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Matt Timion 05-21-2006 10:57 AM

Suggestions needed
Looking for suggestions for the site. After I get the garage and gaslog back up we will be embarking on even more cool changes.

If you have any ideas please let me know and I'll get working on it asap.

In your mind what would the perfect fuel economy site have?

SVOboy 05-21-2006 11:01 AM

I think my suggestion for a perfect site goes without mention.

Matt Timion 05-21-2006 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by SVOboy
I think my suggestion for a perfect site goes without mention.

more pictures of me?

SVOboy 05-21-2006 11:15 AM

No, not that.

GasSavers_Diemaster 05-21-2006 12:23 PM

i wana see mor epics of u matt u big, strong, hansome, hunk of a man. u make me sooo horny..... :p LOL j/k:D

GasSavers_DaX 05-22-2006 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Diemaster
i wana see mor epics of u matt u big, strong, hansome, hunk of a man. u make me sooo horny..... :p LOL j/k:D


kickflipjr 05-22-2006 05:29 AM

I just want to no what the red ore blue star to the right of peoples name means. I don't have one. I must not be cool enough.

Compaq888 05-22-2006 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr
I just want to no what the red ore blue star to the right of peoples name means. I don't have one. I must not be cool enough.


kickflipjr 05-22-2006 05:44 AM

When I reply there seems to be a delay. I will not see the reply for several minets.

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr
When I reply there seems to be a delay. I will not see the reply for several minets.

if you're viewing it via the "view today's posts" it's possible that your browser is caching that page and only refreshing it every few minutes. Try hitting the refresh button (or F5) and it should refresh right away.

kickflipjr 05-22-2006 06:43 AM

Hitting refresh works. Thanks matt.

I am having some issues with my computer right now. Stupid adware/ popups.

zpiloto 05-22-2006 08:11 AM

On the old site you had articles that you posted everday dealing with cars, oil, policies etc. I actually read alot of them.:D Kinda neat to see what going on in terms of conservation.

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto
On the old site you had articles that you posted everday dealing with cars, oil, policies etc. I actually read alot of them.:D Kinda neat to see what going on in terms of conservation.

That was actually a news aggregator. Let me see if I can find one for this software or not.

zpiloto 05-22-2006 09:21 AM

This isn't really a suggestion just an observation. I've been trying to figure out way the new site has such a different feel to it and I just realized that it does not have a home page. It just goes right to the list of forums no explanation of who you are excetera (although I guess the name says it all). I'm not saying that's good or bad just different.

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto
This isn't really a suggestion just an observation. I've been trying to figure out way the new site has such a different feel to it and I just realized that it does not have a home page. It just goes right to the list of forums no explanation of who you are excetera (although I guess the name says it all). I'm not saying that's good or bad just different.

THe homepage was rarely used, but I'm toying with the idea of making a homepage that will have articles, news items, etc.

zpiloto 05-22-2006 11:54 AM

I brought it up because when I first got to the site through google right there on the front page was a explantion of what you were trying to do. Didn't have to go through a bunch of threads to see what was going on. I'm not knocking the site just throwing out ideas. I think the site awsome. :cool:

MetroMPG 05-22-2006 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by zpiloto
I brought it up because when I first got to the site through google right there on the front page was a explantion of what you were trying to do. Didn't have to go through a bunch of threads to see what was going on.

that's a good point, actually. i suspect if you crunched the stats on the old site, of all the hits to the index page, almost none of them were from registered users. meaning: it's where you get to promote the site to first-time visitors.

a simple solution - maybe non-registered users (you ID them by cookie, don't you?) could see an introductory paragraph on the index page above the forum list.

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
that's a good point, actually. i suspect if you crunched the stats on the old site, of all the hits to the index page, almost none of them were from registered users. meaning: it's where you get to promote the site to first-time visitors.

a simple solution - maybe non-registered users (you ID them by cookie, don't you?) could see an introductory paragraph on the index page above the forum list.

If you log out you'll see a message to non-members. If you guys can think of a better paragraph I'd be happy to use it. Right now I'm using the default message that comes with Vbulletin.

kickflipjr 05-22-2006 08:00 PM

I miss the gaslog. I liked that as much as I like the forums. You will be bringing it back, right?

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr
I miss the gaslog. I liked that as much as I like the forums. You will be bringing it back, right?

Yep. I have time tomorrow to devote to it. Looks like the swap will start mid-later this week, and maybe I'll have time for the gaslog tomorrow and wednesday. Hopefully it's enough time.

SVOboy 05-22-2006 08:12 PM

Man< make up your damn mind about when this swap"ll happen> just make sure you have the tools> luckily i work with professional mechanics who happen to own hundreds of thousands of dollars in tools :P

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy
Man< make up your damn mind about when this swap"ll happen> just make sure you have the tools> luckily i work with professional mechanics who happen to own hundreds of thousands of dollars in tools :P

Swap happens as soon as this job is done I'm working on.

Compaq888 05-22-2006 09:15 PM

I'd really like to see a front page like it was before, but more updated. I want my car back there:eek:

Matt Timion 05-22-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Compaq888
I'd really like to see a front page like it was before, but more updated. I want my car back there:eek:

A front page is doable... perhaps once we get a few more features finished that'll be worked on.

SVOboy 05-23-2006 03:54 AM

Besides, auto to manual totally pwns the front pages, if any one gets it.

thisisntjared 05-23-2006 07:25 AM

holy crap i cant believe nobody else thought of this. we need spell check!

Matt Timion 05-23-2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by thisisntjared
holy crap i cant believe nobody else thought of this. we need spell check!

Agreed. I'll look into that right now.

MetroMPG 05-23-2006 08:56 AM

Made this suggestion under the old site: on the "Today's posts" page, can you make it "Recent posts" and show more than just the last 24 hours?

We've gotten busy enough that stuff drops off the bottom of the page if you don't check in regularly (i.e. daily), and I'm too lazy to go through each forum individually.

I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to modify the query to look for posts within 48 hours instead of 24.

zpiloto 05-23-2006 08:58 AM

Spell check definately!
I've never seen one on a forum but you would be my hero if you can find a spell check.:D

Matt Timion 05-23-2006 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Made this suggestion under the old site: on the "Today's posts" page, can you make it "Recent posts" and show more than just the last 24 hours?

We've gotten busy enough that stuff drops off the bottom of the page if you don't check in regularly (i.e. daily), and I'm too lazy to go through each forum individually.

I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to modify the query to look for posts within 48 hours instead of 24.

I can take alook at the code. I'm trying not to modify the code on this software very much so that when newer versions come out upgrading won't be an issue. I'm sure there is an easy way to change this though.

Matt Timion 05-23-2006 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto
I've never seen one on a forum but you would be my hero if you can find a spell check.:D

I found one. I need to re-read the install instructions though as I don't want to screw up the site. Look for it later today.

Matt Timion 05-23-2006 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Made this suggestion under the old site: on the "Today's posts" page, can you make it "Recent posts" and show more than just the last 24 hours?

We've gotten busy enough that stuff drops off the bottom of the page if you don't check in regularly (i.e. daily), and I'm too lazy to go through each forum individually.

I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to modify the query to look for posts within 48 hours instead of 24.

I just changed it to 48 hours. I'm not going to dive too deep into the source code to change the title on the actually results page for future compatibility reasons.

MetroMPG 05-23-2006 09:31 AM

Excellent - thanks, Matt.

One of my favourite things about this new software? When you click the "latest post" icon beside the most recent poster's name, it actually takes you to the latest post!

kickflipjr 05-25-2006 07:12 AM

Is there any way to change the time zone for the clock?

I don't want to sound picky, but I like it when I am able to set the clock to the proper time zone.

GasSavers_katman 05-25-2006 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr
Is there any way to change the time zone for the clock?

I don't want to sound picky, but I like it when I am able to set the clock to the proper time zone.

Go into your "User Control Panel" and select "Edit Options" scroll down towards the bottom of the page and you can change your time zone and daylight savings time.

GasSavers_katman 05-25-2006 08:04 AM

All of your browsers should have spell chaeckers built in. I just miss spelled checkers and my browser underlined "chaeckers" in red. You should be able to turn on "Check Spelling As You Type". This would be a better option than messing up the Forum.

kickflipjr 05-25-2006 08:41 AM

Thanks Katman.

thisisntjared 05-25-2006 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by katman
All of your browsers should have spell chaeckers built in. I just miss spelled checkers and my browser underlined "chaeckers" in red. You should be able to turn on "Check Spelling As You Type". This would be a better option than messing up the Forum.

nice firefox has this??

Matt Timion 05-25-2006 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by thisisntjared
nice firefox has this??


I think this comes built in with firefox now.

MetroMPG 05-25-2006 10:19 AM

I'd like to be able to subscribe to a thread (e-mail notify) by clicking a link at the bottom of the page. I've seen this on some forums.

Currently, I think the only way to subscribe is to make a reply within a thread.

EDIT: you can un/subscribe from threads using the "thread tools" link at the top of each page.

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