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Silveredwings 03-03-2007 04:05 AM

Poor buy barges also because if they're cheap enough, the money saved can often buy years worth of gas.

Silveredwings 03-03-2007 05:38 PM

Haven't you noticed that people buy cars for the percieved status it gives them? Big cars are (through no effect by advertising, I'm sure ;) ) often associated with success. I've always identified with small cars so I admit I don't completely understand it, but it seems to be a kind of American icon. And, I bet there is a low correlation between that barge=living-the-high-life mindset and the members here...but I digress.

I think Rick hit the nail on the thumb: 86% probably figure those small FE cars are what everyone else ought to be driving. ;)

cfg83 03-03-2007 06:27 PM

theclencher -


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 42731)
I have to admit I find the rationale of the position that the poor buy barges because of a lack of available economical vehicles puzzling. :confused:

I can find just as many cheap little cars and mini-trucks as I can barges any day of the week. There's a bazillion Grand Ams, Cavaliers, Cutlass Cieras, Taurii... heck, you name it, it's out there and just as cheap as the big stuff. Just about anybody that wants to can get into something with 30 mpg FE.

I'll venture to guess it's also the Wal-Mart/fast food effect. Why get the little Cavalier when you can go "big size" for comparable payments? More for your $$, right? What do you think?

- Pardon me, I'd like a car please.
- For $1000 more you can "go big".
- Oh ... well, ummm, ok.


GasSavers_Red 03-03-2007 06:44 PM

However when the Jones pulls in with an 08 Denali loaded to the gills, suddenly buying that 98 Denali with a 6L V8 doesn't seem like a bad idea....

Another example is luxury cars. When there was a spike of people buying BMWs and Mercedes everyone had to have one even if they couldn't afford em. So people picked up beaters just for the name plate.

The people whom they look up to buy or drive certain types of vehicles and those same people follow those trends.

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