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OdieTurbo 03-27-2007 06:24 AM

How far do you drive daily?
Just thought I'd pop in and ask a question or 2... I've noticed one member that goes 4 months between fillups, some go monthly. I drive 130 miles a day (65 miles one way to work). I usually fill the tank 3x a week.
  • How far do you drive on a daily basis?
  • How often do you fill your tank or refuel?

GasSavers_DaX 03-27-2007 07:03 AM

I used to drive about 110 miles per day, but my new job is only 7 miles away. I come home for lunch, so if I do no other driving, I do 28 miles per day.

I drive both my Honda Beat and my Beater, so tank fillups are generally less than once per week.

Bill in Houston 03-27-2007 07:15 AM

About 18 miles each weekday. More on Saturday and Sunday.

About 15,000 miles per year. I know that averages out to about 300 miles per week, but a lot of those miles are weekend/vacation trips.

Matt Timion 03-27-2007 07:29 AM

I drive about 10 miles per day to pick up the kid from preschool.

GasSavers_TomO 03-27-2007 07:31 AM

27.4 miles round trip for my daily commute with 90% of that trip being Highway driving to suit my VX. That is for every day that students have school...so that equates to 174 days a year. Which means that 4767.6 miles a year come from that job. Then there are the random trips to friends' houses to work on cars and the odd jobs I do during the summer to keep a flow of income.

I fill up anywhere between 10 and 20+ days depending on trips to friends' houses.

lunarhighway 03-27-2007 07:31 AM

my home-work-home trips are about 27miles - 44km

i used to fill up every week but since joining gassavers i've been able to extend time between fill ups to 10days

kickflipjr 03-27-2007 07:32 AM

Lets see...

Just by driving to work and school I do around 170 miles per week. That comes to 24 miles per day (but it would be higher then that because I do other driving too). So 25-35miles per day would be a good guess. And 2 weeks per tank seems about average.

kickflipjr 03-27-2007 07:32 AM

Woah, 4 posts in 3min!

mrmad 03-27-2007 07:51 AM

I'm driving 40 miles each way, plus the daily trips to the driving range at lunch for mental decompression from my job. If I can push my CRX HF over 50 mpg, I might be able to pull off fillin git once a week.

SVOboy 03-27-2007 07:56 AM

0 miles, :D

OdieTurbo 03-27-2007 08:06 AM

Re: How far do you drive daily?

Originally Posted by kickflipjr (Post 45187)
Woah, 4 posts in 3min!

Is that a record??? Do I get an award???


davidjh72 03-27-2007 08:10 AM

70-mile commute to work Monday - Friday. 54 miles of it freeway at 60 MPH. 55 MPH on the twisty, hilly, few (safe) passing zones, rural road with nobody behind me. Coasting in neutral to the stop signs, doing my best to get to the stop just after the car ahead of me takes off. 60 MPH with a gotta-be-to-work-before-you imbicle on my rear bumper honking like a maniac. I have one alarm clock (my cell phone set to repeat alarm Mon-Fri 5:30). I have my clock radio set to buzz at 6:30. Averaging 57 MPH I get to work at 7:50, relaxed because I haven't been passing every car I come up to, like I used to.

Semis are your friend! I follow a good 3.5/4 seconds back, as you're supposed to. Uphill behind a semi, I can keep the go-pedal at 10-12% whereas by myself, I'm at 16-17% just to maintain speed.

I fill-up 3 times a week. On a full tank Monday morning, I'll fill up again Wednesday after work. "low gas" light comes on about 10 miles from home, telling me I've got about 1.5 gallons left, depending if I've been driving level, downhill, or uphill at the moment. Usually a slight uphill as the last 15 miles of my drive home are for the most part uphill, leveling off for maybe 100 yards, then uphill again. Then again over the weekend so I've got a full tank for Monday morning. I don't drive as much on the weekends as I did before this job. I'd say I drive 730 miles a week, 700 of it for the commute.

MPG is about the same to work vs home from work. It's uphill both ways! Of course there are some downhill areas both ways I coast in-gear. I can watch my ScanGauge go to 100-120 instantaneous MPG for a few seconds before getting on the gas again for the uphill at 28-32 MPG.


ketel0ne 03-27-2007 08:16 AM

60 miles each way for 120 per day.

Fill up 2 times a week.

jwxr7 03-27-2007 08:31 AM

I drive about 50 miles per weekday and maybe 20 miles total on weekends. I can go about 2 weeks between fill-ups with my 10.5 gal tank.

GasSavers_Brock 03-27-2007 09:17 AM

I live 11 miles from work so thats 22 a day at the least. Sometimes I run home during a break (often work 5-6 hours then 2-3 off then back on 5-6 again). I typically fill up about every 4 weeks at about 800 miles.

cfg83 03-27-2007 10:57 AM

OdieTurbo -

I drive around 75 miles roundtrip 4 days a week for a minimum of 300 miles per week. I fill-up around every 4 days because I always fill-up from the 1/4 mark to the 3/4 mark on the fuel gauge (I've always done it that way). It's more highway driving than city, I would think around 70+%. Maybe tack on up to 100 miles more per week depending on what I am doing.

As of this posting, my best ever commute to work was around 58.6 MPG :

As of this posting, my best ever commute to home was around 48.1 MPG :


brucepick 03-27-2007 11:00 AM

59 mi. each way to work. Mostly on 4-lane limited access state highway however it has significant hills.

davidjh72 03-27-2007 11:22 AM

I used to drive 1.7 miles to work. I'd drive home for lunch. 8 miles a day vs 140 now. I'm researching at apartments just outside the city I'm working in. Work is in a not-so-good neighborhood. At orientation we where told "this is a tough neighborhood. Lock your car and be alert walking from the gated parking lot across the street." Oh great! Rules out finding a place to live down the street. "Decent" neighborhoods, by comparison are 10 to 15 miles out. Much better than 70. $300/month in gas vs $50 I'm used to would be quite an adjustment.


davidjh72 03-27-2007 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by davidjh72 (Post 45222)
I used to drive 1.7 miles to work. I'd drive home for lunch. 8 miles a day vs 140 now. I'm researching at apartments just outside the city I'm working in. Work is in a not-so-good neighborhood. At orientation we where told "this is a tough neighborhood. Lock your car and be alert walking from the gated parking lot across the street." Oh great! Rules out finding a place to live down the street. "Decent" neighborhoods, by comparison are 10 to 15 miles out. Much better than 70. $300/month in gas vs $50 I'm used to would be quite an adjustment.


Why drive 1.7 miles to work, you may ask? I was doing PC support between several buildings around a 5-mile radius in town. The need for transporting computer equipment around made biking impossible. Try lugging a 40lb PC or 21" monitor on a bicycle 5 miles, or 10 miles between the ends of the "jurisdiction". Not gonna happen.


davidjh72 03-27-2007 11:35 AM


PS: 8 miles a day to and from that old job. Got paid mileage when driving 'cross town on PC fix 'er up jobs.

I averaged 50 miles (reimbersed back to me) a week on that previous job going building-to-building. I liked getting calls in the same building, or the building next door I could walk to cart PC's back and forth. I made $60-$70 a month in on-the-job mileage. That paid for gas.

Now I drive 140 miles (36-40MPG) a day to be in one building. No more short trips barely warming the engine (17 MPG to/from work 1.7 miles away).


LxMike 03-27-2007 11:57 AM

work is 11 mile round trip each day.

BeeUU 03-27-2007 12:17 PM

14 miles a day if I travel to my close office, half on the freeway. 45 miles a day if I travel to the main office for the day, mostly on the freeway. I am guessing here, but I think I can coast nearly 2 miles each way, maybe a bit more on both commutes.

UfoTofU 03-27-2007 12:28 PM

24 miles or so one way to work 5 days a week, just in commuting.

I generally fill up about every 1.5 weeks or so.

GasSavers_GTDave 03-27-2007 01:06 PM

I drive around 25-26 miles a day, but that includes 2 round trips to work as I come home for lunch. I live 6 miles from work, but I am not able to walk or ride due to the terrain between here and there.
I fill up about every 5-6 weeks, or every 400 miles.

ELF 03-27-2007 01:18 PM

My mileage varies a lot, I need to drive to different locations for work. Mileage can be anywhere from 4 to 100 miles per day.
I do get a company credit card for gas though ;)

Hockey4mnhs 03-27-2007 02:47 PM


GasSavers_scostanz 03-27-2007 03:05 PM

At least 133 miles round trip per day. I fill up every 3 days now...before coming to gassavers I was filling up every 2 days. The way if works out now, some weeks I only have to fill up one time if it works out that I fill up on a Friday morning.

-- Scott

repete86 03-27-2007 03:07 PM

I put alot of miles on because I have to travel for work, but during and between jobs, I drive probably an average of ten miles per day or so. I generally bike wherever I can.

Peakster 03-27-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by OdieTurbo (Post 45178)
  • How far do you drive on a daily basis?
  • How often do you fill your tank or refuel?

As of today, I've put 32,435 kms on my Geo since I purchased it and filled the tank 81 times (and spent $1,464.39 on total fuel). Thats on average $18 per 400kms for each fill. That also means I fill every 2.716 days: 147kms a day on average. My commute one way to school is only about 5 kms.

rh77 03-27-2007 04:20 PM

To the Office:

45 miles: R/T

To the Airport:

104 miles R/T.

Miscellaneous cities whilst away, from hotel to site:

2-miles to 25-miles one-way.

I get my best averages on the airport leg -- 90% highway and reasonable speeds and elevations. The office run is generally with congested roadways :thumbdown:

Weekends: the 'Teg probably sees about 20 miles tops -- the TSX is the weekend runabout (variable run-around mileage).


psyshack 03-27-2007 04:32 PM

84 miles min. 5 days a week. Can be much more.


GasSavers_Red 03-27-2007 04:34 PM

52 or so daily, about 270 by the end of the week

red91sit 03-27-2007 06:15 PM

Oh my, 2.6 miles day by car (total) and .7-1 mile on bike. I know if I drove farther I'd be getting better mileage, but not really saving any gas haha.

If I only drove to school and back, a gas tank should last me about 100 days haha.

The Toecutter 03-27-2007 08:38 PM

30 miles per day round trip.

cfg83 03-27-2007 09:30 PM

theclencher -


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 45334)
I'm surprised there's so many "gassavers" racking up that many miles on a daily basis. :eek:

That's one of the reasons why I'm here. Making the best of a bad deal.


OdieTurbo 03-28-2007 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by cfg83 (Post 45336)
theclencher -

That's one of the reasons why I'm here. Making the best of a bad deal.


Exactly. 65 miles one way to work is KILLING me on gas. Need to learn MANY ways to conserve! Until I move closer to work that is! :)

davidjh72 03-28-2007 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 45334)
I'm surprised there's so many "gassavers" racking up that many miles on a daily basis. :eek:

And "ditto!" on the "making the best of a bad situation".

3,000 miles a month to work comes to about $200 a month in gas for me at today's gas prices.
I aim to reduce my mileage, but not my FE (!) by moving closer to work.

kickflipjr 03-28-2007 08:09 AM

For everyone driving long distances everyday to work: You should really see if there is anyone to carpool with.

Reducing Miles + Increased MPG= $$$

lovemysan 03-28-2007 08:21 AM

Work is right outside the door for me. We drive the car only for church, pleasure, and consumables. Being an owner/operator of an apartment complex has some perks. Getting rich doesn't happen to be one of them. Hince why I'm a gassaver.

Peakster 03-28-2007 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr (Post 45365)
For everyone driving long distances everyday to work: You should really see if there is anyone to carpool with.

Reducing Miles + Increased MPG= $$$

Does picking up hitchikers count :p? Last year, I had a neighbour start her car and drive to the university at the presise same time I did. Often we'd be right behind each other and end up parking in the same parking lot. Talk about a great carpool opportunity (but how would I get home?). I don't know my neighbours that very well though.


Originally Posted by lovemysan (Post 45367)
Being an owner/operator of an apartment complex has some perks. Getting rich doesn't happen to be one of them. Hince why I'm a gassaver.

And here I thought that renting out properties would be a great retirement plan.

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