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mrmad 04-06-2009 12:37 PM

California Catalytic Converter Laws
A bit of pain in the future for those of you in CA with older cars, and for the rest of you who don't live here, I guess you can be thankful. My CRX needs to pass smog tests this year and after a few pretests and troubleshooting, the cat needs to be replaced to pass emissions. That would be fine, but on Jan 1, 2009, the wizards in Sacramento passed a new law banning the majority of aftermarket catalytic converters. After Jan 1, a cat you can buy in the other 49 states cannot be sold to CA. Because of this, I went from buying one to fit my CRX that would have cost ~$275 to one at the dealer for $592. (and then add the new 10-11% sales tax, and the doubling of the registration fees to that!).

The new law also bans the sale of used cats, forces autoshops to verify that the old converter really needed to be changed, and the serial numbers logged. I'm all for clean air and can handle replacing the cat, but this seems pretty ridiculous. The link below is for the CA air resources board discussing the new law, and though I didn't spend more then about 15 minutes looking through there, the one thing I couldn't find is why they needed this new law. If there is some issue that the aftermarket cats do not have the quality the OEMs ones do, then the car wouldn't pass the emissions tests. Seems to me, another idiot on the state's payroll decided to create a new law that costs the tax payers more money, creates more govt spending enforcing therse new laws, and does nothing.

Thought I needed to vent some anger (or need to move soon), so thanks for reading.


GasSavers_maximilian 04-06-2009 01:48 PM

Do you think this is this also possibly an effort to encourage people to upgrade to newer (hopefully cleaner) vehicles? Does CA have any credits or taxes or anything else already to push that agenda? Just curious.

mrmad 04-06-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by maximilian (Post 131773)
Do you think this is this also possibly an effort to encourage people to upgrade to newer (hopefully cleaner) vehicles? Does CA have any credits or taxes or anything else already to push that agenda? Just curious.

If it is, I don't know if encourage is the correct word. It may be part of the agenda, as banning cars beyond a certain age would certainly not be popular, but making older cars too expensive to fix is a way to do it.

CA smog laws are interesting, since if a car is over 30 years old it is finally exempt from the smog tests. So a 71 Buick would be allowed on the roads and I need an OEM cat to keep driving mine.

101mpg 04-06-2009 02:22 PM

I certainly don't advocate doing anything illegal but I know that some people would travel out of state and purchase one from a neighboring state and install it themselves. Having previously lived in California I know what damage lawmakers do. Remember they don't use older vehicles - they buy new ones at taxpayer expense every year or few years. (Who do you think pays their salaries to pay for their Hummers & such?)

California wants to clean up the air, but they ignore the fact that a "polluting" CRX puts out less POUNDS of waste each year than a properly tuned Hummer. The laws are out of touch with reality. The big new gas-guzzling SUVs do more damage to the environment than smaller older cars.

Personally I want to take a vehicle that came with no cat on it (say a 1973 Honda Accord) and turn it into, piece by piece, a CRXish vehicle, but do it in a way that it puts out no more pollutants without the cat.

The lawmakers also ignore the fact that the additives they mandate (at lobbyists' behest) pollute more than purer gasoline. Lobbyist is a legal word for someone who makes bribes constantly.


Jay2TheRescue 04-06-2009 03:52 PM

Its a federal law that prohibits the sale of a used converter. I tried to by a used one for my old Pontiac wagon eons ago and nobody would sell me one. I had an exhaust leak on the bottom of the cat. I ended up paying a welding shop $10 to crawl under the car and weld it shut.


theholycow 04-06-2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by 101mpg (Post 131775)
California wants to clean up the air, but they ignore the fact that a "polluting" CRX puts out less POUNDS of waste each year than a properly tuned Hummer. The laws are out of touch with reality. The big new gas-guzzling SUVs do more damage to the environment than smaller older cars.

...and then there's the pollution caused by the energy used in disposing of the old car (it takes a lot of energy to recycle a whole car) and in building a new car (it takes a huge amount of energy to build and deliver a new car).

bowtieguy 04-06-2009 04:22 PM

one key word and one key phrase were the highlights(or low point) for this "reasoning."...

"agenda" and "out of touch", enough said?

theclencher 04-06-2009 04:42 PM

and "California".

Jay2TheRescue 04-06-2009 05:07 PM

I totally agree with that HC... I always point out that maybe my buick doesn't get the mileage of a new car, but there also isn't the environmental impact of manufacturing a new car to deal with either. The average person would have had several new cars in the span that I have owned that car.


DRW 04-06-2009 07:01 PM

This worries me since I had to replace the cat on my car a few years ago. I got it online. There were no serial numbers or paperwork. I hope I dont get hassled at my next smog check.

mrmad 04-06-2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by DRW (Post 131795)
This worries me since I had to replace the cat on my car a few years ago. I got it online. There were no serial numbers or paperwork. I hope I dont get hassled at my next smog check.

I don't think you will. First, the smog check stations are just checking to see if the cat is there, it's the repair shops that have to ensure the new ones they replaced have date codes after Jan 01. It's when you have to replace the one you just got that you will not be able to buy one online.

bowtieguy 04-07-2009 03:58 AM

florida's governor has been rumored to push for bringing back safety inspections while adding a california-type smog test to it.

safety inspections might be a good idea. get the bozos that have car fires, wheels falling off, and such, off the road.

theholycow 04-07-2009 04:22 AM

Safety inspections don't help prevent fires and wheels falling off. They help prevent people from driving on worn tires, on worn brakes, with a cracked windshield, or with dead brake lights.

palemelanesian 04-07-2009 06:34 AM

Why are they mandating the means, and not the end? Who cares what's in there, as long as it is clean?

theclencher 04-07-2009 09:10 AM

Because they have too much time on their hands? It's not like there are any REAL problems to work on, are there??? :rolleyes:

mrmad 04-07-2009 09:17 AM

You should see one of the latest idiotic things the CA ARB is considering . . . banning black cars. Due to all the heat dark colored cars absorb in the sun, black cars are a "major" source of global warming, didn't you know? Actually they claim they are not banning black cars, they just want new paint formulas by 2015 that won't absorb as much heat. Think of how much this will add to the cost of cars? And last time I flew over LA I remember most of the ground being covered in asphalt which I'm sure causes far more "global warming" then black cars.

Maybe they'll give me a green credit since the Rex-O-Saurus is white?

bowtieguy 04-07-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 131809)
Safety inspections don't help prevent fires and wheels falling off. They help prevent people from driving on worn tires, on worn brakes, with a cracked windshield, or with dead brake lights.

i was very young when safety inspections were required in florida. i thought there was a visual inspection of fluid leaks and front suspension/steering components.

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