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SVOboy 04-29-2007 06:30 PM

M.E. is for suckers. I'm prolly going to regret not taking all that crap when I'm a jap/linguistics double major with no idea how to weld...:)

Good to hear you figured out the harness, can't wait to see it done.

BumblingB 04-30-2007 05:43 PM

Week April 22-29

- Fixed the Jetta A/C again, this time I should have the leaks fixed. :) It's COLD! Also changed the oil, changed over to synthetic and it runs MUCH smoother. I've changed oil in cars hundreds of time and for the first time the old filter seal stuck to the filter mount, good thing I always check "just in case".

- Bought a little Cushman Turf-Truckster. Has a hydraulic dump bed and 3 low/3 high transmission. It's friggin' awesome! Great for getting stuff done on the property. Need to get the lights working and straighten one of the bed brackets as the bed sits warped.

- Got a considerable amount of stuff done at work too.

- This weeks list includes tint the Metro windows, tint the Corolla windows and finish tinting the Jetta. Also need to change the oil in the Metro.

tom_eberhard 04-30-2007 06:50 PM

SVOboy: for the love of Christ, please learn a couple of practical things while in college on top of your regular classes. 1 or 2 business classes (accounting and marketing?), a computer programming class, and machine shop if they offer it. (It's probably called manufacturing methods in the ME department) And of course welding, but that can usually be done at a vocational school if they offer evening programs.

>Good to hear you figured out the harness, can't wait to see it done.
yeah me too. A couple of sportbikes just rode by and those engines sound nasty. I can't wait to have one too, hehehe...

Wazabi Owner:
Isn't running the AC going to affect your mileage a lot?
What do you do for work?
Is the tinting to keep the car cool or to be cool?


SVOboy 04-30-2007 08:01 PM

I don't think we offer normal "accounting" type classes. I will be taking a java class, but I already sort of know it and have found it useless. We offer neither machine nor welding, nor anything close. To get into any classes where I would learn something practical would take many prerequisites. I have planned my four years to the letter and am very happy with how it looks, :)

Bill in Houston 05-01-2007 04:38 AM

Two of the most useful classes I took in engineering school were 1- engineering economics and 2- microeconomics. Engineering economics taught stuff like time value of money, ROI, present value, etc. Very useful when thinking about mortgages or saving for college. Microeconomics taught stuff like elasticity, commodity vs brand value, supply vs demand, etc. Very useful when wondering why asparagus is 3 bucks for a little bundle, and bottled water costs more than gasoline, yet gas prices get more press. :-)

BumblingB 05-01-2007 06:37 PM

I always commute two people in the car, since my wife is the passenger I am going to have to take the hit in mileage or just take the hit like a man. She'll beat me up if I don't keep it cool in there. :eek: Just Kidding. She'll just yell at me.....a lot.

I teach something along the lines of transporting hazardous materials, packaging, paperwork etc. Check out what I found in the ditch behind my car at work today, about 12 feet from my car.

Keep the car cool. I just go with 35%. Not trying to be cool, I ooze coolness without even trying. :rolleyes: Tonight I tinted the two rear doors of the Corolla, that precut tint is awesome - super simple. Should finish it tomorrow evening.


Originally Posted by tom_eberhard (Post 49735)
Wazabi Owner:
Isn't running the AC going to affect your mileage a lot?
What do you do for work?
Is the tinting to keep the car cool or to be cool?


Bill in Houston 05-01-2007 07:09 PM

DOT labeling - oooo, getting...sleepy... :-)

trebuchet03 05-01-2007 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wazabi Owner (Post 49820)
I teach something along the lines of transporting hazardous materials, packaging, paperwork etc. Check out what I found in the ditch behind my car at work today, about 12 feet from my car.

I read about hazardous materials... saw the picture... saw the gator... re-read... looked at the picture again... and again, still not seeing the anything hazardous... It just occurred to me, there's probably a lot of people that haven't seen a gator outside of a zoo :p I have got to get out of Florida :D

tom_eberhard 05-02-2007 05:29 PM

SVOBoy: Hopefully I didn't come across as offensive with my comment on your classes, glad you're happy with them. But I thought you were going to Dartmouth and they have an engineering school there as far as I remember from my campus visit eons ago, and they should offer a couple of useful things. You can always sneak in into the big freshman lectures...

The croc pic: Damn I didn't even see it!

SVOboy 05-02-2007 05:35 PM

I am going to dartmouth, and thayer does exist, but my schedule is packed and prereqs for more useful courses are a burden...it wasn't offensive, so dont worry. Just know I'm making the most out of my time. Besides, I can pick up many of those sorts of things on my own more than I can the things I'm studying (At least in my mind). So finish your project...

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