matt: just to clarify, i don't have a civic vx. i would have bought one instead of the firefly, but they're pretty few and far between. partly because any car older than 8-10 years around here is starting to turn to swiss cheese from the salty winter roads. ontario is definitely "rust belt" territory. so it's hard to find a 92-95 vx in decent condition anymore.

Matt Timion 12-19-2005 12:17 PM

Re: Quote:You may want to find

Originally Posted by MetroMPG
matt: just to clarify, i don't have a civic vx. i would have bought one instead of the firefly, but they're pretty few and far between. partly because any car older than 8-10 years around here is starting to turn to swiss cheese from the salty winter roads. ontario is definitely "rust belt" territory. so it's hard to find a 92-95 vx in decent condition anymore.

Gotcha. Don't know why I thought you had one... :(

I've decided that if my car ever gets smashed I'm going to get a Civic VX. I can find one in Nevada, Arizona, or California without rust for fairly cheap.

Lesson learned. Before I buy a car I need to research all of the options next time :P

BTW, how much does your metro weigh?

MetroMPG 12-19-2005 03:18 PM

it's 1830 lbs.
it's 1830 lbs.

as far as metros go, the final generation (i.e. mine) is kind of porky compared to the earlier cars.

the previous generation's uber-efficient xfi model was just 1621 lbs and was rated at 53/58 US mpg city/hwy. that's another car to look for if you can find a rust-free one. there are still plenty of those kicking around the US (for some reason that model was never sold in canada).

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