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GasSavers_Vman 09-08-2008 11:01 PM

Here is a good site with lots of things to try.

theholycow 09-09-2008 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Vman (Post 117953)
Has anyone tried the chemical coating one can put on teh rear of a vehicle to reduce air resistance?


I usually don't click links posted by new users since they're almost always spam, but you seem to have posted some other more normal messages. However, that site appears to completely lack even any marketing claims, let alone any science. All it says is that it helps, it doesn't even say how much it helps, let alone HOW it helps. It says stuff about being based on NASA's boattail research...which is total nonsense for anything applied as a liquid, unless it's a magic paint that shapes itself as a boattail and includes hinges and a latch so you can still access the vehicle's rear end...

Hoopster 09-09-2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Vman (Post 117953)
Has anyone tried the chemical coating one can put on teh rear of a vehicle to reduce air resistance?


I'm always skeptical of products that are not shown or explained.

GasSavers_Vman 09-10-2008 08:03 PM

Yeah well I did read about the slipstream product some where else that is how I came to the link. It appratently works best for vans and vehicles that have larger back ends. looks to me its just a wax or something that makes the surface extra slick. I certainly was not spamming as I have no connection with the outfit. I was planning on trying it on my car at some point in the future and just wondered if anyone had tried it. I think I got the link off the page that had to do with the vortex airfoil somewhere I can't find anymore, that they were putting on top of vans at the back and getting pretty good improvement in mileage. It uses the rear turbulence to push the car forward.


GasSavers_Vman 09-10-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 117985)
I usually don't click links posted by new users since they're almost always spam, but you seem to have posted some other more normal messages. However, that site appears to completely lack even any marketing claims, let alone any science. All it says is that it helps, it doesn't even say how much it helps, let alone HOW it helps. It says stuff about being based on NASA's boattail research...which is total nonsense for anything applied as a liquid, unless it's a magic paint that shapes itself as a boattail and includes hinges and a latch so you can still access the vehicle's rear end...

Well I certainly am not a spammer. I moderate a few groups myself and am intolerant of people that join just to spam also. So I can see your concern.
I did a search in google on the term "slipstream coating" and only thing I found was a PDF file where they did some tests on semi trucks with the stuff and that was years ago. If it was valid testing then they did get some results. I don't think the stuff is sold to the regular consumer much. I was just one of those odd things I ran across in my daily hours of sercrhing the net.

Philip1 09-30-2008 08:48 PM

I could just wash the car after all 1/8 inch of crud can't help aero

I had to remove the skirts and airdam due to damage. I noticed a clever thing the engine transmission and crossmember form one smooth panel. So I'm going to see if having no airdam or skirts is any different than having them. I have a hunch it will be worse but we will see.

Philip1 10-02-2008 03:20 PM

no air dam or side skirts makes a huge difference. I apparently was not improving my aero by having a large airdam. my milage in town driving has been in the mid to high 20s before but now I'm seeing low to mid 30s in town. I can't wait to see what highway will be like.

itjstagame 10-03-2008 06:05 AM

Does that car really only weigh 3000lbs? That's cool.

Philip1 10-03-2008 10:46 AM

yep it's a huge beast and having just a 2.2 to haul it around it's a wonder it gets the milage it's currently getting.

jeep45238 10-03-2008 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by philip1 (Post 120340)
yep it's a huge beast and having just a 2.2 to haul it around it's a wonder it gets the milage it's currently getting.

Fun car with the 3.0L - great highway motor - horrible on maintenence :thumbdown:

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