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brucepick 06-27-2007 11:15 AM

I've gotten used to having FE as a priority. Too bad for them if they think I should be going faster. I got honked at two days in a row this week but I didn't respond in any way. If they can't see the "MPG" sticker on my back window and figure it out that's just tooooo baaad.

I'll go faster when they buy my gas. OK, that's a quote from a FE message board post. That's how I feel though.

GasSavers_DaX 06-27-2007 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by MnFocus (Post 60989)
DaX ...do you *ever* really get over it ? I haven't yet and it really irks me - especially when the left lane is clear for miles !

It's a constant struggle. I've recently taken on the tactic of sitting more forward when I see a car approaching rapidly. This way I don't see them in the mirror, therefore they are not there and I can continue saving gas! :)

Sigifrith 06-27-2007 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by McPatrick (Post 60990)
...That Scangauge i read a lot about, but one of the reasons for buying the VX is out of economic reasons as well, and I am not sure how much a Scangauge is but I am sure I could buy quite some gallons of gas for that....

A Scangauge won't work on your VX. You'll need a SuperMID. https://www.gassavers.org/showthread.php?t=3953

I'm waiting till the new one arrives with a MPG display.

McPatrick 06-27-2007 12:38 PM

I just spent some time looking for bumper stickers that will let my fellow road user know "what the heck he's doing driving THAT slow".

I found this one:


And there are more here:


Anybody know of more cool bumper stickers, beside the one from Gassavers.org of course ? :)

omgwtfbyobbq 06-27-2007 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by brucepick (Post 60999)
I'll go faster when they buy my gas. OK, that's a quote from a FE message board post. That's how I feel though.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

ffvben 06-27-2007 03:32 PM

i don't use cruise control because i don't have any ... but keeping your foot on the gas, making adjustments keeps me alert more constantly watching speedo. I'd probably fall asleep if cruise was on, i wish they made auto pilot.

white90crxhf 06-27-2007 03:40 PM

it's pretty easy... @ 65 my rpm's are roughly 3000, my redline is 5000. i hate going over 65 because my engine has so many miles(303,7xx). I think i'm going to kill it and be tempted to replace it with an D16A6. :)

kickflipjr 06-27-2007 07:06 PM

You just need to get in the habit of driving at slow speed. It takes some time to adjust. Remember to look in you rearveiw mirror more.

Rick Rae 06-28-2007 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 60987)
Gotta watch the mirrors like they said.

Okay, and what do you do when you see something in the rearview? DaX, I see your tactic is to stop looking :D and MnFocus uses emergency flashers for a heads-up. What do others do?

It seems to me the risk's the worst in light traffic. During the morning commute there's always cars behind me swinging left to pass, so the folks behind them get a warning that something ahead is moving more slowly than the pack. But when the highway's lightly loaded, someone who's not paying attention can be on top of you before they know it.

MnFocus, I'm with you on the politeness thing. If there's not a lot of traffic and I see someone coming in plenty of time, I'll go into a gentle pulse so I'm not as much below the posted limit by the time they catch me, then I'll glide after they pass. I've also tried the ridge-riding thing as a visual cue. In heavy traffic I've been caving and picking up my pace to a little under the speed limit. (Maybe as I build my nerve, or get more cynical, or gas prices continue to climb I won't do that as much :) but I'm still new to all this -- I've been a "speed limit plus five" driver for as long as I can remember.)

Let's hear methods from the rest of you, please.




Originally Posted by McPatrick (Post 60990)
...I am not sure how much a Scangauge is but I am sure I could buy quite some gallons of gas for that.

With gas prices what they are, not as many as you might think. :p

96hb 06-28-2007 03:41 AM

You just have to force yourself to do it. No other way really. It is hard sometimes but when you fill up and see how many more mpg's you just got, that makes it worth it. I'm not like most of these guys though. I never drive that much below the speed limit on an interstate. I do 55-60 (speed limit 55) and just try to cruise at a steady speed. Some people pass me, some follow behind. I'm just trying to drive more sensibly. I'm not as into it as some of the others here, but I have made great increases in FE. I went from 38-40mpg to now getting 47-50mpg. Pretty good for just slowing down a little on my commute and airing up the tires. :thumbup:

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