No. They use the road. They need to pay. It's only a matter of time before the government comes into their houses or adds a tax to EV vehicles if they ever become main stream.
The other side is that EV car owners should build their own roads.
How about the reduced gas consumption that we GasSavers are encouraging?
We are causing lower gasoline sales which results in lower tax revenues.
Here is an article on this subject:
Congress yesterday approved an $8 billion relief package for the fund, to compensate for decreased revenues from the federal gas tax.
What this tells me is that they are going to buy cars from somebody and put a Chrysler badge on them. I don't see how they can do all the research and tool up in 2 years. Chrysler has already penned a deal to buy a Versa-based car from Nissan, but it looks like it's only for So. America right now.
As far as infrastructure for electric vehicles, to get a good idea of where things might go, look to Renault/Nissan in Denmark, Portugal, or Israel. See phase 2 of the plan - infrastructure.
Caveat: These countries were picked because they are smaller. This might not tell us with 100% accuracy what will happen in the US.
Around here in RI the gas road tax goes into the general fund along with a lot of other "ROAD" money and it gets spent on a lot of other things besides the roads.
Gem has been around a long time - I didn't thing it was Chrysler . . .
Around here in RI the gas road tax goes into the general fund along with a lot of other "ROAD" money and it gets spent on a lot of other things besides the roads.
That's quite an understatement. All funds go into the general fund, and are never seen again by the general public...
What this tells me is that they are going to buy cars from somebody and put a Chrysler badge on them. I don't see how they can do all the research and tool up in 2 years. Chrysler has already penned a deal to buy a Versa-based car from Nissan, but it looks like it's only for So. America right now.
I just really like that fact that general population will now be able to buy another American EV rather than just be stuck with the high-priced Chevrolet Volt.