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Matt Timion 06-30-2006 10:10 AM

GM made a hydrogen car
See the video at the bottom

zpiloto 06-30-2006 10:21 AM

I love the looks of that car:cool:. Matt keep the articles coming you alway find interesting stuff.

LincolnW 06-30-2006 10:36 AM


That truely is amazing!

Is this for real? Does it really run on just water?

Matt Timion 06-30-2006 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by 90CivicStandard

That truely is amazing!

Is this for real? Does it really run on just water?

Yep.. and it costs 5 million pounds, which is around 9 million dollars.

Sludgy 06-30-2006 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by 90CivicStandard

That truely is amazing!

Is this for real? Does it really run on just water?

Hydrogen vehicles don't run on water (H2O). They run on hydrogen (H2). In order to make hydrogen you have to use it from another energy source.

In the lab, it's usually made using electricity, which in turn is primarily made from fossil fuels.

In industry, it's made from natural gas or oil and air, or coal and steam.

Either way, making hydrogen takes as much energy as gasoline. Hydrogen has the capability to be a pollution-free fuel, but it is no more efficient overall than gasoline.

Hydrogen also works fine in a regular engine. Ford built a protype hydrogen powered car with a "gas" engine, rather than a fuel cell. It was ultra low in emissions too.

GasSavers_maxc 06-30-2006 11:33 AM

About 6 weeks ago on a Detroit news tv station. A man had small car using 4 oz. of water to go 100 miles. Of coarse he made hes own electrolysis unit. They didn't say how much electricity he used. The critics laughed, the auto companys are still checking it out?!

The Toecutter 06-30-2006 04:35 PM

Hydrogen fuel cell cars are a cruel shell game...

Compaq888 07-03-2006 12:57 AM

I watched some show where they showed the in and outs of that GM car. It was a long time ago. They said they wanted it in production around 2010.

The Toecutter 07-03-2006 03:34 AM

For the past 40 years, fuel cell cars have been 5-10 years away. Much like they say about cold fusion...

Sludgy 07-03-2006 05:18 AM

I'm a staunch Republican, but I'm also a chemist, so when Duyba Bush funded fuel cells a few years ago, I almost vomited. Who was advising this guy? PT Barnum?

He regained some of my trust when he spoke about PHEVs last January. But EVs, HEVs, and PHEVs need large cheap rechargeable lithium batteries. The technology exists, the raw materials are abundant and relatively inexpensive. China is starting to make big lithiums.

Right now, we're at war with radical Islamists who have the worlds oil. We need mass production of batteries to stop funding our enemy. Why can't Dubya propose tax credits, accellerated depreciation, or outright subsidies to build US production facilities? There are a host of lead-acid battery manufacturers who'd probably jump at the chance for a subsidized "Manhattan Project": Johnson Controls, Exide, Concorde, Hawker, to name a few.

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