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GasSavers_BEEF 06-06-2008 07:33 PM

crude going up WAY UP
I heard a rumor that a barrel of crude went up over $10 today.

did a search on yahoo and it said $11 in 24 hrs.


101mpg 06-07-2008 04:52 AM


More importantly unleaded gas went up 21 cents wholesale. There was a 16 cent drop the other day though, and we saw a 7 cent drop in gas prices yesterday at the pump. I look for a quarter jump by Monday as a result of this, though.

Wholesale gas usually goes down on Thursdays and up on Fridays, as a trend.

Look for gasoline to keep climbing until it puts the country in a depression.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 06-07-2008 07:32 AM

You mean until "they" run out of numbers to fiddle to show we're not in a depression? :D

bowtieguy 06-07-2008 01:50 PM

there's irony if the economy does move into a depression because the environmentalists(and congress) will not allow for domestic drilling of oil.

wood burning (cooking), killing of animals for food, looting, murder, stockloading guns, etc...everything the left is presumably aposed to, will be escalated.

GasSavers_Randy 06-07-2008 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 104525)
there's irony if the economy does move into a depression because the environmentalists(and congress) will not allow for domestic drilling of oil.

We use about a quarter of the worlds' oil, 60% of which is imported. Since we produce 10% of the oil on the planet, we should drill 10% of the wells, right? But we don't! It's not even close! It's the fault of the wacko greens!

It's not close because we drill half the wells on the planet. For May we were over 60%. This is the Baker-Hughes count that doesn't include onshore China or Russia. Still easily half.

The US was an oil giant, from the world's first oil wells to the Texas fields that rivaled Saudi Arabia's. But we were also the first to get drilled out. You see, after you pump out a few billion gallons, it stops flowing so easily. Production has been dropping since '72, and it will never ever get there again.

I am SO tired of this meme. We drill more than anybody. If you want somebody to blame, blame the planet. It's the one that dried up.

bowtieguy 06-08-2008 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Randy (Post 104575)
If you want somebody to blame, blame the planet. It's the one that dried up.

NO sir!, i put the blame squarely on the consumer. unfortunately, altho some practice conservation, others do not. how many people have traded their gas guzzlers and/or slowed down? not enough, to be sure!

arbitrarily speaking, IF the US cut its consumption significantly, other countries growing need(lust) will still cause a crunch.

the planet is (nearly) dried up? REALLY? so the reports of deposits in alaska, the midwest, beneath ocean floors(off of coasts, north pole, etc)areas...need i go on? these reports are simple propoganda?

i'm all for alternatives, but environmentalists propogate...

nuclear power is unsafe, wind mills kill birds, solar panels are expensive, electric(batteries) is difficult to recycle. see where this goes? these same enviro people and the congressmen they lobby are out of touch w/ reality and not affected by the high price of fuel.

YES, let's prepare for the future(clean power). but let's also take care of the present. economies revolve around oil right now.

if a fully electric car was mass produced tomorrow, how many people could afford one? not me!

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 06-08-2008 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 104631)
wind mills kill birds,

Just thinking about that, it seems to me that misguided insistance that the windmill blend into the environment might be to blame... if you put it on a nice big concrete or gravel pad, instead of allowing natural scrub to grow right up to the base. Then there wouldn't be any rodents for the raptors to be too busy looking for when they fly into the blades.

theholycow 06-08-2008 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 104631)
YES, let's prepare for the future(clean power). but let's also take care of the present. economies revolve around oil right now.

Agreed...there's no future without a present.


if a fully electric car was mass produced tomorrow, how many people could afford one? not me!
The Chevy Volt has officially been approved for production, and will run a 40 mile range without having to use its onboard generator. It supposedly will be on dealer lots for the 2010 model year and under $30,000. I was planning to buy the new $22,000 30mpg V6 Camaro, but the math may work out for me to get a Volt for another $8,000 instead. If only I could get a Voltmaro...

quadancer@bellsouth.net 06-08-2008 10:21 AM

Hydrogen is looking good as a present-day additive as an alternative to water injection, but now there is research to this new plasma technology producing massive amounts of hydrogen...guys, we are on the forefront of some awesome new developments, and it may not be long before we get rid of fossils...IF we can get by the powers-that-be and their lust for money off of everything!

bowtieguy 06-08-2008 11:40 AM


found this AFTER my last post. it seems that someone "in the know" confirms my view as valid.

altho other factors are involved,we must decrease demand and increase supply while working on alternative energy. the article does stop short of proposing new drilling however.

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