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The Shark 07-15-2007 11:41 AM

Amazing Top Gear Fuel economy Challenge
Jeremy Clarkson of the BBC's Top Gear performs a gas mileage test in an Audi A8 TDI. He manages to drive it 800 miles on about 20 gallons of fuel. I want one.
Part 1

Part 2


-The Shark

baddog671 07-15-2007 12:21 PM

Very interesting, good watch. I like how he stressed the basics like no breaks and how to drive on hills. Still, he was just driving normal. No PG, no EOC, no drafting, some electronics, it could have done even better than that. Now I need to get one :D, or atleast convert my car to diesel

Moral of the story, clean out your boots haha...

Hockey4mnhs 07-15-2007 05:26 PM

go audi go!!

The Shark 07-15-2007 07:06 PM

I still think he could have broken 900 miles if he could keep it all on the highway and he used better techniques.

Erdrick 07-16-2007 04:31 AM

"NOBODIES gonna drive like that!" That made the entire episode totally worth it. Haha... man I loved that. If only Jeremy knew of this site... or the many others like it. I half expected him to say, "well, actually there is a group of dedicated people who drive like this on a daily basis, known as 'hypermilers.'" Maybe the Brits don't know about us quite yet.

Bill in Houston 07-16-2007 04:35 AM

I wonder how much fuel it took to fill the tank. It seems that he had gone beyond the nominal 19.8 gallon capacity. He burned about 21 gallons, if he averaged 38 mpg and went 800 miles. His average never really did show over 40 mpg once he got going... Anyway, nice FE for such a large, powerful car.

TANGOJETTA 07-16-2007 07:45 AM

If you vent the tank you can put another 2 gallons in my Jetta TDI. The offical capacity is 15 gallons, but I manage to put in 16.9 gallons once.

korax123 07-16-2007 08:26 AM

That was pretty good. But He should have done more FE minded stuff and he would have done a lot better. But very cool for such a big car.

88HF 07-16-2007 06:43 PM

I love top gear, I agree Erdrick, I was expecting Jeremy to use a real fuel saving technique, but I guess thats not his style.

Snax 07-16-2007 07:06 PM

But how does Stig do with it? :P

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