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ShasO 05-10-2011 06:12 AM

tommyz my fiat 500 says 99.9 when in neutral, and less when using engine braking.

This subject is not clean cut, the scenarios would determine the method to use. Trying to say one way or the other is best is like saying Marmite is 'orrid/lurvely.

I personaly get more mpg from coasting, especially on the flat wher I can coast for 1/4 mile in some areas, before having to decide to brake or slip it back into to get around the roound about.

MMUK has makes a valid point about steep hils though.

Don't forget that turning the engine, either way requires energy.

flyingman 05-14-2011 09:32 PM

Recently installed a an engine analyzer on my 335d. It is the ECO Route by Garmin that connects to the OBCDII port and links via bluetooth to the Garmin so you can see mutiple engine parameters.

Some of those are engine load and air mass flow. Stopped at a red light in Drive I get a slightly higher Engine Load and Air Mass Flow than when I tip it into Neutral. Same goes for the A/C being turned on or off.

So, definitely sitting in Neutral will save you some fuel, but is it worth it? Depends how much time you sit waiting at stop lights.

SteveYYZ 05-15-2011 04:32 AM

".......cars don't handle well in neutral during sharp cornering maneuvers when the engine isn't connected to the drivetrain."

Now this had me howling with laughter. Take a FWD vehicle, go into a slippery corner and lift off the gas suddenly. You'll go into trailing-throttle understeer very quickly and slide straight ahead. Now try it but dip the clutch (neutral) instead and the car will track right around the corner. Conversely, lift quicly in a RWD in a sharp slippery corner and the car will likely swap ends as the back wheels skid out (trailing-throttle oversteer). The author of the article obviously has no knowledge of vehicle dynamics.

IndyIan 05-16-2011 09:59 AM

It is too bad PM published such a badly written article.

In my experience coasting in N does save gas, unless you need to brake. Then you should use the fuel cutout and leave the car in gear.

PM must be worried about people coasting in N for some reason. Its not like they don't review certain cars because they can break any speed limit in 6 seconds or less...

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