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Bill in Houston 07-14-2007 07:09 AM

Threads Ripe For Piling On
Hi everyone.

It seems like the new favorite pasttime for this board is ganging up on people who aren't living up to one's personal standards.

I know not everyone can read every thread. So, I started this thread to let everyone know when a there's blood in the water in a certain thread, so that everyone can go pile on.

People who will be singled out and abused include the following:
-People with long commutes
-People who drive SUVs
-People who drive pick-up trucks
-People who just plain ask too many questions
-Others to be named later

So without further delay, I'll get started.

This guy may have been completely run off, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure:

This thread contains people with SUVs AND people with long commutes:

That's all I can find right now. I'll add others as I notice them.

zpiloto 07-14-2007 07:53 AM

Don't forget this one. It's one of my favorites.

It's amazing how folks come on here and ask questions and their whole way of life is attacked because they don't live up to someone elses standards. Everything except the question is answered. If life was only that black and white. One of the reason I'm not visiting as much any more.

Thanks for posting Bill.

Snax 07-14-2007 09:00 AM

Well the one inescapeable fact about internet discussions is that there will always be people with differing opinions more than happy to offer it in a multitude of ways.

As general rule, I try not post anything that I would not feel comfortable saying to a person's face. So while I may be critical of excessive commute distances and vehicle choices, I wouldn't stand around listening to whining from uncompromising individuals in person either.

I try not to be rude, but I also try to admit it when I am. Your point is well taken Bill, but soft pedalling the truth isn't necessarily helpful either.

skewbe 07-14-2007 09:28 AM

And the truth is that "personal lifestyles" can have profound impacts on other living things. Yay that some can and do protest the abuses and the wasting of limited resources by others.

We are all, afterall, interconnected.

Snax 07-14-2007 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by skewbe (Post 63534)
We are all, afterall, interconnected.

That is so lame. The wombat is obviously lip synching. Plus everybody knows that wombats speak Klingon anyway.

omgwtfbyobbq 07-14-2007 12:46 PM

Oh, I drive a pickup truck and I'm probably to be named later! And Bill, all yer mileage is belong to me. :p

diamondlarry 07-14-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bill in Houston (Post 63508)
Hi everyone.

It seems like the new favorite pasttime for this board is ganging up on people who aren't living up to one's personal standards.

I know not everyone can read every thread. So, I started this thread to let everyone know when a there's blood in the water in a certain thread, so that everyone can go pile on.

People who will be singled out and abused include the following:
-People with long commutes
-People who drive SUVs
-People who drive pick-up trucks
-People who just plain ask too many questions
-Others to be named later

So without further delay, I'll get started.

This guy may have been completely run off, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure:

This thread contains people with SUVs AND people with long commutes:

That's all I can find right now. I'll add others as I notice them.

Bill, thanks for bringing this up. Keep it up. When Matt first started this site, I told him that to keep the site effective, this type of thing has to be avoided. I understand that some people may have made bad choices(jobs, homes, cars, etc.) but the fact that they came here to ask for help is a good sign. The guy in the first thread you mention probably won't be back and that is bad. Now he won't be trying to do anything to improve his situation and will probably be totally turned off to the whole FE thing all together. Come on people, guys like this are the ones that need to improve the most and running them off is probably the worst thing that could be done. It's like a doctor with bad bedside manner: Even if the advice the doctor is giving is correct, if it is give with a crappy attitude the patient's natural human tendency is going to be somewhat confrontational and the advice probably won't be heeded. I happen to agree in priciple with everything that was said but am almost to the point of not being proud to be a part of a group that is so hostile in it's delivery of the "advice." Matt and Rick, I haven't seen much of either one of you lately but you may want to address this soon or there may not be much of GasSavers left or at the least, the growth of the site will stop if this is left alone.

omgwtfbyobbq 07-14-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by diamondlarry (Post 63580)
Matt and Rick, I haven't seen much of either one of you lately but you may want to address this soon or there may not be much of GasSavers left or at the least, the growth of the site will stop if this is left alone.

can i has yer cristel ballz?

Although, to be fair, I have been an a$$hole consistently in at least one thread, and probably a few posts too. Probably because I get pissy when I feel I'm being misled. Everyone here probably has pet peeves, but I don't think a thread or two will kill a forum. I mean, honestly, there's only so much we can talk about fuel efficiency. Imo, given the wealth of info on the board, nearly any poster can simply search and hopefully find everything they'll ever need. From changing the engine setup, to gearing, to extreme aeromods, and everything in between. Just because we don't have as many new posters doesn't mean the sites dying, it just means we're seeing the people who don't know a whole lot about the subject and/or can't use the search well post, while plenty of other people probably just use the search, Luke.

In anything, the best way to determine how successful the site is would the number of hits/searches per day. And Matt is privy to that... Maybe he'll chime in.

Mentalic 07-14-2007 02:52 PM

Lol, well its fun reading anyway! I've only been coming round here a few weeks and I've found the search functions to be very useful and have learned a lot here.
I frequent other forums on varying from boating to gaming where feeding frenzy's are common to just plain not tolerated by the moderators. Posts get deleted and subjects locked, etc... Come to think of it I have never noticed anyone with the moderator badge here?

ELF 07-14-2007 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mentalic (Post 63584)
.. Come to think of it I have never noticed anyone with the moderator badge here?

Dax, and rh77 are mods. As well as Matt.

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