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Wayneburg 05-11-2008 03:48 PM

Psychological Ways of Saving Fuel
I'm making a list of psychological ways of saving fuel.

-Hypermiler Student Driver
What do you usually do when you see a Student Driver car on the road with you? Well, I usually give them plenty of room and would probably dismiss any of their irregular road maneuvers to being a student driver.

One factor that seems to have a big impact on fuel saving techniques is other drivers' perceptions of you and your driving techniques. From what I've read, one of the big reasons some fuel saving techniques, such as pulse & glide or simply driving much slower than the rest of traffic, are not employed is what other drivers think of the hypermiler.

What would happen if your car had stickers that read:
Hypermiler Driving School

This car makes frequent stops

Other drivers on the road with you would probably do the same thing you or I would do if we saw a student driver on the road. They would dismiss all of your 'driving techniques' as you being a student driver. This would allow the hypermiler to use his/her fuel saving techniques without the fear of enraging their fellow motorists.

This is one of those "thinking outside of the box" kind of ideas that I usually get flamed for. So I'm ready for it. Just make sure whatever fuel you're using to flame me is used in a fuel efficient manner.

-Tell Them What Speed You Roll At
Do what user DifferentPointofView at Ecomodder.com does. He put a sticker on his bumper that reads: https://forum.ecomodder.com/emgarage-...5a3a5e30dc.jpg
He says people pass him without any problems. Plus the sticker keeps him honest.

-Let Everyone Know
Post your best miles per gallon on the outside of your car. Hopefully someone will ask you how you are able to get such good fuel savings and you can turn someone else onto hypermiling.

Post Your Goals
-Your Best and Worst
Post your best and worst miles per gallon records on your dash. This will hopefully accomplish two things. It will keep that goal constantly within your vision and it might cause your passenger(s) to ask you what the numbers mean. You'll tell them your goals and they will probably want you to meet those goals. Hopefully they will want to enter into a friendly hypermiling competition with you.

-Motivational Posters
Put motivational posters on your dash or behind your sun visors.

Use Your Stereo To Save Fuel
-Slow the beat down
Listen to slow paced music. Hopefully this will keep you driving slower. It doesn't have to be classical or opera. There are slow songs in every genre of music.

-Take your mind to another clime
When it's hot outside listen to an audiobook that has a story set in the cold. You will be mentally taken to someplace cold and hopefully use the air conditioner less. Conversely, listen to stories set in the heat when it's cold outside.

Teach your passengers
Teach your passengers about hypermiling. Hopefully they will use some of your teachings in their own cars.

Can you think of other psychological ways of saving fuel. This can be ways that effect other drivers psychologically or yourself.

Rayme 05-11-2008 04:51 PM

This would work..or a obviously large "baby on board, slow down."

fumesucker 05-11-2008 05:46 PM

Great idea..

But actually, hypermilers hardly ever stop. ;-)

Project84 05-11-2008 05:53 PM

search for my recent post asking where I could locate "GET OFF MY *** I'M SAVING GAS" bumper stickers.


Psychologically though, I just pay EXTRA attention to all other cars around me, I'm a car-nut anyway. I seem to drive nearly as a regular person when there are no other gas-saver type cars around me, but when I spot a lowered civic with side skirts w/o a fart-can muffler (possible hypermiler!) or any hybrids, I get jealous and focus more on my technique to improve my FE.

1993CivicVX 05-11-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by fumesucker (Post 99209)
Great idea..

But actually, hypermilers hardly ever stop. ;-)

you could change the last line of the bumper sticker to "this vehicle rolls [or blows] through stop signs."

EH3 05-11-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Project84 (Post 99210)
search for my recent post asking where I could locate "GET OFF MY *** I'M SAVING GAS" bumper stickers.

i love it.

i listen to death metal/metal/grind core/hard core. always and loud. and i am ~44% over epa ratings in my car. music has nothing to do with it.

Wayneburg 05-11-2008 06:07 PM

I added three more to the list.
-Post your best and worst miles per gallon
-Let Everyone Know
-Motivational Posters

Wayneburg 05-11-2008 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by EH3 (Post 99213)
i love it.

i listen to death metal/metal/grind core/hard core. always and loud. and i am ~44% over epa ratings in my car. music has nothing to do with it.

Not everyone has the same psychology. That's the beauty of this. You can pick and choose the items from the list that work for you. And since these are psychological they usually cost nothing and weigh nothing.

fumesucker 05-11-2008 07:09 PM

Bumper stickers are easy to make..

Print it out on your color printer, get clear adhesive shelf paper and put the printout between two layers with the sticky side facing the same way so you can use the adhesive on the back layer to stick to the car.

It won't last forever, inkjet ink fades fast usually, but they're cheap so you can replace 'em whenever you like.. A roll of shelf paper will make a lot of stickers.

soletek 05-11-2008 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by fumesucker (Post 99225)
Bumper stickers are easy to make..

Print it out on your color printer, get clear adhesive shelf paper and put the printout between two layers with the sticky side facing the same way so you can use the adhesive on the back layer to stick to the car.

It won't last forever, inkjet ink fades fast usually, but they're cheap so you can replace 'em whenever you like.. A roll of shelf paper will make a lot of stickers.

Maybe I should use your idea and make a bumper sticker for the following reason: The last time I had the CRX VX out I was hypermiling up the interstate and happened to look in my rear view mirror to discover a long line of cars doing exactly what I was doing. I slowed down a couple of times to confirm if they were hooked on. They followed me for miles. And, yes, they could pass me if they wanted. I know they weren't drafting because that only works for mosquitos with the CRX.

I might need a bumper stick that reads: DONT FOLLOW ME, YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH GAS

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