Originally Posted by trebuchet03
Wow, really defensive today
In any case, you assume a lot
Not like you know me or my experiences 
Yeah but this is like arguing about the benefits of sunlight with a blind man.
The man wants proof, now you can lead this horse to water, but you can't force it to drink.
Just because assume means accept without verification or proof...
It also means take to be the case or to be true!
It means 'take on,' such as:
If you assume extra wear, this means it wears more.
In this world if I needed proof for what every dick and harry spouted off I would still be where I was 10 years ago, now y'all can go get drunk instead of me, I won't stand for the garbage and I don't need proof of my own experiences.
Proof or not, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks and talks like a duck.
You know that's a duck, my chances of being right are 90% or better, case like this I ALWAYS assume.
Because given the odds, I'm right more often than not
So, you DO assume extra engine wear running dino.
No abnormal wear IS wear.
Btw some folks claim if you hold the horse's head under water long enough it eventually has to inhale some

Me, I'm long gone before it comes to that, I let them figure it out on their own.
And if they never do, it's not my problem.