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smwoodruff0908 02-13-2008 03:39 AM

Better mileage tips for Prius??
Hi everyone!

I currently am driving a bone stock 2004 Toyota Prius. I'm looking for more ways to improve my gas mileage. I've heard about the driving techniques such as pulse & glide, and "stealth mode", and I'm currently working on improving on those, but that's it so far. Does anyone have any input on the best speeds or techniques to use P&G? And if there are any other gas saving techniques I can try?

Are there any aero mods anyone has done, or would do to a Prius? Any other mods or tips for best milage? I keep the car clutter free on the inside to reduce weight. Does anyone know if removing the window-shade-vents thing would reduce drag at all? I'm talking about those aftermarket plastic vents that go at the top of the window so you can open them a little bit without rain or snow coming in. Thanks in advance!


palemelanesian 02-13-2008 05:49 AM

The window shade things add drag.

If you're in a cold place, you can take foam pipe insulation and stuff it into the front grille. This will help the engine warm up faster, and retain that heat better. Warm engine = efficient engine.

Your car is already one of the most aerodynamic cars out there. It'll take something major to really improve on that. More effective would be to adjust the "nut behind the wheel" - driving technique. ;) I'm getting mid-50's in a 12-year-old car with no major mods. Grille block, tire pressure, and a Scangauge. You already have a built-in gauge on yours.

smwoodruff0908 02-13-2008 06:36 AM

Yes, it is really cold out here in IL. I was going to block off the grille, to make a little more aero, and to warm up the engine quicker. It seems whenever it gets to single digit temperatures here the car doesn't get really warm at all, even with the heat blasting for 20 min drives. I need to inflate the tire pressure more, too. How much over the Max psi is still "safe"?

palemelanesian 02-13-2008 07:18 AM

Note that by blasting the heat, you're taking heat from the engine, and slowing its warmup.

I can't recommend anything above max sidewall (usually 44 psi). But I myself have mine at 55. I know others who go even higher.

JanGeo 02-13-2008 08:40 AM

Block off the grill and run the heat on recirculate until the engine gets to hot or the windows fog up inside the car from too much humidity. You should be able to get plenty of heater heat out of that engine with the grill blocked off even in single digit temps. I did the same on my xB and saw great mileage (mid 40's) in single digit temps and had too much heat in the cabin (190degree engine) driving slowly. Had to open up the grill block a little to keep from overheating.

GasSavers_Pete 02-13-2008 02:35 PM

Steve ,
Have a look at a site called "Autospeed" www.autospeed.com and use the search facility for info on modding your car for both better economy and performance.
The site is free.

When you search use "Toyota Prius" not just Prius which will not give you any results.

There are a a couple of good articles on improving airflow which should be of interest.

Cheers , Pete.

GasSavers_Pete 02-13-2008 02:40 PM

Nearly forgot...this site is also worth a look www.siliconchip.com.au
The site is for an electronics magazine "Silicon Chip" and features an article on a 100 MPG Prius project car.

Cheers , Pete.

k8crd 02-13-2008 08:17 PM

You should also look at acetone, xylene, and torco gp7 as a gasoline additive mix!


palemelanesian 02-14-2008 06:34 AM

I think you should not look at acetone et al for additives. I have seen no controlled tests that confirm anything. Plenty of "well, I put some in, and I got better mileage!" claims, but when real testing happens, the gains disappear.

bestmapman 02-14-2008 08:57 AM

Look at this site priuschat.com it has a lot of good info.

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