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theholycow 03-21-2009 03:33 AM

I have had my phone calls escalated sometimes. I have been lax in the "sending letters" department.

I've mostly given up. The way I see it, if they truly want to lose money who am I to try to save them from that? Let them waste money sending me catalogs and lose customers when I explain why people shouldn't buy from those jerks.

GasSavers_maximilian 03-21-2009 06:30 AM

I'm not as good as I should be. This talk has inspired me to get rid of the last of the ex's junk mail that trickles in.

Snax 03-22-2009 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 130441)
I don't see it as an issue of money. I see it as an issue of saving trees and postal service fuel, and not adding to the landfill/burn barrel. Just think if everyone went on a mission to cut out unwanted mail.

Yeah, they could even lay off postal workers! Er . . oops.

Snax 03-22-2009 05:02 PM

We thought we could be proactive in turning off our heat this last week since the days were creeping into the high 50s and lows in the low 40's. But today it's back to a high of 42 with more typical Oregon weather: Sun, hail, sun, rain, sun, hail - all in about an hour.

GasSavers_maximilian 03-22-2009 05:07 PM

I was ALMOST fooled into removing my snow tires late last week. Today we got 4" of snow. Close one.

ma4t 12-20-2009 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by maximilian (Post 130366)
I knew junk mail sucked, which is why is was a joke! Mostly making fun of how much damn mail I was getting. I ordered some .22 ammo for my plinking rifle and all of a sudden I was getting cigar, jerky, and phone sex number junk mail. Yeesh.

I'd love to share cable with my neighbor and kick in for his bill (use a wifi router), but we're not friendly enough that I think he'd go for it.

Dude, be careful of that.
Don't ever share your cable with anybody. They prosecute that stuff.
I hope you're joking.

GasSavers_Pete 12-21-2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 130363)

In past winters, I've burned pallets. It's a lot of work cutting them up and feeding them into the fire but they make a whole lot of heat (and still less work than trying to burn all paper).

Be very careful with pallets.
Some are fumigated for use with fruit , vegetables and other plant life.
Burning those will kill you.


theholycow 12-22-2009 02:37 AM

Good point. I burned pallets from construction supply warehouses.

Project84 12-22-2009 03:44 AM

I keep my house at 55*F now even though I bought this fancy 7-day programmable thermostat, thinking, "Oh, this will surely save some money." Later realizing, nothing saves money quite like NOT using comfort features at all. LOL

I'm such a money hoarder. I hate it.

Just bought this house (32 year old house in rough shape) back in August. I'm 24, it's my first property. I rented a few places for the past 5 years before deciding the $8k incentive was reason enough to buy. Even when renting I would only run the heater if I had company (had gas heat at my old townhouse). There were many mornings I'd wake up to the sight of my breath... that was cold.

My mother is always complaining when I tell her on the phone the temperature in my house. She says now that I've worked hard enough to afford a house I should enjoy it in comfort. I just tell her it's more comforting to get the $30-50 energy bills each month than it would be to bask in warmth in the whole house and be paying $250-300. I'm a single guy, I can tough it out to save a buck. :)

I have a sheet, heated blanket, down comforter, and decorative comforter on my bed. If I'm home for extended periods of time in the evenings before bed I just drink hot chocolate or coffee or even hot cider. Helps w/ the chills. lol

theholycow 12-22-2009 04:51 AM

Have you tried more heat to see how much it would really cost? I'm not sure that your $30-50 vs. $250-300 comparison is accurate.

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