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-   -   We are now looking for aCar 5.0 beta testers! (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f42/we-are-now-looking-for-acar-5-0-beta-testers-19083.html)

DaVoodoo 02-20-2017 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by EMY92 (Post 193189)
Sorry that we missed you.

Please check your email.

Got it. Much appreciated. :bow:

robsheppard 02-20-2017 05:02 PM

Hi there, been using Fuelly since 2008, and I was wondering if I could be added to the beta?

EMY92 02-21-2017 04:22 AM

Check your email, you are ready to go.

robsheppard 02-21-2017 08:08 AM

Awesome, thanks!

spikejnz 02-22-2017 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by spikejnz (Post 192914)
I'm a long-time aCar user (donated waaaaay back when), but have stopped using it with my new car, simply because I've lost data too many times. I'd inquired about testing when you acquired aCar, but that was some time ago.

I'd like to try the Beta as well, please!


Originally Posted by EMY92 (Post 192930)
It will hopefully go out later this week.

There have been a couple of minor bugs that we've been chasing down.

I'll post here, Twitter, Facebook, etc. when it does go out. If you don't get an email, we'll make sure that you don't get left out.

I don't have any emails in either my email that I used to donate to aCar, or my fuelly mail. Can you please send the invite again?

EMY92 02-23-2017 04:17 AM

Check your email!

latashaw 02-23-2017 09:44 AM

Beta Tester
I would like to be apart of the Beta testing. I'm an acar user for many years.

Jaquimo 02-24-2017 09:27 AM

Hi, I would like to be added to the beta testing if you still accept testers.

ReptileZA 02-25-2017 01:47 AM

@EMY92, My father is currently a beta tester and I just bought my first motorbike today.

Also purchased Acar Pro.

Can I PLEASE also join the beta program? :)


abolis 02-25-2017 01:32 PM

I've been a aCar user for a long time, and have (mostly impatiently) been waiting for cloud sync since Fuelly bought it. Any chance there are a few spots left in the beta?

abolis 02-25-2017 01:45 PM

Thanks for the rapid response!

ReptileZA 02-25-2017 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by ReptileZA (Post 193415)

Can I PLEASE also join the beta program? :)


I am in. Thank you. ;)

ScorpionZN 02-26-2017 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by ReptileZA (Post 193431)
I am in. Thank you. ;)

Good day, Brother of ReptileZA here. Can I also be added. I am also a long time user of ACar Pro.

dcbii 02-26-2017 12:57 PM

Hello, it's probably too late, but I would love to beta test the new app syncing with Fuelly. I'm a long time GasCubby user (since 2009), who moved to using Fuelly sync when GasCubby was purchased. Now, I've just moved to Android, and I would love to have an app that works to sync with Fuelly, especially since my wife will be continuing to use iOS.

EMY92 02-27-2017 12:57 AM

Send me the email address associated with your Google Play account and we'll get you signed up.

vinipuh7 02-27-2017 08:39 AM

Hi, just saw the G+ post... Great news!

I've been using the aCar Pro version since March, 29, 2013.
May I be a beta tester, please?

Best regards.

Marty52 02-28-2017 09:51 AM

I'd be really interested in being part of the beta testing.

EMY92 02-28-2017 10:41 AM

Marty52, I am currently testing the first beta update to be released. I will welcome you into the beta group, but I am going to hold off on emailing the invite to you until the update is released. You'll get to be the first one to test the migration process in the updated version.

JohannV 02-28-2017 11:48 PM

Please sign me up as well, got the email but this is the message

App not available for this account

Your account isn't currently eligible for this app's testing program.
If you've been invited to become a tester, make sure that you're signed in to the account that was invited to the testing program. If you've been invited to a Google Group or Google+ Community as part of the program, make sure that you've joined the Group or Community.

EMY92 03-01-2017 03:53 AM

Your link is now active.

onfire4g05 03-02-2017 02:29 PM

I'd also like to be in the beta. I've used aCar Pro for almost 7 years (and have close to 8 years of data, from converting from GasCubby back in the day).

I signed up using the old link, but I guess I didn't get in that way. :(

cscattaglia 03-03-2017 06:50 AM


I would love to be a part of the Beta program if you are still accepting members!
The form is unavailable unfortunately :(


EMY92 03-03-2017 09:33 AM

I think we have everyone that has requested beta access, if not, let me know.

sebastjanp 03-04-2017 11:28 PM

Hello @EMY92 I'm also a long time aCar user. Can you grant me access to the beta?

xZorniXz 03-05-2017 03:18 PM

Hi! Long time fuelly user, would love to join the aCar beta testing :-)

Bård Ivar

Mihokjol 03-12-2017 11:35 AM

Hi EMY92,

If it is possible I would like to join as a beta tester.
I am a long time pro user of acar.

Solarisphere 03-20-2017 08:59 PM

I would like to get beta access as well. I've been waiting for the new app for years and I signed up for the beta probably over a year ago now.

EMY92 03-21-2017 03:08 AM

I will send you the opt in link for the beta, but will wait until the next beta update is released. I'd like some new testers for the updates. The next update should be ready in the next few days.


LSousa 03-21-2017 06:10 AM

Hi there i'm the European Portuguese translator of the aCar app. If you want me to continue the job call me back.

EMY92 03-22-2017 03:27 AM

I talked with Armond, any translation updates will likely not happen for a while. Those will be included in when we re-skin the app in the 5.1 or 5.2 update.

dkidwell 03-24-2017 03:19 PM

Been using Acar pro for years, signed up for the beta a year ago. If there are still any slots, I would like to beta test the new version.


EMY92 03-25-2017 12:48 AM

I have added you to the Beta forum, but I need your email address associated with your Play Store account to send you the opt in link for the beta. Please send it to me via Fuelly mail and I'll finish the process of adding you to the beta.

deerewright 03-30-2017 04:15 AM

I have also been using aCar for many years, and have been not-so-patiently-waiting for the ability to sync multiple devices. I am pretty sure i signed up to be notified of the beta, but never received any info????? Anyway, if you still have any room on the beta team, I'd love to help out. I am a beta tester for a couple of iOS apps: APDL (Airline Pilot Daily Logbook), and Logbook Pro for iOS Apps . However, I only use iOS for work (i.e., when I have no other choice ;)). Otherwise, we are an Android Family :-)).

If you do still have room for more beta testers, please let me know. My profile email is my Google Play account email.

sukaitsu 04-09-2017 08:10 AM

I've been using aCar for years and signed up for the beta a couple times with no reply.

Hawkertech 04-09-2017 11:00 AM

I would also like to be a beta tester, as I have used acar for many years.

EMY92 04-10-2017 02:08 AM

When the next aCar beta update is released, I will send you the opt in link for the beta test. The next release should be tomorrow or Wednesday.

Davej626 04-10-2017 09:58 AM

I would also like to beta test this release. Thanks!

EMY92 04-10-2017 10:00 AM

See my reply above, I'll make sure to include you as well.

Davej626 04-10-2017 10:13 AM

Thanks EMY92. Will be looking for it..

pjbeta 04-10-2017 07:35 PM

I would love a chance to join as well. I love this app, but I've been one of the frustrated users that has lost data in the past and really been looking forward to the ability to sync my data.

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