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GasSavers_maximilian 03-26-2009 09:04 AM

Accent Grille Block Material Suggestions?
You can see that the Accent has two ways to get air through the radiator. The bottom opening seems a good place to start as the fans are in behind the upper. Because there would be quite a recess were I to put a back cover on the lower grille, I think placing something in front may be more desirable. Small screw holes don't distress me and I have a scrap piece of 4x8 plexiglass lying around. Worried about the durability of anything I use down there because of rocks and such. Plexiglass won't stay clear long, and paint will get messed up, no matter what the material is. I don't really want to buy black plastic, but it seems a better strategy. I would need something long, but not that wide (max is a bit less than 5"). It'd be better if it could be one continuous piece, which means a length of a little over 5'. Maybe the edging you see in some gardens? I assume that's got some UV resistance since it's intended for long term outdoor use.

Any other suggestions? Thanks.


theholycow 03-26-2009 09:26 AM

Looks like the same design as my car, with the smallish body-colored upper grille and huge gaping black plastic lower grille.

Here's what my ugly lower grille block looks like:
I made it from coroplast, a popular aero mod material. I used some tinted plexiglas-like stuff (I don't know exactly what it is, I salvaged it) on my truck but took it off after a month or two because of my transmission temperature. I painted my white coroplast with a lot of layers of adhesion promoter, flat black spraypaint, and Plasti-Dip spray. 3,100 miles later no touch-up is necessary.

Someone else on this forum has plexiglas that he painted and used for his upper grille, I think on a Saturn, and it looks great.

GasSavers_maximilian 03-26-2009 09:42 AM

Your block looks really good and is exactly what I had in mind. I'm sure small flaws always look a lot worse to the person who created it. I know the car's paint does OK (well, duh!), but was skeptical of DIY finishes. Thanks.

GasSavers_BEEF 03-26-2009 11:17 AM

plexi-glass all the way.

I would say to cover the top one and see how it does and then cover parts of the bottom one. I discovered that the design of my car makes it get all of it's cooling from the bottom. that is the ONLY reason that I made mine permanent and to cover the entire thing.

I would also get some sort of temp gauge or indicator for the fan. I remember you saying you didn't have that on your car. it may be something easy to add. I wouldn't do it until you got some sort of indicator. you don't want to overheat it.

*edit* you could also use plexi on the top one and mark where the symbol is and cut out a hole for that so that it looks more factory. I did that on my wife's element. it was about the only way I could get her to agree to letting me do it. a pic of it is in my garage under her car "ellie mae"

GasSavers_maximilian 03-26-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by BEEF (Post 130992)
I would also get some sort of temp gauge or indicator for the fan.

Definitely a good idea. I'm actually bidding on that Scangauge II, but don't expect to win it. It would be ironic to pick up a used Scangauge for significantly less than the one I sold. Probably end up with a light (or buzzer) hooked to the fan.

Was just at my hardware store and that garden edging stuff actually looks pretty good. They only had green in stock and it came in 20' rolls, but it's still in the running. Not that I don't love painting and all...

theholycow 03-26-2009 11:46 AM

Did you outbid me? I didn't bid very high and won't go back to add to my bid.

GasSavers_maximilian 03-26-2009 11:49 AM

Lemme check...It's at $52.11. I expect that to shoot up once it's a little closer to closing.

aalb1 03-26-2009 12:11 PM

Wow Beef! That's amazing! I'm sure it's part of the picture angle but I had to go back and forth between the picture and the post to make sure I was looking for a grill block. If it wasn't for the zipties I wouldn't have been able to make it out. Good job with that! https://www.gassavers.org/garage_imag...k915nmt28o.jpg

Jay2TheRescue 03-26-2009 12:51 PM

How about a cheap, black plastic trashcan?



GasSavers_maximilian 03-26-2009 12:55 PM

Within its size restrictions, that's a great option! Does it hold up to UV OK? There's also this plastic place I know in Burlington I should give a call, since I'll be nearby soonish.

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