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MetroMPG 02-02-2007 10:25 AM

If I disappear soon, here's why:
According to metrompg.com's traffic logs, someone from Exxon Mobil's head office spent over an hour reading my site.

This in the same week they reported a record profit of $39.5 billion.

I hope I'm not on any kind of hit list for freely spreading information that threatens their profits.

Nevertheless, I'm keeping a watchful eye in my mirror for suspicious black cars. (Correction: black SUV's. :D )

Matt Timion 02-02-2007 10:35 AM

hehe... send those guys this way... maybe they'll want to silence me by purchasing the site for a ridiculous amount of money :)

ELF 02-02-2007 11:22 AM

Better keep an eye in the sky too, for a black helicopter:rolleyes:

zpiloto 02-02-2007 11:47 AM

Acutally their probably reading the site to see if they can change the additive and formualtion package of their fuel so that engine mods you've done wont work.:p

Matt Timion 02-02-2007 12:10 PM

Metro, do you have an IP address I can check for in my logs? Should be fun.

diamondlarry 02-02-2007 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion (Post 39506)
Metro, do you have an IP address I can check for in my logs? Should be fun.

Yeah, they may "plant" someone to join and go over the memberlist.:p

MetroMPG 02-02-2007 12:43 PM

Nope, sorry. (The freebie stats service I'm using only shows details of the last 100 visitors, and Exxon visited a couple of days ago.)

Silveredwings 02-02-2007 04:41 PM

FUD isn't enough any more. Hey, besides the ministry-of-truth being run out of the Cheney shop (they've extorted, er, I mean influenced half of government scientists to delete mentioning global warming in their publications), ExxonMobil is offering $10,000 to any scientist who will denounce the recent publication about the causes of global warming. Now why would those nice folks at that angelic corporation want to go and do that? ;)

cfg83 02-02-2007 05:40 PM

Silveredwings -


Originally Posted by Silveredwings (Post 39539)
FUD isn't enough any more. Hey, besides the ministry-of-truth being run out of the Cheney shop (they've extorted, er, I mean influenced half of government scientists to delete mentioning global warming in their publications), ExxonMobil is offering $10,000 to any scientist who will denounce the recent publication about the causes of global warming. Now why would those nice folks at that angelic corporation want to go and do that? ;)

10 Grand could buy me some kool MPG saving contraptions. Now, to get them to believe I am a scientista. After I am paid, I can leak out info about my lack of qualifications and thereby sabotoogy my agit-prop.


rh77 02-02-2007 07:28 PM

That's just low
What on Earth could they be interested in? No offense Metro, but there seems to be a disconnect between interests :rolleyes:

They're probably getting all the info they can to quell future behavior to slowly take over the world! ...or just make more money.

Their new commercials just grind my gears -- like they care about public transportation...

If you're reading this Exxon/Mobil: I quit buying your oil and won't stop at your gas stations (for over a year now).


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