I agree that the track should be alot longer, when I was entering these types of competitions the track was 3.3 miles, and my team the last time got around 245mpg (4th place 9 years ago), sure you only start out with something like 250ml of fuel, and they have a whole little box built up around the scale to keep people from breathing on it, but a few drops of fuel alters your results! at 3145mpg, you are useing such a small amount of fuel to go the 9.6 miles 1/327th of a gallon of fuel, less then a table spoon!
the competition I made a car for had a speed limit of 30mph, but they also had a minum time of 20 minutes to compleat the 3.3 mile track, so about 10mph average, and because it was highschool age kids half the cars broke down befor finishing, but if you are in a class of vehicles getting that kind of mileage, they should be able to compeat on a 50 or 100 mile course, right?