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GasSavers_MPGmaker 05-12-2006 07:45 PM


I just wanted to relate to everyone out there, that I drive a 2003 Camry that used to get 23 MPG. I've been using a new product called an MPG Cap which has enabled me to get 29 MPG. This is just incredible. It is simply a little tablet the size of a vitamin that you drop in your gas tank everytime you fill up. Check it out at https://mpgmaker.info

SVOboy 05-12-2006 07:48 PM

Mind distributing a few
Mind distributing a few samples to selected testors to get the site's thumbs up?

How'd you find this place, anyway?

Welcome, hope you have a nice stay.

diamondlarry 05-12-2006 08:49 PM

Yes, free samples would be a
Yes, free samples would be a good idea. As a business owner myself I know that samples can be very helpful and they are tax deductible.

Matt Timion 05-13-2006 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by MPGmaker

I just wanted to relate to everyone out there, that I drive a 2003 Camry that used to get 23 MPG. I've been using a new product called an MPG Cap which has enabled me to get 29 MPG. This is just incredible. It is simply a little tablet the size of a vitamin that you drop in your gas tank everytime you fill up. Check it out at https://mpgmaker.info

I told this guy via PM that this site is not for spam. He took it upon himself to send private messages to dozens of members on this site with the same message.

It's really unfortunate that people like this are allowed to sell snake oil to unsuspecting people who just want better gas mileage.

Compaq888 05-13-2006 02:06 AM

I got that spam too. Any
I got that spam too.

Any member that has been here for a couple of months knows that if you inflate the tires to the max sidewall pressure you'll gain some mpg. It's free too.

I went from 20mpg city to 23-24 mpg city. I went from 28mpg freeway to 40mpg freeway.

SVOboy 05-13-2006 04:55 AM

But still, if he wants to
But still, if he wants to send some of us some pills to test out I'd be more than willing.

kickflipjr 05-13-2006 09:03 AM

I bet this guy is a one post
I bet this guy is a one post wonder.

Matt Timion 05-13-2006 12:29 PM

Re: But still, if he wants to

Originally Posted by SVOboy
But still, if he wants to send some of us some pills to test out I'd be more than willing.


diamondlarry 05-13-2006 08:41 PM

Re: But still, if he wants to

Originally Posted by Matt Timion

Originally Posted by SVOboy
But still, if he wants to send some of us some pills to test out I'd be more than willing.


He PM'd me too and I'm still waiting for his response to my request for pills to test. I think I'll be waiting awhile.:tongue:

Matt Timion 05-13-2006 10:14 PM

Re: But still, if he wants to

Originally Posted by diamondlarry
He PM'd me too and I'm still waiting for his response to my request for pills to test. I think I'll be waiting awhile.:tongue:

I hope no one minds, but I erased all of his spam today. While I hate admins who screw with people's private messages (read them, erase them, etc.) I respect the users of this forum too much to allow spam to become allowable here.

Murat 05-14-2006 09:12 AM

Never mind
Naahh never mind him. I am in the www.autopia.org forum as well and you get these dudes who are trying to hype their products to detailing enthusiasts like me and my forum buddies just as this one did to you...

See, as soon as you asked for a free sample he decided to beat it...
BTW, those pills are sold here as well under the gimmick that savve gas and clean the entire fuel system, they actually clog your micro filter and the pump. They only clean up your wallet as they line the seller's pockets...

GasSavers_MPGmaker 05-16-2006 01:19 PM

Looks like I missed a lot
Hi guys,

Sorry to disappoint you but here I am. I would be more than happy to talk to anyone who would like to try out our products. Before I go out on a limb and wend out a whole bunch of product I would like to talk directly to you and I want you to promise me that you will do a legitimate test. My phone number is 814.881.1463 My name is Adam

By the way I can not afford to give out hundreds of free samples, therefore this is what I propose. When I was searching and experimenting I bought some product just to try it out. It's only $20. If you buy $20 worth of product I will send you some free pills. FFI has a 30 day money back guarantee no questions asked. So, If for some reason they don't work for you simply return the unsused product for a full refund. (Therefore you get your pills for free)

95metro 05-16-2006 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
I just wanted to relate to everyone out there, that I drive a 2003 Camry that used to get 23 MPG. I've been using a new product called an MPG Cap which has enabled me to get 29 MPG.

Considering that you're sticking around I was wondering how religious you are in keeping a tally of your fuel economy. You mentioned 23 and 29 mpg, but you mentioned nothing about driving conditions, time of year, or the consistency of these two numbers.

Not to mention the fact that the EPA's numbers for your vehicle are anywhere between 20/28 or 23/33 (depending on engine/transmission) cty/hwy. So, a mileage figure of 29 mpg should be completely attainable even without the magic pill.

Sorry for all the doubtful/attacking comments, but all of us on this site know that:
a) There is no ONE product that produces massive mpg increase
b) You are part of an MLM company - the more you sell the better you look
c) We rely on hard data gathered by individuals/groups not influenced by the seller's pocketbook

kickflipjr 05-16-2006 04:49 PM

Weather, driving methods,
Weather, driving methods, length of trip, temp, taffic, and road conditions all have a huge impact of mpg (your mpg may vary).

Matt Timion 05-16-2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by 95metro
Not to mention the fact that the EPA's numbers for your vehicle are anywhere between 20/28 or 23/33 (depending on engine/transmission) cty/hwy. So, a mileage figure of 29 mpg should be completely attainable even without the magic pill.

Wow... this is something that I hadn't even considered.

Imagine if you will a drug company offering a cure for aids, or even cancer. They've spent years developing, testing, and are now looking for the FDA to approve their product. They show up for the meeting with the FDA and the conversation goes like this:

FDA: We're excited to test your product. This would really mean a lot to humanity.

Drug Company: Great! We're really excited too!

FDA: Alright, we're going to conduct a series of double blind studies and analyse the results. We're actually hoping that you've stumbled onto something amazing here. Your reported results look very promising. This testing is hopefully just a formality.

Drug Company: Great! What do we do next?

FDA: You have to give us 100 doses of your drug. We'll test it. The tests might last a while, but the results could provide you with endless wealth and a new future for humanity.

Drug Company: Wait, we have to give you the pills?

FDA: Yes, you do want it to be tested, right?

Drug Company: These pills cost money. You're going to have to pay for them just like everyone else. If you want to test them, it will cost you $50/pill.

now I'm not saying that we're the equivilant to the FDA by any means, but there is an organization out there that is the equivilant: The EPA. The EPA tests these products and has yet to find one that yields statistically significant results. Many companies try to pretend that they are endorsed by the EPA, but the EPA doesn't hand out endorsements. They often say they are "registered with the EPA." So is every other device out there.

So here is a group of research oriented people willing to test a product. A group of people really interested in seeing if a product works. This product could actually change the world if it really worked. It would literally change the world.

But they don't want the product tested. They want the product sold.

Murat 05-17-2006 03:53 AM

MATT !!!
Yo Matt, YOU ARE THE MAN !!!

Your comment is TERRIFI-MAGNIFICENT !!!

Yes, I need to buy 20 bucks worth of goods (or no-goods) to get a sample ?? And what are those $20 worth things ??

I' ll tell you what people are trying to sell here in the name of fuel economy:

1- Economy Pills : (told before, I know a heck of a lot of people who had to go change micro filters and in one case an electric fuel pump when the un-dissolved pill particles smeared his pump' s turbine blades and pivot bushings/bearings.)

2- Saver Fluid : A cheapskate plastic bottle full of God-Knows-What a pink fluid. You attach you fuel line to that bottle, the pump feeds the bottle while your fuel diaphraghm draws fuel from the bottle... wherever you see a guy/gal with his/her hood open looking at the engine and scratching his/her head, you can bet 1 to 5 that 95% of em have this bottle hooked up.

3- Magnets : need to tell anyhting for that ?? A cheapa$$ kid's toy magnet saves you 35% fuel ?? :P

4- Catalysts : A tin pipe to save you half your bill ? I'm ready to attach wife's next tin of peas if it is ever true.

C' maawn !!! And what' s with that 800-number ? I once came accross a fellow forum member about two years ago who called one of those so called toll free numbers which actually hooked him up to a number at Sri Lanka (?) and billed him hundreds if not thousands of dollars for a couple of minutes of "press 3 now for this, press 5 now for that" which led virtually nowhere...

Eh, whaddya hafta say now ??

I AM rude, I AM sarcastic and I AM a smartiepants if you want to call me so. But these people here are trying to save every penny from their hard,ernestly and honestly earned money. Go build yourself a site and try for yourself what we are doing... Work hard !!!

philmcneal 05-17-2006 12:24 PM

ohhhhhhhh so it was this guy
ohhhhhhhh so it was this guy who send me that message as oppposed to the other guy promoting his product through another thread.


SVOboy 05-17-2006 08:25 PM

Haha, yeah, I told the other
Haha, yeah, I told the other guy via pm that you were confused between this guy and the guy legitimately offering samples to testers.

GasSavers_MPGmaker 05-18-2006 10:45 AM

Last time I checked you were neither the FDA or the EPA. I had to purchase my product to test it out and I am glad I did. I know you guys are frugal, that's why you post on gassaver's forum. However you can't expect me to send out free pills to just anyone who asks for them. Give me a call @ 814.881.1463
or visit my site https://www.mpgmaker.info

Matt Timion 05-18-2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
Last time I checked you were neither the FDA or the EPA. I had to purchase my product to test it out and I am glad I did. I know you guys are frugal, that's why you post on gassaver's forum. However you can't expect me to send out free pills to just anyone who asks for them. Give me a call @ 814.881.1463
or visit my site https://www.mpgmaker.info

It's possible that you missed it when I said the following:


Originally Posted by Matt Timion
now I'm not saying that we're the equivilant to the FDA by any means, but there is an organization out there that is the equivilant: The EPA. The EPA tests these products and has yet to find one that yields statistically significant results. Many companies try to pretend that they are endorsed by the EPA, but the EPA doesn't hand out endorsements. They often say they are "registered with the EPA." So is every other device out there.

If you are unable to provide samples for testing, then perhaps the corporate office will?

tomauto 05-18-2006 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion
It's possible that you missed it when I said the following:

If you are unable to provide samples for testing, then perhaps the corporate office will?

If you can't give a sample to our admin or one of the members with a scangauge...then how do you expect the rest of us to fall for your product?

Just because you say you have 20 million miles of testing (from your site) doesn't mean anything when we dont know who did the testing, or how it was attempted.

Matt Timion 05-18-2006 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by tomauto
Just because you say you have 20 million miles of testing (from your site) doesn't mean anything when we dont know who did the testing, or how it was attempted.

Also when he claims to obtain 29 mpg, which is well within the EPA rating of his vehicle, I'm a little skeptical. If the best this product can do is give me the EPA rating of my vehicle then I'll be happy to stick with what I'm doing now, which gives me mileage above the EPA rating.

tomauto 05-18-2006 11:29 AM

I really feel bad for everybody out there honestly looking to find something like that. I had a friend come up to me (a real car enthusiast too!!) and say how the Tornado really worked. He said that it was tested by a worker at the Toyota plant test one on a truck, and it really worked...I asked him how, and that swirl effect was super-effective. Then I led him to your post on the tornado...silence

I dont know who I hate more, people who write adware/spyware programs, or people who just want to make a quick buck on the new trend in cars.

GasSavers_MPGmaker 05-21-2006 04:37 AM

My tests

Originally Posted by Matt Timion
Also when he claims to obtain 29 mpg, which is well within the EPA rating of his vehicle, I'm a little skeptical. If the best this product can do is give me the EPA rating of my vehicle then I'll be happy to stick with what I'm doing now, which gives me mileage above the EPA rating.

I received 29 MPG in town and 35 on the highway. Far above the EPA standards

Matt Timion 05-21-2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
I received 29 MPG in town and 35 on the highway. Far above the EPA standards

And I also receive 35 in town and 43 on the highway. I also have a motor leaking oil and I have no additives.

Can you give us the corporate office's number so I can call and ask for samples?

GasSavers_MPGmaker 05-22-2006 03:34 AM

Cust. Service Dept.
Here's the number:


If things don't work out there, Matt, give me a call


JanGeo 05-22-2006 05:46 AM

Altima OWNERS!!!
from their website:

"2. In the most recent test, a 2005 Nissan Altima was laboratory confirmed to show an 11.1% increase in miles per gallon and testing confirmed a long term emissions benefit with MPG-Boost? ."

Be interesting to find out if it can ADD more fuel savings to what we are already doing. (Note: being tested does not mean that it yields mpg gains)

Compaq888 05-22-2006 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
from their website:

"2. In the most recent test, a 2005 Nissan Altima was laboratory confirmed to show an 11.1% increase in miles per gallon and testing confirmed a long term emissions benefit with MPG-Boost? ."

Be interesting to find out if it can ADD more fuel savings to what we are already doing. (Note: being tested does not mean that it yields mpg gains)

please leave the new altima out of this. That engine is very unreliable. They swallow intake manifold screws, break down, flood with gas, burn oil, kill cats, and have continuous engine leaks even after getting fixed at the dealer. That engine is as reliable as a broken tree branch that needs to hold a 500lb fat man.

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
from their website:

"2. In the most recent test, a 2005 Nissan Altima was laboratory confirmed to show an 11.1% increase in miles per gallon and testing confirmed a long term emissions benefit with MPG-Boost? ."

Be interesting to find out if it can ADD more fuel savings to what we are already doing. (Note: being tested does not mean that it yields mpg gains)

I think this would be great. Did they provide their methodology? Did they provide all of the variables used in testing, or was this one of those tests where the guy put a pill in and then reported a MPG increase?

True experiments leave nothing to be wondered. All of the methodology is out there for everyone to see. True experiments can be replicated. True experiments are done under controlled conditions. Was the 2005 Altima experiment a controlled one?

These are more rhetorical questions than anything else.

JanGeo 05-22-2006 08:01 AM

Yeah Compaq888 even my mechanic brother says the Altima runs pretty poorly. But then again I ran my 80 Rabbit to 163,000 miles and you could not see any smoke out the tail pipe without the cat connected yet he said it would not last 60k.

Testing and marketing are done by two different types of people - rhetorical noted! Not sure I want my combustion chamber coated with their little microbes - could interfer with my Synlube.

The true test would be if it improves mpg more than your best ever mpg.

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
Not sure I want my combustion chamber coated with their little microbes - could interfer with my Synlube.

This is another downside. I've read plenty of people say that these pills do not disolve in gasoline fully, meaning they might actually clog up your fuel lines.

Maybe it would be worth buying some just to see if they actually disolve or not.

zpiloto 05-22-2006 08:47 AM

I looked at the web site and looking at the test section: https://www.globallink.myffi.biz/en/p...esentation.pdf

I can't make heads or tell of it but it looks like all the data is old, the newest data was the 1994 altima. That and the fact that it takes 120 gallons to work I'll think I let some one else try it first;)

hawkgt647 05-22-2006 09:35 AM

This all sounds very similar to MPG pills that were making the rounds at local flea markets (this is where all the fuel economy secrets are to be found!):rolleyes:

This was revealed as just a cover-up for a pyramid marketing scheme.

But it's all very entertaining to read the back and forth going on here.

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by hawkgt647
This all sounds very similar to MPG pills that were making the rounds at local flea markets (this is where all the fuel economy secrets are to be found!):rolleyes:


*cancels booth at the flea market*

GasSavers_MPGmaker 05-22-2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion
This is another downside. I've read plenty of people say that these pills do not disolve in gasoline fully, meaning they might actually clog up your fuel lines.

Maybe it would be worth buying some just to see if they actually disolve or not.

I did just that. I put a pill in some gasoline and within two hours and with no agitation it was completely dissolved and has stayed in suspension since. Our former competions pill still is in chunks at the bottom of the jar.

Bunger 05-22-2006 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
Last time I checked you were neither the FDA or the EPA.

Maybe you should check again... just to make sure.


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
I had to purchase my product to test it out and I am glad I did.

Isn't "glad" a wonderful word? I'm glad for you too.


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
I know you guys are frugal, that's why you post on gassaver's forum.

I'm not frugal, I just like this site and a good project.


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
However you can't expect me to send out free pills to just anyone who asks for them.

Its a free country, I can expect anything I want. Infact, I expect Eva Longoria over any minute to give me my daily rub down... funny thing... she seems to be late again... =)


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
Give me a call @ 814.881.1463

Humm long distance... maybe I am frugal.


Originally Posted by MPGmaker
or visit my site https://www.mpgmaker.info

Think I'll pass... I've played that game before... I'm not paying you any money to take off your clothes on some webcam.

Compaq888 05-22-2006 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bunger
Maybe you should check again... just to make sure.

Isn't "glad" a wonderful word? I'm glad for you too.

I'm not frugal, I just like this site and a good project.

Its a free country, I can expect anything I want. Infact, I expect Eva Longoria over any minute to give me my daily rub down... funny thing... she seems to be late again... =)

Humm long distance... maybe I am frugal.

Think I'll pass... I've played that game before... I'm not paying you any money to take off your clothes on some webcam.

ROFL, too funny

mikefxu 05-23-2006 08:00 AM

If this product your scamming is so great and makes you money you CAN afford to provide trial samples to reputable members of this forum and they will say it works or not and if you are so sure of your product if they give it a thumbs up then you sell/make more so you are making an investment. If you are not willing to invest into your own product your selling why would we?

GasSavers_MPGmaker 05-26-2006 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by mikefxu
If this product your scamming is so great and makes you money you CAN afford to provide trial samples to reputable members of this forum and they will say it works or not and if you are so sure of your product if they give it a thumbs up then you sell/make more so you are making an investment. If you are not willing to invest into your own product your selling why would we?

It's very simple. I've seen time and again that when people receive something for free they treat it like it's worth less because there's no investment. However, if they actually pay what it's worth they'll give it the time and attention it deserves. Is $20.00 too much to invest to receive a significant savings in fuel? There is a double guarnatee with our product. We have a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked. And we take credit cards. If you think you've been scammed your credit card company will reimburse the money. It's a no brainer. 814.881.1463 www.mpgmaker.info

95metro 05-30-2006 03:31 PM

It probably doesn't work...
Oops...wrong thread...

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