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Gary Palmer 06-27-2006 08:50 AM

I try to remember to wear them all the time. I figure it's much more likely, most of the time, to keep you from getting more hurt, than not. It is not always the case, as has been experienced, here, but it seems to me it makes more sense than not.

Matt Timion 06-27-2006 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by diamondlarry
When I was young(16-4 months after I got my liscense) I wrecked my dad's '78 Civic CVCC.


Anyway, I always wear mine, and I won't start the car unless everyone else is as well.

When I was 16 I knew two people who died in a car accident because they were not wearing their seatbelts. The survivor did wear her seatbelt.

Given the choice I prefer life over death.

Gary Palmer 06-27-2006 09:01 AM

That would be pretty strong medicine!

diamondlarry 06-27-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion

Anyway, I always wear mine, and I won't start the car unless everyone else is as well.

When I was 16 I knew two people who died in a car accident because they were not wearing their seatbelts. The survivor did wear her seatbelt.

Given the choice I prefer life over death.

The only time I don't wear mine is when I drive my truck. And, at 8-11mpg, that is very rare. The odd thing about my wreck was that about 2 weeks after mine, another 16 year old wrecked what could have been my dad's car's twin. The damage was very similar and he died even though he was wearing his belt.:(

Matt Timion 06-27-2006 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by diamondlarry
The only time I don't wear mine is when I drive my truck. And, at 8-11mpg, that is very rare. The odd thing about my wreck was that about 2 weeks after mine, another 16 year old wrecked what could have been my dad's car's twin. The damage was very similar and he died even though he was wearing his belt.:(

This is why I won't take my n600 on the freeway. I figure driving around town is dangerous enough in this little deathbox.

Bunger 06-27-2006 09:42 AM


I've been 3 accidents where if I hadn't been wearing a seatbelt, I probably wouldn't be here typing this now. All of them I was a front seat passenger of a highschool friend. It actually feels uncomfortable for me to not wear a seatbelt. California is pretty strict on the "Click It or Ticket" thing, so just about everyone I know is religious about wearing one.


Except when the wolf chewed through them... had to drive without till I got new ones. Hated that feeling.

GasSavers_brick 06-27-2006 09:51 AM


My parents taught me to wear a seatbelt at an early age and it's become completely automatic. I don't even think about putting a seatbelt on, and occasionally find that I have put it on when I sat down but didn't intend to go anywhere.

I don't think that there can be much of a benefit to riding without a seatbelt in a modern car. My first car was a mid-80s Volvo and knew that the safety cage would hold up in all but the most violent roll-over, and that a seatbelt was necessary to keep myself within that survival space. (I loved that heavy 27mpg beast!) I would bet that this is the case for most cars built to modern safety standards.

kickflipjr 06-27-2006 11:22 AM

98% of the time. Sometimes I don't put the lap belt on (auto-seat belts) on very short trips. And if I am a passenger it is a little less then 98% (more like 90%).

Compaq888 06-27-2006 12:57 PM

Only when I'm driving 100+mph.

Just kidding.. I always wear it. My last wreck where I crashed head on into a pole if I wasn't wearing it I would of ended up on the hood. When I crashed the seat belt held me and the air bags didn't come out. The crash was at about 35-40mph. My chest hurt for a couple of days because of the seat belt.

GasSavers_maxc 06-27-2006 07:15 PM

Always. Ever since my first ex-girlfriend 25 years ago would have went threw the windshield if she wasn't wearing hers!

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