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dewy 05-11-2011 09:30 AM

Also having trouble with the log book showing US (Read: Dead measurement systems) stats being shown rather than the metric system. Very confusing, I have no idea what the hell a mile is.

Otherwise it looks like a very nice update guys, keep it up!

pb 05-11-2011 10:27 AM

What browser/OS are you using, Pancake?

triplefan 05-11-2011 02:25 PM

Overall a fresh clean look, but although the teal is a pretty colour I don't find it as easy to read as something darker.

Katabolism 05-11-2011 03:49 PM

New site looks great

Please make sure that in the fule ups section, it shows something other then miles and gallons.

I use the Metric settings, as im in Australia, and I would like to see everything in Litres and l/100kms

MMUK 05-11-2011 07:45 PM

Since some people like the notes expanded (me & a few others in this thread), and some people like them shrunk, how about a way to flip between expanded & shrunk? (i.e. an 'expand/shrink notes' link to an alternate view or something like that).

But I prefer the handling of CR/LF characters in the new system, i.e., the old system just jammed all the text up in a big blob. So ideally the 'expanded view' would use the user's formatting like the new tooltip thing does.

errorik 05-11-2011 08:32 PM

@everyone - the full fuel log page is active now ("View All Fuel-ups")... on that page you get 30 entries per page and the notes fully expanded. Does this satisfy the requirement for full notes?

nhbubba 05-11-2011 09:26 PM

The new scale on the by month bar-graph is great. The old 0-xMPG scale caused the bars to all look really similar. Good call there.

The adjustable cost analysts period is also a really welcomed change.

The info-graphics in the Basic Stats area area are a little much though. I personally don't need average/last/best MPG in such huge print. And the total fillups infographic (with the gas pump) is neat, but a real space waster. The old matrix was just as effective and more conservative with the space usage.

I look forward to being able to customize this space with new and different metrics. Although I have no specific ideas for what I want to see here.

One thing that would be cool to develop is an easy way to put together a report based on all fuelups with a given keyword or keywords. I put fuel station/brand and octane into the keyword field on each fillup and would be interested to see if that effects mileage. Although the brand/octane I fillup with effects the _next_ fillup's mileage, not this fillup. If fuelly could figure that out for me, that'd be really useful.

That said, octane really should be a separate field when entering fillup data.

Overall this site is great! I like it enough to type out these comments..

golfernandes 05-11-2011 09:40 PM


the new look and options are awesome!!

I have a suggestion:

In Brazil we usually reffer to fuel consumption in a km/L basis, meaning how many kilometers were made with 1 Liter...

i know it's easy for example to change the 2,8L/km to 35 km/L..but i didn't see this feature, and as long as you are updating, that's what I ask:

as well as I can change to US/UK/Metric, is it possible to add something like: L/km or Km/L?


jrlnc 05-11-2011 09:53 PM

Hi There!

The new color scheme and layout is fresh & attractive! I'm a web developer myself and I appreciate what you've done.

One great use for this site is the views of data for different models/years of a particular vehicle. Please don't remove the mpg distribution graphs for models/years!

In fact, I was hoping you would add additional filters (like include only vehicles that have x number of fuelups or more, etc.) and I wish you would calculate & display weighted mileage for an entire group (model/year). I'd also like to see ranking within model for each individual's mpg figure.

Keep up the good work!

zsadik 05-11-2011 10:27 PM

Excellent. Love the new site!!

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