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Lug_Nut 01-06-2009 04:12 AM

2009 bike mileage challenge
The 2007~2008 thread was starting to get long. I think it's time for an "annual" thread for the bicycling miles data. And I think calling it a "competition" was a bit too aggressive (that's probably because I didn't have the greatest distance ;)). Since it's the beginning of another year this would be the time to make the change to a new thread for the year.

The data you post in this thread can be whatever you wish.
Some had posted only displacement miles, those miles that would have otherwise been traveled by private auto. Examples are: commuting, shopping, travel to meetings. The bicycle is used as a substitute to an auto as a means of getting to another destination.
Some had included recreational miles, those miles that would otherwise have not been traveled by other means. Examples are: bicycle club rides, training on rollers or wind resistance trainers in your home. The bicycle IS the purpose, and not a means of getting to another location.
There is no 'litmus test' or requirement to a type of mileage for submissions, but in keeping with the intent of GasSavers.org, the desire is to use less fuel. Displacement miles are preferred, but don't worry about separating displacement miles from recreational miles if you have a combination.

And let's open it to ALL human muscle powered transport.
You rowed a boat 10 miles to work instead of taking a cab? Post it!
You ran TO the marathon, and then home again after completing it? Post it!
You roller ski to shop at the grocery store? Post it! and pictures, too!
You loaded your bikes on the car's roof rack then drove 40 miles to the state park solely for a 3 mile bicycle ride? You probably used more additional fuel getting there with the bikes on the roof than the bikes 'saved', but post the 3 miles anyway.
You took a bicycle camping trip instead and left the car home? THAT I definitely want to hear about.

DRW 01-06-2009 08:18 AM

I park a couple miles from work and ride the rest of the way, so count me in for 16 miles per week. I also park about one block away from home so I don't have to waste gas by doing U-turns or idling through a parking lot with a cold engine. It's also quick and easy to get my car rolling on my route.

low&slow 01-30-2009 04:20 AM

First commute by bicycle
Hi, last Tuesday, I did something I had thought about for a while; ride my bicycle to work. My job in Fremont is about 28 miles away from my house in Livermore but there is a Bay Area Rapid Transit ( BART) train station 13.5 miles away in Dublin. The Fremont station is about 1/4 mile away from my office.
So Tues. I rode away to the BART station at 4:30 AM to be sure to get to the BART station before 6:30 AM when bikes are not allowed on the train. The morning ride was cold and dark but I made it in about an hour. There was plenty of room on the train and I got to work at ~6:30 AM. I had left a change of clothes and we have a shower and locker room at work. I left work early since I started early and was home at 5:30 PM. This avoided a ride home in heavy traffic in the dark. I was tired and hungry on arrival but nothing a hot shower and dinner couldn't fix. I'm going to try to do this at least once week.
gas-free miles: 27 by bike, 29 by rail.

low&slow 01-30-2009 04:20 AM

First commute by bicycle
Hi, last Tuesday, I did something I had thought about for a while; ride my bicycle to work. My job in Fremont is about 28 miles away from my house in Livermore but there is a Bay Area Rapid Transit ( BART) train station 13.5 miles away in Dublin. The Fremont station is about 1/4 mile away from my office.
So Tues. I rode away to the BART station at 4:30 AM to be sure to get to the BART station before 6:30 AM when bikes are not allowed on the train. The morning ride was cold and dark but I made it in about an hour. There was plenty of room on the train and I got to work at ~6:30 AM. I had left a change of clothes and we have a shower and locker room at work. I left work early since I started early and was home at 5:30 PM. This avoided a ride home in heavy traffic in the dark. I was tired and hungry on arrival but nothing a hot shower and dinner couldn't fix. I'm going to try to do this at least once week.
gas-free miles: 27 by bike, 29 by rail.

Lug_Nut 02-01-2009 03:38 PM

Not a good month here in the snowy and icy north east.
January's monthly displacement miles is a paltry 61.2 miles.
That includes the 1/4 mile detour to the hospital for x-rays when I fell attempting to bunny-hop across the railroad tracks the morning after yet another snow storm. Just a sprain they say, but 2 weeks later it still hurts.
Here's to February...

Mike T 02-11-2009 08:19 PM

I won't even touch my bike until March and late March at that, it's too yucky out. But I'll be back.

striegel 02-15-2009 09:26 AM

Last year I missed out on a few weeks of riding in the early months due to a pulled muscle. This year I'm ahead of 2008 for bike miles to date (304 miles vs. 250), but since I'm working out of town more than expected, February may be about as light as last year.

Lug_Nut 03-03-2009 03:52 PM

February is over. Good riddance! I think I have more miles on my snowthrower this month than on the bike.

February: 81.34 miles
YTD: 142.54

and my thumb still hurts.

GasSavers_Bruce 03-11-2009 04:29 AM

Logged an average of 8,387 miles over the last 14 years prior to 2009 for a total of 117,420 miles.

January 600 miles, February 621 miles, YTD 1,454 miles total. My current commute is 33 miles round trip.

We've had above-average snowfall this year in Boston Metrowest.

Mike T 03-15-2009 09:26 AM

Well then, you win. I don't think most pro riders do much more distance than that.

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