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cfg83 11-22-2006 03:45 PM

theclencher -


Originally Posted by theclencher

This is a phrase used by environmentalists. A small footprint means to leave little impact on the environment. I believe in the small footprint too. But it's hard to be a well-trained (i.e. brainwashed) consumer and an idealist too.


Silveredwings 11-22-2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
What would make me happy would be to discover that the car companies were aware of the "FE subculture" the way they are aware of (and marketing to) the tuner crowd.

Imagine being able to tick on the option sheet "extra-tall top gear" or "wheel skirts" or "smart alternator" the way you can now check "CAI", "performance exhaust", "alloy rims"...

I've seen "gm.com" a few times in the activity logs of my web site, and I like to pretend they're actually taking some of this in...

It seems to me that the car companies added tuner extras because not stealing from the bigger-than-cottage industry looked to them like so much money left on the table. Often they pick the best in breed and oem that item instead of developing it themselves.

So here's your chance to get in on the ground floor of a budding cottage industry as one of the leading experts: "Darin's Metro/Swift Wheelskirts" :D

Silveredwings 11-22-2006 04:11 PM

I do it because:
1) I'm cheap.
2) I like an engineering challenge.
3) I'm cheap.
4) I hate contributing to world instability by exploiting petroleum.
5) Did I mention I'm cheap? :D

rh77 11-22-2006 04:16 PM

  1. For the Environment
  2. For the Challenge of "How To"
  3. For the Competition
  4. For the Education and to Pass it On
  5. For the Comaradarie of the GS Community


kickflipjr 11-22-2006 04:25 PM

I think you guys covered everything that I was thinking.

I always liked tinkering with stuff (cars and bikes). The gaslog on this site kept me interested in FE (I may have gone back to the dark side if it wasn't for the gaslog). Yeah i am cheap too. I know I have saved hundreds on gas over the past year compared to how I drove before. I guess I am competive too and always trying to be the fastest, longest, highest.

Peakster 11-22-2006 07:13 PM

Definitely the money aspect for me. I'm not much of a gearhead or an environmentalist. Just looking at my gaslog shows just how much I drive and so the less fuel used, the better (gas is still $3.188 per gallon here). However I'm sure if I had a vehicle that used 3x more fuel than my Geo (I was seriously eyeing up a 4.0L 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee this summer), I'd only drive it 1/3 as much!

psyshack 11-23-2006 01:38 PM

I'm definitely not greenish.

I like to tinker and mess with a cars inner working's. But wont areo mod or functional mod unless its hidden. Like my engine belly pan. Or looks factory.

I like to hypermile for many reason's. The main one being, it's another set of skills in the motorsports world. Getting good FE is another skill like auto-x'ing.

SVOboy 11-23-2006 01:59 PM

Go Big Green! And no, I don't mean Dartmouth, :)

budomove 11-23-2006 03:20 PM

clearing throat...

budomove 11-23-2006 03:22 PM

1. i have ocd. :thumbdown:
2. i like my money. :thumbup:
3. i like living outside of a biodome on mars. :thumbup:
4. distracts me from real goals. :thumbdown:
5. i like feeling efficient and innovative. :thumbup:

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