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civic_matic_00 06-18-2008 06:48 PM

Al Gore is doing his "part" in saving the planet
Energy Guzzled by Al Gore?s Home in Past Year Could Power 232 U.S. Homes for a Month
Gore?s personal electricity consumption up 10%, despite ?energy-efficient? home renovations


NASHVILLE - In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former Vice President?s home energy use surged more than 10%, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.

?A man?s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,? said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. ?Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.?

In the past year, Gore?s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.

In February 2007, An Inconvenient Truth, a film based on a climate change speech developed by Gore, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature. The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore?s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household.

After the Tennessee Center for Policy Research exposed Gore?s massive home energy use, the former Vice President scurried to make his home more energy-efficient. Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and overhauling the home?s windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more electricity than before the ?green? overhaul.

Since taking steps to make his home more environmentally-friendly last June, Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month ?1,638 kWh more energy per month than before the renovations ? at a cost of $16,533. By comparison, the average American household consumes 11,040 kWh in an entire year, according to the Energy Information Administration.

In the wake of becoming the most well-known global warming alarmist, Gore won an Oscar, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, Gore saw his personal wealth increase by an estimated $100 million thanks largely to speaking fees and investments related to global warming hysteria.

?Actions speak louder than words, and Gore?s actions prove that he views climate change not as a serious problem, but as a money-making opportunity,? Johnson said. ?Gore is exploiting the public?s concern about the environment to line his pockets and enhance his profile.?

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based free market think tank and watchdog organization, obtained information about Gore?s home energy use through a public records request to the Nashville Electric Service.

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I think Al should return the Nobel Prize.

Kohote 06-18-2008 07:36 PM

Yep, this guy is a genuine fraud. The only reason he has all of a sudden cared so much about the environment is for is own benefit.

4bfox 06-18-2008 07:59 PM

Come on guys, remember: Al's a politician. He's only doing what he learned in Washington from Bill and Hillary.

You know, concoct a "crisis", then sit back and reap the rewards. Kind of like the oil "crisis".

opelgt73 06-19-2008 03:07 AM


In the past year, Gore?s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.
I'm no fan of Gore but I hate when stats are skewed like this. They are comparing his yearly usage to the monthly usage of the average home, to make it "seem" worse. It is really more like 19 times the average home usage, which is still bad but you wouldn't say "OMG this homes yearly KWH usage could power 12 houses for a month!!!"

Jay2TheRescue 06-19-2008 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by 4bfox (Post 106811)
Come on guys, remember: Al's a politician. He's only doing what he learned in Washington from Bill and Hillary.

You know, concoct a "crisis", then sit back and reap the rewards. Kind of like the oil "crisis".

There's no crisis... We can have as much as we want as long as we pay the going rate for it.


bowtieguy 06-19-2008 12:22 PM

perhaps someone should write a book about the man's life.


how 'bout "An Inconvenient Goof!"

VetteOwner 06-19-2008 05:12 PM

LOL just goes to show you ALL politicians are corrupt...have yet to be proven wrong

ihatemybike 06-19-2008 06:27 PM

So America's champion of the environment thinks you should do all you can to reduce your energy consumption, but wastes several times more than any of us. He must be really concerned about global warming. Sorry Big Al purchasing carbon credits does not an environmentalist make. Your a crock and so is your science.

hybriDatsun350 06-20-2008 09:23 AM

I love reading articles like this. We all know how much of a lier Gore is, and I hope we can make this known to those who are ignorant to the fact!

trollbait 06-20-2008 12:51 PM

According to their release from a year ago, Gore's home used 221,000kWh.
So 213,210 is a 10% increase over 220,000 now?

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