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benfrogg 12-30-2011 10:56 PM

The price of the pursuit of FE...
So, as many of you know, I drive a VX that is what I'd call "high profile." The modifications I've made to it to increase FE have made it stand out from the crowd in almost all situations. I'm okay with this, but sometimes the attention is not good.

I play music for a living. I drive to gigs with my gear in the VX, unload, play a set, and come out to my car to cool off/relax between sets.

I've had people drive beside me on two lane roads and rev their motor (most often while I'm EOCing!) because they think that I think I've built a "race car." That's easy to shrug off and it's usually pretty funny. I've had notes left on my car, one read, "your car is dope." I took it to mean they liked it, although I think they might have been being sarcastic. I've had people write in the dust/dirt on the glass not nice things like F** (not nice term for homosexuals), etc. Again, somewhat comical, no harm done. I've even see someone finish up peeing on my car (while very drunk, obviously) as I'm approaching it.

Tonight, however, was different. I was actually relaxing on a break listening to "Friday night jazz" on the local Public radio station. 4 or 5 guys came out of the bar to their truck. One of these guys decided to pee on my car.... with me in it! He didn't know I was there, obviously, but man, what nerve!
I got out, and said, "Can I help you?" He said no, and I asked him why he was peeing on my car. He told me he wasn't.
I was angry, but there were 4 or 5 of them and one of me. All of them were bigger than me. Not since high school have I had any desire to be physically violent with anyone...... I sure wanted to when that happened. Oh well, the only thing damaged was my pride. No permanent harm done to the car.

To make matters worse, I'd had a rough day and wasn't feeling good physically or emotionally. This was a nice icing on the cake.

I'm glad I didn't have a meltdown, because that could have easily gotten ugly. This was in a rough part of the state. Any one of these guys could have been carrying a weapon.

Anyway, I needed to vent. People suck. All I want to do is drive my high FE car and be left alone.... Worse yet, this guy wasn't peeing on my car because I like high FE, he was likely doing it because he thought I was a "racer."

silversol 12-30-2011 11:37 PM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
Dont take your safety for granted! I carry a pistol in my car now, I use to never carry but after being shot early this year and paralised i always have it with me! Hypermileing with hand controls sucks!

theclencher 12-31-2011 04:52 AM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
Wow, and I thought the local midwestern rednecks were the biggest idiots/losers. :(

GasSavers_Erik 12-31-2011 06:28 AM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
silversol- very sorry to hear that

Ben- silversol makes a good point. My wife and I have been planning to get our concealed carry permits next month.

Maybe a few extra large gassavers bumper stickers would help people realize that you aren't a racer. At least they haven't been ripping off/damaging your aero mods.

benfrogg 12-31-2011 09:09 AM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
I sometimes carry a high powered Stun Gun, but have been out of that habbit for a while. I think I'll keep it with me from now on, in case a situation such as that got ugly. At least I can drop a guy and get away from them.

Yes, I'm glad no one has vandalized the car... I often wonder if and when that might happen.

Where do I get gassavers bumper stickers? I'd throw one or two on their to get the point across.


GasSavers_Erik 12-31-2011 01:55 PM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
The bumper stickers were available a year or two ago- I don't know if they sold out or if they just aren't openly advertised for sale.

Jay2TheRescue 12-31-2011 07:33 PM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
I don't know of any stickers currently available.

theholycow 01-01-2012 03:43 AM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
Is this guy still doing it?

You could always just set some up at cafepress.

I'm not sure stickers will help. They might reduce some of the unwanted attention from one group, but attract unwanted attention from other groups.

IMO anything that makes you look abnormal will attract attention. Better to be a wolf in sheep's clothing than a sheep (or anything) in wolf's clothing... (Says the guy driving a 32 year old car.)

GasSavers_Erik 01-01-2012 05:03 AM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
Maybe one of those "fraternal order of the police" window stickers would be more wolflike.... But I'm not sure how much you'd need to donate to get one.

Jay2TheRescue 01-01-2012 06:10 AM

Re: The price of the pursuit of FE...
As a general rule, I will write a $25 donation check to just about any charitable organization that asks for one, and when I write a check to the FOP they give me a stack of about 5 or 6 stickers.

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