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repete86 04-09-2007 06:21 PM

Glad to see that some people are reducing waste by making their old products work again! You need it more than the garbage dump does.

BumblingB 04-11-2007 06:59 PM

For the sake of keeping this great thread alive.

A few weeks ago when the thread started I dived in and got some commercial shelving from Autozone's dumpster. Of course I had a lookout who told me when they were dumping as EVERYONE was there to get them. I brought a big trailer and got 16 feet long x 12 feet high worth. Now all the junk that was taking up room in my garage is organized. WooHoo!:thumbup:

Growing up I was truly embarrased when my mother dragged me to garage sales. It always seemed to be some of the best looking girls in school who the sale was being put on by. :o In the end, I taught my kid a little different as she saw all the things I picked up at Goodwill or yard sales and then turned around and sold for a profit OR just kept and used (I showed her how much we saved to buying new). Now she is a junk store junky too, the cycle goes on.

VetteOwner 04-11-2007 07:50 PM

i alwaysed used to love going to garage sales. i think some of my favorite toys as a kid were from there. i still stop off at a few if im near them, or drive by and see what they have. if i spot somehting that catches my eye ill go have a look but if its nohting except little kid cloths and toys and such i usually dont (usually the yuppie neighborhoods are like this as most of the men couldnt figure out how to turn a screw) ive gotten tones of crap from either friends of the family that were just going to throw it away and i said i would take it! lol i got a free running lawnmower that looks like its been thru WW3 yet it starts up every spring (its left outside with whatever gas is in the tank) and i swear its only held together by sheetmetal patches and screws but it still runs and cuts the grass perfect every time

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