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Compaq888 12-02-2005 08:42 PM

Re: Quote:I'll be passing by

Originally Posted by diamondlarry

I'll be passing by this station after work but it's hot when I pass it. The best time to get gas is when It's cold outside.
Something else I've found is that if drive less than a few miles before filling up, you can get more gas in the tank. This is because there hasn't been as much warm gas returned to the tank throught the return line.

So you are saying get gas while the car is cold???

diamondlarry 12-02-2005 08:45 PM

Yes. I haven't figured out
Yes. I haven't figured out whether or not you get any more mpgs or not but it should help you pack more fuel into the tank. It could help with those temporary price spikes so you can wait until the price comes back down.

Compaq888 12-02-2005 08:59 PM

ok. Still waiting on the
ok. Still waiting on the remote. Somebody must know something.

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