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Old 06-06-2007, 07:49 PM   #21
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there is a car pooling section of their web site, there are also a number of people on this site that are within 200-300 miles (minnapolis, chicago, madison, green bay) and a number ways to get directly there from air ports and other forms of public transit, yes, I know alot of people have alot of reasons that they can't go, it sounds like at least one person who is going because they found out about it thru this site, and just like improving your gas mileage, action is best spred when based in education.

Yes, solar panals (PV) are exspensive, but unlike almost everything else in our lives these days, as long as the laminated safty glass that they are encased in isn't broken, you should be able to pass them on to your children, or at least that is the hope that I have with the ones that my parents bought when I was about 3 years old, and altho installing a renewable energy system does cost alot of money, so does installing an electrical service to a new house, and then the power compeny wants to keep charging you every month, in the end you have nothing.
this energy fair has alot more then just people selling solar panals, and bio-diesel prosessing equipment, it has information on how to use less energy, how to use cleaner energy, and how to make some of it your self.

So is anyone else going besides DracoFelis who would like to try to meet up? then privet message me or him.

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Old 06-24-2007, 09:57 PM   #22
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Well, it was a good time, I ended up forgetting what time it was and told the vollunteer quardinator that I would keep an eye on the front gate for a few hours so it was easy for DracoFelis to track me down and we had a nice chat, and altho he was the only one from this site that I talked to, I did end up talking to someone who frequents the site with a honda insight that said he's averaging around 85mpg, and has gotten 90mpg on the 4 hour drive to this event, he just happened to be camping 2 spots down from me, next to a friend of his that I had met two years ago with a Toyota Passio that two years ago was getting around 42mpg, and is now averaging 53mpg, both of them sware by warm air intake, and clamed the biggest jump in mileage from the warm air.
The clean energy car show included alot of bio-fueled vehicles, a plug in hybrid, a home built electric motorcycle, a NMG single person electric vehicle, a booth with Currie Tec represenitives/engener and a dozen or so of their electric assted bicycles and scooters, a friend ended up buying one, so I took it for a ride and it was great fun, no controles, just sensors on the crank sensing touqe and speed so it felt like you alwas had a strong tail wind, and never had to fumble with a throttle.

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