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Jim T. 06-24-2010 01:08 PM

After 7 kidney stones in 7 years I'll continue to follow my urologists recommendation to intake enough fluids to have to pee every three hours or less. It's a LOT of water. But after passing even one stone (biggest one started at 34mm before blasting) of 6mm you WILL drink a lot.:eek:


bowtieguy 06-24-2010 02:40 PM

very good Jim. and this is what i was trying to support--water is not a silver bullet, but it does have advantages a study can NOT show. for example, how can a study be done over say 20 or 30 years(or more) to illustrate or disprove the chance that it may decrease illness(or kidney stones)?

too many variables...how can we expect subjects to stay w/ the plan for many years? what about other adverse affects like lead?--water no doubt could not flush out lead poison. what about quality of water?--if said water is contaminated, well naturally it's doing more harm than good.

i typically will consider a study, and decide for myself(if i try it) thru actual experience rather than spinnable facts and studies.

example: i had reached a plateau in my weight training even after constantly changing routines. i decided, after researching that i would try 2 new things(at different times) to stimulate new strength--training legs more consistently and adding creatine to my diet.

results: working legs more into workouts is supposed to stimulate total body strength. for my application, this absolutely works--after a few months i had significant size and strength gains.

i tried adding creatine as well into my diet, again to stimulate strength gains. for my body and application, it doesn't work. now, i'm certain someone out there could find a link to a study that suggests creatine absolutely works and leg workouts and their benefits is just a myth...whatever!

bowtieguy 06-24-2010 02:51 PM

it's all relative anyway. you will try it or you won't. just don't tell me i'm not credible because you think your source is legit and mine is not--that's just childish at best, intellectual dishonesty at worst.

there was another member here that was a type A personality and my opposite that used to bust my chops. he lost so much credibility via personal attacks, and people were asking him to shut up politely. he left shortly after he started a poll to try to ban me. too bad 'cause he was extremely intelligent and crafty in regard to engineering, saving fuel and energy, etc.

i really felt for him after no one initially voted to ban me, so i secretly voted to ban myself so he didn't seem to stand alone and embarrassed.

Nrggeek 06-24-2010 08:06 PM

BTG, I don't think I've been rude to you or anybody else on this forum or tried to belittle anybody. Not sure if that helps any but keep that in mind before you disregard a few comments I have about the thread.

You started by forwarding the quiz you got, basically to see what comments people would make and/or how they would answer. People responded. I looked over the quiz and replied, mostly because I thought you'd appreciate my debt clock reference. Then Darrell provided what I thought were legitimate criticisms of the quiz questions.

Even though Darrell took time to contribute to your thread, and didn't criticize you or anybody else, you replied, "Wrong, again." You criticized his quiz-for-no-it-alls. (I thought it was pretty obvious that they were nonsense, unanswerable questions that would poke fun at a know-it-all.) Then you got all defensive about some quiz you got from who-knows-where in internetworld.

Darrell kept his cool and let it slide. When jmf made the fruit comment, you took that as another opportunity to call Darrell "wrong". I don't blame him for getting frustrated. I'm guessing the "big picture" and "embarrasses himself" comments require the context of previous threads.

Rather than acknowledge that you may have been hasty to brand Darrell wrong, you got even more defensive about previously discussed, unrelated topics and decided to rehash them. (Water, validity of scientific studies.) You presumed to speak for the moderators, and then you accused Darrell of not acknowledging others' views - when the post really wasn't about anybody's views, just the answers to a quiz. And accusing Darrell of lack of respect - talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


since you continue to carry dialogue w/ me, by YOUR definition, my thoughts and views MUST be legit even to you--tho you won't admit or yield in any way, shape, or form
Your reasoning here is bizarre. Just because someone posts to a forum doesn't mean they necessarily think any of the other posters' views are legit. In fact, I usually post only when I disagree with what is being said.

I gotta say, BTG - you sure seem to have a big chip on your shoulder.


GasSavers_JoeBob 06-24-2010 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 152265)
Deer never turn into Elk.

If a car turns into a driveway, is it still a car?

I dunno...there's a whole bunch of Elks near my house...I'm sure many were called "dear" before they became Elk...:)

bowtieguy 06-25-2010 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nrggeek (Post 152346)
I gotta say, BTG - you sure seem to have a big chip on your shoulder.

correct! this guy has done nothing but try to humiliate and discredit my posts since he's come aboard. i revisited my health care thread and was reminded he even attacked Jay w/out provocation--JAY, our happy-go-lucky moderator! i make known from the start that my thoughts and ideas are a compilation of BOTH sides of an issue as well as experience in a matter.

there's an old thread discussing the charter of GS that basically states we discuss ideas and respectfully debate and share apposing views. it is incredibly foolish to believe 1)a link MUST accompany an idea and 2)any one individual retains the only legit sources and thoughts. THIS is his charter!

if you research, you'll find the HE began the humiliation, and even after giving links(which i ALREADY stated my thoughts are based on experience beyond sources) he claimed my thoughts and sources were illegit and/or unsubstantiated.

i've had conservative members here PM me suggesting i continue to let such individuals know where we stand. trust me, there are several that would chime in on this guy(and some have), but want to stay out of it.

i believe the core issue(besides me giving him a taste of his own fodder) is that it's likely we are 2 type A personalities not willing to back down. i can tell you, i've been poor and have overcome the liberal mindset. i'll give someone almost anything i own(within reason), but don't tread on me.

other members that have opposing views to mine in which we debate have civility. two whom i really respect would be JoeBob and Snax(certainly there are more).

so maybe this gives a little indication of the chip on my shoulder. i don't ever recall labeling someone's experiences(or thoughts for that matter) unsubstantiated or not credit worthy. the sad thing is, if this guy ever tries to post about an idea for self help, do it yourself, etc...i'll be reluctant to consider it given his premise to require a source. it's irrelevant i suppose--as i said, we will consider/do it, or we will not.

there are principles and ideas that my father instilled in me that could be shared, but i'll keep to myself for fear that he'd disrespect a great man that lives now only in his legacy. my dad was quite a pioneer--he really did it all as they say. and he did it w/out a formal education.

honestly, my words were not out of spite or vengeance, just wanted him to feel the other side of humility. hopefully he(Sentra) is watching/reading and we'll both put the foolishness behind us.

FrugalFloyd 06-25-2010 10:27 PM

Damn. You do have some serious problems and issues.

theholycow 06-26-2010 02:09 PM

This was emailed to me...nothing new here, but appropriate for this thread:

First question: You are a participant in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Answer : if you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are in second place!

Try to do better next time. Now answer the second question, but don't take as much time as you took for the first question, ok?

Second question: if you overtake the last person, then you are.....? (Scroll down)

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

answer: if you answered that you are second to last, then you are..... Wrong again. Tell me sunshine, how can you overtake the last person??

You're not very good at this, are you?

Third question: very tricky arithmetic! Note: this must be done in your head only. Do not use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it.. Now add another 1000 now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20 .. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for the correct answer.....

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Did you get 5000?

The correct answer is actually 4100...

If you don't believe it, check it with a calculator! Today is definitely not your day, is it?

Maybe you'll get the last question right... Maybe...

Fourth question: mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono, and ??? 2. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Did you answer nunu? No! Of course it isn't. Her name is mary! Read the question again!

Okay, now the bonus round, i.e.., a final chance to redeem yourself:

a mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing his teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Next, a blind man comes into the shop who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses; how does he indicate what he wants?

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

It's really very simple he opens his mouth and asks for it... Does your employer actually pay you to think?? If so do not let them see your answers for this test!

GasSavers_JoeBob 06-26-2010 03:37 PM

First two questions caught me off guard...:)

jmf 06-26-2010 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by JoeBob (Post 152408)
First two questions caught me off guard...:)

Same here. The last three where easy.

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