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DarbyWalters 11-04-2007 08:31 AM

How about "HyperTanking"
I know everyone is into hypermiling but I was thinking about something I'll call "hypertanking". It would be a "test" that anyone can particpate in. You would fill up your tank to the brim...and see how long you could go without adding any fuel. Of course honesty would be the equalizing factor. You would drive the same vehicle until you absolutely have to fill up.

We could see how many miles you accumulated but the figure that would be contested would be the number of days/hours that you made the ONE TANK last. It might make you walk or ride a bike instead of drive to the store, combine trips, carpool, ect.

We would just have to pick a day and time to all "top off" our tanks...and then wait:)

SVOboy 11-04-2007 08:40 AM

Good idea...I think metro or I might win, :p

Let's see what others think.

diamondlarry 11-04-2007 08:58 AM

That sounds like an interesting idea. Since I live out in the country about 6 miles from anything, I would probably not do very well against Darin or Ben.:( My best tank ever was 1056.5 miles at 86.9 mpg from 9/13/07 to 10/10/07.

SVOboy 11-04-2007 09:00 AM

6 miles, that sounds like a good biking range to me, ;)

trebuchet03 11-04-2007 10:35 AM

I had a post awhile earlier about a redistributed FE goal... Rather than just hit a target FE - hit a date before fill up. If you pick one far out enough, you'll work hard to conserve fuel while using it - and seek out alternative transportation not to use it.... Self rationing.

Alas, I missed my goal by 1 day... A friend of mine bike a bike chain about 8 miles from home. So it was an "emergency" of sorts, and I picked him up and threw the bike on the rack :p But, it's a personal best on tank mileage :p

It doesn't work so very well starting from a full tank though :p It's hard to predict a target fill up date when where you go changes, frequently.

DarbyWalters 11-04-2007 10:44 AM

Someone pick a date and time...Say this Wednesday...we all fill up in the AM...and then stretch those tanks as far as they will go. It will be interesting to hear the stories up until the next fill up. This Wednesday between 6-8am.

1) You can use any fuel additive you want.
2) All fuel must fit in your OEM tank.
3) You can use public transportation (buses, trains but no cabs).
4)Carpooling and Hitching a ride are acceptable...not with your better half in the "other" car.
5) Riding a bike, roller blades, walking, people powered vehicles is encouraged...no motorized cycles ect.
6) Of course any safe hypermiling is a must.
Great Mileage is a good thing...Better Management of a resource is a better thing!
7) Post as you hit every quarter tank mark.

I know I don't stand a chance to "win" but we will all save $$$ and fuel...and I would bet that we will save more that with just hypermiling alone.

The "HM/HT" is on...start (or don't) your engine.

Prediction: 500 to 625 miles on 20.5 gallons...hopefully 15 days!

"Caution:Hypermiler" I Coast Thru Life

SVOboy 11-04-2007 10:47 AM

Well, I'll be out of the competition as I don't plan to fill up for another month and a half, but this is a great idea and I hope a bunch of people participate.

More people will log in on monday and see it, so hopefully more people will take on the challenge.

Proposed prize to the victor?

Matt Timion 11-04-2007 10:54 AM

I would absolutely do this if I wasnt working out the gremlins on my VX still. it would also help if it were spring instead of winter... then I could ride my bike everywhere again.

DarbyWalters 11-04-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 80018)

Proposed prize to the victor?

I do have ONE AIRTAB in good condition...:) for a start! ... with free shipping:cool:

DarbyWalters 11-04-2007 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion (Post 80019)
I would absolutely do this if I wasnt working out the gremlins on my VX still. it would also help if it were spring instead of winter... then I could ride my bike everywhere again.

What better time to find a baseline for comparisons sake:p It is not about winning...it is about the challenge...kinda like the Seinfeld Episode when Kramer took the Saab salesman out for the test drive:D

Rick Rae 11-04-2007 12:48 PM

What a cool idea! I'd be in if there was any point for me. But between a 48 mile round-trip to what's left of my job (with no bus or rail alternative) plus 200 to 300 miles per week running routes for my new business, I'm guaranteed to need a minimum of a tank a week, and there's no way around it.

Unless someone wants to pay our mortgage and other bills so I don't have to work? Anyone? Buehler? ;)

I'll definitely enjoy being a spectator, though.


zpiloto 11-04-2007 07:09 PM

I'll join the fun. Wed. it is.:D Who else want to play. DW you probably need to start a separate thread Wed for folks to post their comments as they explore the art of conservation.

brucepick 11-05-2007 05:10 AM

OK I'm in.
Maybe come in dead last due to small tank and getting about 27 mpg highway. But I'm in anyway. (still learning the art of conversation)

zpiloto 11-05-2007 05:32 AM

If you're in we all win.:thumbup: The commute makes the FE anyway. I just try to use less gas this week then last so that at the end of the year my consumption is less then previous year. If everyone tried that it would be surprising how much petro as a nation we could save. So if you're in we all win no matter what the score card reads. Who else is up for he challenge?

GasSavers_Fish 11-05-2007 05:43 AM

I'm interested. Too bad we all didn't live in the same area. If we did we could tape off everyone's gas caps/fuel doors and have someone sign it so we know if someone filled up. (I stole that idea from Sport Compact Car magazine's Ultimate Street Car Challenge's fuel economy test) I think i'm still gonna tape my fuel door. It'll be a constant reminder everytime I'm walking up to my car.

MetroMPG 11-05-2007 05:57 AM

Having the ForkenSwift probably disqualifies me.

SVOboy 11-05-2007 07:38 AM

Sign up here: https://www.gassavers.org/showthread.php?t=5567

zpiloto 11-05-2007 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 80135)
Having the ForkenSwift probably disqualifies me.

Go between plug ins:D

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