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VetteOwner 09-14-2007 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by ffvben (Post 72339)
don't forget your front brakes, i had my right side caliper hanging up so hard that I could barley spin it when it was on the lift. cleaned out the slide pins and lubed them up, and took the pads off and lubed where they contact. much better mpg now ;) . tho it does seem like your rear could be the culprit

lol sound slike my car when i first got it:D rebuilt calipers for me and problem partially gone! my fronts arent low drag calipers ...kinda weird design:p

baddog671 09-17-2007 10:33 AM

Finally got to my half tank mark and at 47mpg w/ EOC. this sucks!

VetteOwner 09-17-2007 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by baddog671 (Post 72217)
Not much, its screws up my FE. My odometer rolls backwards..

lol sheesh how far do you think you have to go backwards?!?!? you have to get up to like 5 mph in reverse(takes like 1 sec then stomp, forward then stomp.) id rather have a car that stops quickly than a car that can get 50 mpg and cant stop...

baddog671 09-17-2007 03:16 PM

I used to back down my driveway which is 1/20th mile. So, backing down it compensated going up the driveway, so my odo never moved but i still wasted the fuel.

VetteOwner 09-17-2007 04:12 PM

...so you would rather save a penny than be able to stop safely...ok i will mail you a nickel if you will adjust your brakes before you hurt someone to cover your "fuel expenses". btw most newer odometers have a mechanism in them to "disenguage" while going backwards so its harder to prevent odometer fraud.(still can do it if you know what your doing)
you dont need to go super far or fast... i find an empty parking lot and do this, sometimes being able to slam on the brakes several times before i come to a complete backwards stop.

this is when i think saving gas has gone to much overboard when your willing to have an unsafely operating car to save a penny.

baddog671 09-17-2007 05:54 PM

I think you need to go back and re-read the entire thread, you seem to be very confused?

When did I say my car can't stop normally?
When did I say I'm participating in odo fraud?
When did I say I was saving a penny by driving an unsafe car in this entire topic?
When did I say I was going super fast or far in reverse?

Perhaps your reading some other conversation and posting all your thoughts in this one, becuase I see no correlation between your responses and what I have written.


VetteOwner 09-17-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by baddog671 (Post 72638)
I think you need to go back and re-read the entire thread, you seem to be very confused?

When did I say my car can't stop normally?
When did I say I'm participating in odo fraud?
When did I say I was saving a penny by driving an unsafe car in this entire topic?
When did I say I was going super fast or far in reverse?

Perhaps your reading some other conversation and posting all your thoughts in this one, becuase I see no correlation between your responses and what I have written.


i might be on one or 2 but,
this thread is about your cars brakes which might be dragging.

just thought of something else, since you say your fluid is low, it means theres a leak or a very very slow one (depending on how often you check it) the brake light will come on. in all cars nowadays theres a proportioning valve when it senses one half of the brakes pressure drop(a leak) theres a metal piston that will go to the end of that valve and set the warning light off telling you that theres a major problem with your brakes.

i never said you or anyone was committing odometer fraud, i was just saying since when you said your odometer goes back wards then forwards so you go nowhere at all i just generally said there is a mechanism that prevents that so no one on here freaks out and tries not to back up ever again cuz it may take off some fraction of a mile.

lol when you said stuff like "but i still wasted the fuel" and saying I'm barely scraping mpg made it seem to me that you were penny pinching a bit to hard. (my mistake sorry about that)

lol and again my bad, when i said you dont need to go super fast i didn't mean you personally i meant it as kinda general info chunk for people who haven't done brakes and wanna know how to correctly get them adjusted. i gotta say that separately next time...

so all in all sorry as if it seemed like i was attacking ya, its just a misunderstanding on my part/me not telling when i switch from a personal quote to a general thing.;)

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