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-   -   MREA get togeather June 15-17 (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f8/mrea-get-togeather-june-15-17-a-4658.html)

bzipitidoo 06-03-2007 08:08 PM

I wish I could go, but the timing just isn't working out for me. Maybe next year.

Hockey4mnhs 06-03-2007 08:36 PM

where exactly is it gonna be?

DracoFelis 06-04-2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Hockey4mnhs (Post 54909)
where exactly is it gonna be?

Follow the link:

GasSavers_Ryland 06-05-2007 10:06 PM

I find it funny that there are so few people on here who are planing to attend this event when just today I went out for coffee, and I heard what sounded like an interesting conversation going on, so I moved to a closer table, this guy was talking to some ladies I know, about world travle, and energy, and bio-diesel, and fuel efficintcy, so I joined in, and he told me that I should really go to the renewable energy fair next week, and I said "already planing on it" turned out he was here from out of town, helping his kid move.
I find it fasinating that I can run in to compleat strangers from 100's of miles away who will start trying to convince me to go to this energy fair.

repete86 06-05-2007 10:18 PM

I was planning on going, but I have a film job coming up. I can't just take time off for this kind of work like you can in a 9-5.

SVOboy 06-05-2007 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ryland (Post 55334)
so why is it that I can run in to compleat strangers from 100's of miles away who tell me start trying to convince me to go to this energy fair, and people who are on a web forum, who are interested in saving energy, and resources are brushing it off, am I missing something? or do the rest of you not realize how much you can learn? I just don't get it.

I'm not up for a 2000 mile drive to wisconsin to learn about reducing my energy use, :p

I think a lot of us do these kinds of things...I'm in the sustainable group at dartmouth and run a vegan group and do all sorts of crap like that, but I don't find much time or place to say things such as "so we replaced the non-reusable food containers at such and such place with reusable ones" on here. Besides, I don't own my own house even!

I'm sure it's the same with other people, but I just don't have time to do anything. I participated in "Carry your trash week" but didn't go to the rally at the end. Why? I had a job and a paper to write!

Don't be overly critical of people, just try to post more things on the subject to get people interested. I would love to see more around the house stuff and figure out how to do a solar installation, but I find myself without any free days to sit and exhaustively research such things.

GasSavers_Ryland 06-05-2007 11:06 PM

yes, travling 2,000 miles to learn how to reduce your engery useage could be a bit counter perductive if you are already living a low impact life style.
your point about not being a homeowner, and not being able to make a big impact because of that... they do have a whole section of workshops for young adults, and people who are not home owners, things like how to getyour collage compus to compost, what rain gardens are and how to get one going in your area, how to choose eco-friendly products, how to grow your own food with a transient life style, corproate campaigning.
and about 165 other workshops on a wide range of topics.

GasSavers_StanleyD 06-06-2007 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Hockey4mnhs (Post 54909)
where exactly is it gonna be?

Pulled from their website:

The physical address of the ReNew the Earth Institute is 7558 Deer Road in Custer, WI. Feel free to call the office at 715-592-6595 for more detailed driving directions.
I would love to go, however, it seems a little too far a drive from NY Metro area.

GasSavers_StanleyD 06-06-2007 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 55342)
Don't be overly critical of people, just try to post more things on the subject to get people interested. I would love to see more around the house stuff and figure out how to do a solar installation, but I find myself without any free days to sit and exhaustively research such things.

I think the bigger problem is cost rather than time. Look at the cost of solar panels. Personally I think its rediculous considering what they are made of. Home solar panel installations can easily cost $40K before government subsidies, if any. Small solar panels that require NO installation are still into the hundreds of dollars for a simple sheet the size of half a standard window. Its just so expensive for something that is NOT beyond our technology. Its not like we have an idea and have to wait for the technology to catch up. DIYers may not have tons of free time for any of these installs ect but if the cost were more reasonable than Im sure MANY more people would become involved and many others wouild FIND more time.
I also dont own a house yet but cant wait to own one and make it energy efficient. But I would love to incorporate many solar applications to my everyday life. Things such as solar powered panels that can power up smaller portions of my 'rented' apartment (maybe the computer or TV or smaller wattage devices) that can lower my electric bill and help conserve the environment. Im dying to see one the the cars that have a solar panel incorporated into the battery to ease the strain on the alternator thus improving your mpg. Im just afraid of how much it would cost. If there's ever a meet-and-greet in NYC area (Queens, LI, Manhattan Brooklyn), please let me know guys.

SVOboy 06-06-2007 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ryland (Post 55344)
yes, travling 2,000 miles to learn how to reduce your engery useage could be a bit counter perductive if you are already living a low impact life style.
your point about not being a homeowner, and not being able to make a big impact because of that... they do have a whole section of workshops for young adults, and people who are not home owners, things like how to getyour collage compus to compost, what rain gardens are and how to get one going in your area, how to choose eco-friendly products, how to grow your own food with a transient life style, corproate campaigning.
and about 165 other workshops on a wide range of topics.

Indeed, such things are all good, but, I mean, I get that kind of stuff at college. We are not in the top 4 sustainable campuses in the country for no reason, ;), I've even nagged my favorite cafe into reinstating compost. I do wish I could attend some workshops on activism and things, but they have them on campus too, and I'm just too busy...hopefully there will be an RE fair nearby when I am off in september. :)

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