Somehow I just knew this crap was coming. The Gubberrment in their infinite wisdom told everyone that up to 10% Ethanol was ok in engines not designed to run Ethanol. So we now get 10% of it and the crappy gas mileage that goes with it. Now we will end up with E10 all year or worse with more than the 10% so we can trash our motors too...............geeeezzzz.......I hope not.
So we won't have to depend on foreign oil.......well then stop shipping our Alaskan oil from the Port of Valdez overseas then.....
Sorry, this BS they keep feeding everyone makes me upset.
Must be Obama's way of cutting dependency on foreign oil.
It was started way before Omama.......he just got into office and so now everything is his fault I guess. Give him time but pray things start to get better as we ALL are in the same boat.
I really hope they don't start putting more than 10% Ethanol in our gas. I lose almost 2 mpg with it at 10% and don't have a choice as all our gas is 10% Ethanol around here.