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GeekGuyAndy 08-12-2007 09:38 PM

Off the grid(s)
I saw another off the grid house yesterday, just had 2 solar panels for all their power. It looked around 1200-1500 sq ft too, two stories.

I met someone who lives off a lot of grids. It was so intriguing to talk to them. They went on a long bike trip as a couple, and decided to try to disconnect from all the grids. No electricity, no cars, no phones, no watches, no money, no tv. He said his quality of life has improved significantly. He told me something like "once you disconnect from a grid, you connect with a natural one". So they bike instead of drive, wake with the sun, grow their own food, talk with people in their community instead of using phones/internet, and the craziest part of it all, he said they paid off a $15,000 medical bill by making a metalworked sculpture.

The best part about this guy was that I met him earlier in the day, and he seemed like a cool guy, but didn't come across as a crazy hippie living in the woods or anything. It made me think about how much stuff is injected into our culture that we would be better without.

Hockey4mnhs 08-12-2007 09:43 PM

Thats awesome stuff when you have no connection with the world as it is now. you start to think about whats really important to you.

01_fast_ride 08-13-2007 09:06 AM

I am so envious of people like that. I imagine myself living that kind of lifestyle several years from now. Think about how he is completely isolated from spikes in energy prices, natural gas, cable/internet bills, gas spikes, food and on and on. Then think about how much of each day you spend working to afford all of these things.

I have a lot of new found respect for these sort of people. Its one thing to talk about doing something, its a whole other thing to actually do it. Great post Andy.

Bill in Houston 08-13-2007 09:32 AM

I always run into questions like "what if I get sick" or "what about when I get old and can't farm anymore". But I do think that there is a lot to be said for tuning out from the synthetic world and tuning into something more natural.

GeekGuyAndy 08-13-2007 12:04 PM

We all talk about things we don't support but still use. Who doesn't support the war in Iraq but still uses gas? I'm sure that's all of us. Next year when I'm out of college my lifestyle will stay mostly the same, except I will hopeully be driving much much less. I would prefer to find a place I can live that allows me to do that, instead of finding a place to live and settling for needed a commute. How many people work to pay for their house and car? Only to drive to work and spend most of the day outside of their house? That's probably 90% of America. I'd rather have a small house, no need for a car, and be able to work less. That's when "quality of life" skyrockets, while gas prices skyrocketing won't matter :D I've spent the last 4 years reading about sustainability, and I'm ready to live it.

kickflipjr 08-13-2007 03:05 PM

Personally, I would rather live near or in the city. If I have a small back yard then I will put a garden in. It is much easier going without a car in the city (especially if you live within walking distance of work).

ffvben 08-13-2007 04:00 PM

I've just seen 2 movies yesterday. who killed the ele. car and an inconvenient truth. makes me want to move and get off the grid. Ronald Regan installed solar panels on the white house, Bush moved in and tore them down. blaa i should of never voted for him.

Hockey4mnhs 08-13-2007 05:55 PM

Hey at least ya voted.

cfg83 08-13-2007 06:12 PM

ffvben -


Originally Posted by ffvben (Post 68211)
I've just seen 2 movies yesterday. who killed the ele. car and an inconvenient truth. makes me want to move and get off the grid. Ronald Regan installed solar panels on the white house, Bush moved in and tore them down. blaa i should of never voted for him.

You mean Carter installed Solar Panels and Reagan tore them down.

If we'd had another 4 years of Carter, it's a good guess that we'd be in much better shape energy-wise.

And the winter sweater market would be going like gang-busters :D !


BumblingB 08-13-2007 07:09 PM

I was about to rent that yesterday but I'm so busy this week it would be useless to rent it at this time....later though.

Sooner or later I'll have an "off-the-grid" house. I'm getting there. Water pump - septic (someday switching to composting - once I retire) - satellite TV - cell phone (two of which I will not give up)

I want solar panels after the composting toilets which will be after the concrete dome home which will be after the cob art studio; I can go on and on... As far as solar panels, I'm still waiting for prices to go down and technology to go up. We are getting real close


Originally Posted by ffvben (Post 68211)
I've just seen 2 movies yesterday. who killed the ele. car

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