It was fate I tell you! It was meant to be.
For a couple years I have been enthused about converting a Metro to either pure electric or hybrid (Mother Earth News like). Then last July my wife made the mistake of leaving me at home alone for a few days to go on a cluck-cluck trip with her girfriends. And an ebay auction for a '93 Geo Metro (with a bad engine) was closing while she was gone!
I mean that can't be a coincidence can it? I didn't have a choice did I?
But, sadly, it has been sitting out back ever since, cause I'm building a house. Then you come along and do exactly what I'd love to be doing, the same way I'd do it too - on the cheap, but worst of all with a Metro that looks exactly like mine! And it works!
Thanks a lot!

Now what am I going to do? Finish the house or start piddling with the Metro?
Seriously, great work and great scrounging. Best of luck. I'll be checking the thread probably twice a day.